Always and Forever

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After a long morning of stressful council meetings and other various duties, I knew exactly where the King would be at this moment in time, which is where he always ventures to in order to unwind and seek respite.

Me: "Loki?" I call out when I am unable to find him at first.

Loki: "Up here, Valanya" his voice echoes through the empty library from one of the upper levels.

My eyes meet his from afar and I quickly walk over to one of the long winding staircases to go to him. I could hardly wait to tell him about my day.

Me: "Apologies if I am interrupting you".

Loki: "Not at all. How was tea in the gardens with your mother and father?"

Me: "It went rather well. I wish you could have been there with me. They now know of our engagement and were quite pleased to hear of our union".

Loki: "As was my brother when I informed him earlier today. I feel terrible that I was unable to join you this morning. The absent fiancé is hardly the impression I hoped to give them".

Me: "As nobles themselves, I am certain they are more than understanding. Your role is of great importance and often requires a sacrifice of your time".

Loki: "I sometimes fear that you may be left disheartened if I were to ever neglect my role as husband and foolishly take your love for granted".

Me: "No matter how much two people love one another, married life will never be without it's obstacles. It is how we will overcome those obstacles together which will make our marriage strong".

He smiles at my words of reassurance and kisses me gently. As always, my body is overcome with eagerness the moment his lips meet mine.

Me: "We have yet to make love in the library" I playfully remind him.

Loki: "Is that what my insatiable Queen desires?"

Me: "It is. We did say that we would pick up where we left off this morning after all".

Loki: "If that is the case then you will no longer be needing this" his whispers seductively in my ear.

Without warning, his arms reach around me and swiftly tear open the back of my dress before he proceeds to remove it entirely, leaving me in nothing but my undergarments.

He then picks me up in his arms and carries me over to one of the large wooden tables which is cold against my exposed skin.

Me: "Are you not concerned that someone may hear us?"

Loki: "Believe me when I tell you this, my love. By the time I am finished granting you pleasure, the entire palace will know who your screams belong to".

The King then begins to undress himself in front of me while I look on with unbearable anticipation.

That is when we are suddenly interrupted by the sound of the library doors being opened.

Guard: "My King, are you there?"

He raises a finger to his lips as a warning for me to remain silent until he can get the guard to leave.

Loki: "Yes?"

Guard: "Prince Thor has been searching for you. Shall I inform him that you are here in the library?"

Not wishing the King to leave so soon, I slowly but firmly caress his already hardened length with my hand, which causes him to give me a devilish grin.

Loki: "No. Tell my brother I will meet with him later today. The future Queen of Asgard, Princess Valanya and I will be otherwise engaged until then".

I halt my movement in utter shock at his words. Surely the whole kingdom will have heard of the fact we are to be married by nightfall?

Guard: "Congratulations, my King".

Loki: "However, there will be no noble gathering at the palace to officially announce our engagement. The future Queen wishes for all of the gold that would have been spend to be shared fairly among the people. Also, as an early wedding gift from her future husband an especially generous donation will be made to the orphanage in her name".

He knew from a previous discussion we had only days earlier that I had enjoyed the music, dancing and food. On the other hand, I also believed that the gold spent to provide it to only those of noble blood was a waste.

Guard: "Will there be anything else?"

Loki: "Yes. A flagon of Asgard's finest ale is to be delivered to every household in the kingdom so that all may celebrate this night".

The King is proving to me how much I mean to him by showing his more generous side, but I believe he can do better.

Me: "And?" I whisper quietly and continue my movements to spur him on.

Loki: "After dinner, all of the palace servants are permitted to take leave of their duties to allow them to join in the celebrations" he groans.

Guard: "Are you quite certain?"

Loki: "I am. That will be all".

The sound of library doors opening and closing once more lets us know we are finally alone again. His mouth latches onto mine swiftly, unable to control himself no longer.

Me: "I suppose that is it then? The entire kingdom will know within the hour I imagine" I say breathlessly with a smile once his lips leave mine.

Loki: "Are you happy?"

Me: "With you? Always".

I release my grip on him and raise my hips while he slowly slips my undergarments down. He never once allows his eyes to venture from mine as my body trembles with want for him.

Now down on his knees, he takes his time, sensually kissing the bare skin of my inner thighs while my core painfully aches the longer I am forced to wait.

Loki: "I am your eternal servant, Valanya, and I bow down only to you. Tell me what it is you long for and I shall grant you all your hearts desires".

Me: "You, Loki, only you".

He briskly rises to his feet and wraps both of my legs around his waist. My body welcomes him as I grip onto the edges of the table, watching the space between us close as our bodies unite once more.

There is little time wasted and the sounds of our vigorous love making soon echo through the otherwise vacant library, with neither of us caring who may hear.

Over and over I call his name, begging for the sweet release I so desperately crave.

Loki: "You're glowing, Valanya" he announces suddenly.

I pull my focus from him and inspect myself, only to realise that my skin is in fact luminous at this very moment, now bright enough to be reflected back by his own flawless, pale skin.

Even with this unexpected occurrence, we do not allow it to distract from our persistent need for pleasure as his thrusts continue. He seems to quite enjoy the effect his body is currently having on mine.

All rational thoughts and self restraint that remained evade me the second his hand reaches between us and teases my sensitive, yearning core.

I call out his name one last time with reckless abandon while waves of pleasure course through me. If the King's love for me is as vast as an ocean, then I would gladly descend into the depths and allow it to consume me.

With his last remaining, lust fuelled motions, he comes undone and is utterly spent. Even still, he watches over me while the magical radiance of my skin gradually fades away until it is gone completely.

As exhausted and exposed as we both are, he carries me over to a nearby chair and holds me affectionately on his lap while we take a moment to bask in the ambience of it all.

Loki: "I love you, my Queen'.

Me: "And I love you, my King".

Always and forever.

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