Glad Tidings

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They follow me back to the King's chambers and once we enter, I show them the book that led to my unexpected return to Asgard. After showing them the page with my mother's picture on it, they are utterly astounded by what this all means.

Ruth: "So this means...?"

Sara: "We were serving alongside a real princess?"

Ruth: "I would like to point out the fact that I guessed that your mother was royalty first" she sniggers.

Sara: "Wait, if this is your family then that means you are the sole heir to a throne and rightful ruler of an entire realm?"

Me: "Yes, yet I can never claim it without potentially endangering myself and others. It also seems that I have magic, although it will take some time to master it".

Ruth: "Light elves are said to be incredibly powerful beings, especially those in your family".

Sara: "Do you think that is what the light was?" she asks Ruth quietly.

Me: "A light?"

Ruth: "After the ritual, your Jotun skin became a cocoon of sorts. Once it began to break, there was a white light shining through the cracks that became so bright that it was impossible to look at".

Sara: "When the light faded we found you on the floor as you are now, but the Queen Mother had never mentioned the light being a part of the transformation beforehand".

Me: "The Jotun blood inside of me had caused my magic to lay dormant my entire life, so it may be possible that it came back all at once?"

Ruth: "I suppose that could be true. Come now, let us at least let us help you pick out a dress for dinner".

Sara: "She should wear the pale yellow dress this evening".

Me: "Princess Milea will be there. Would it not be distasteful to attend now that the King and I are now courting?"

Ruth: "She would never behave jealously towards you, she is hardly Princess Dahlia" she laughs.


I arrive at the grand hall for dinner later that day to find the King sitting there by himself having arrived first.

Loki: "You look beautiful".

Me: "And you look rather handsome as always".

Milea: "Valanya!" she exclaims giddily when she enters.

Me: "It is wonderful to see you again".

Loki: "The Princess Milea and I have already spoken about your presence here, Valanya".

Me: "You have?"

Milea: "I am so happy for the both of you, I truly am. The King has told me everything".

Me: "Please, tell me you are not sending her home to her father?"

Loki: "Of course not, my love. There are no rules to state that the King of Asgard cannot court two princesses here at the same time".

Milea: "That means we will get to spend a lot more time together".

I see the King rolling his eyes in annoyance at the thought of having to share me with others. When Thor enters shortly afterwards with Jane by his side, they look positively beaming with joy.

Thor: "Brother, we come here this evening with glad tidings. Jane and I are with child".

Loki: "Wonderful news, brother!"

Thor: "I only wish that mother and father were still with us to share our joy".

Loki: "As do we all".

Thor: "We wish to throw a celebration here to make an official announcement, with your blessings of course".

Loki: "Anything you wish".

The King's eyes soon fall upon me after we all sit down to eat together and I already know the reason why.

If an official announcement is to be made, then all the nobles throughout the nine realms must receive an invitation. That includes King Naris himself, along with the royal family of Alfheim.

Possibly due to my striking resemblance to my mother, King Naris had already taken an interest in me the last time we had met.

If a noble of Alfheim were also to notice our striking similarities, it may be a great risk to my safety.

Loki: "Perhaps we should throw a masquerade ball?"

Thor: "I like that idea, brother".

He holds my hand under the table and continues to look at me with deep concern. If he were to accept the invitation then I may not be able to resist the urge to speak with King Naris.


When the meal is over, we walk back through the gardens together. There is an obvious tension between us that he cannot help but address.

Loki: "So what is your plan exactly?"

Me: "I have not thought of one yet".

Loki: "You can hardly slip your mother into polite conversation without raising his suspicions".

Me: "Then I will do whatever is necessary to gain his trust and get the information I need. Unless you would much prefer that I pay a visit my father on Jotunheim and ask him?"

Loki: "Do not be ridiculous".

Me: "You are behaving like a fool".

Loki: "And you are being stubborn".

Me: "I should strike you as I did once before" I say while quickly marching away.

Loki: "Go ahead, Valanya. I will not attempt to stop you. Take all of that hatred you harbour for Naris out on me and be done with it" he seethes and grabs my arm to stop me from walking any further.

Me: "Put me down this instant!" I scream at him when he lifts me up, throws me over his shoulder and carries me back to his chambers.

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