Part 6 - High School

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Noelle texted me Friday after I saw her in class asking me if I wanted to come over her house. She said that her mom was working overnight and the only person that would maybe be home was one of her brothers.
Does she want to fuck me? Is that why she wants me to come over?
I knew I wanted to hangout with her, so badly. And get to know her on a more than friends level. But I knew I wasn't ready to take that next step with a girl. I just...couldn't yet.
I wasn't sure how to explain to my mom where I was going. I didn't want to lie- but I also didn't want to have to tell her anything about Noelle yet, considering how confused I was. So I didn't. I told her I was going to Priya's. And she believed me, no questions. I felt kind of bad- my mom is really cool about a lot and wants me to be very open with her. But I just couldn't about this yet.
I knew I didn't have to dress to impress. I was just going to be going over Noelle's house. I put on black leggings and an Adidas hoodie. But I still decided to straighten my hair, and put on some makeup. Yes, I wanted her to find me attractive.
Once again I was nervous on my way to her house. But this time- I knew something might happen. So it was a mix of nerves and pure excitement too.
When I got to her house she greeted me at my car and I walked with her into her house. I walked behind her- she was wearing a pair of tighter black joggers with her t-shirt, and I could see that she had a nice ass. And I had no shame in admitting it.
"My youngest brother is here. But don't worry, he won't bother us. He is eating pizza right now but he will just be playing video games in his room for the rest of the night." Noelle said, walking into the kitchen.
A lanky boy with shaggy brown hair was sitting at the table that was cluttered with dishes. He was looking at his phone and eating a slice of pizza. "Kyle, this is my friend Harley. We are going to be hanging out." Noelle said to him.
Kyle looked up. He waved to me. "Hi. You can have some pizza if you want."
"Do you want pizza?" Noelle turned to me.
"I'm okay right now. But thank you." I said. I was feeling too nervous for pizza. In a good way.
We walked out of the kitchen and Noelle said, "Want to go up to my room? We can watch some TV or something."
"Sure." I nodded.
Or something. Was she going to try and fuck?
I kept thinking that as we walked up the steps and into her room. Noelle sat on her bed, and patted the spot next to her, insinuating that I should sit next to her.
She turned to me. She had on her glasses, which I found to be really cute. I noticed she also had a stud in her nose, which I hadn't noticed before.
But I couldn't help myself when I flat out said to her, "Is this just going to be a hook up to you?"
Noelle's eyes widened and she laughed, "What?"
"I'm sorry. When you asked me to come over, it made me think that you were just trying to fuck me or something." I said, feeling myself get red.
Noelle chuckled and shook her head. "Harley, I'm not like the dudes you were probably with before who just wanted to get you up to their bedroom to fuck you. I actually really want to get to know you."
"You do?" I asked her.
"Of course I do. I...I like you. I think you're really interesting. You have a personality I just want to be around. You're strong. And not to mention, you're really pretty too." Noelle looked down, and then up at me.
I could feel my heart beating, fast. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Can I say something that's going to sound weird?" I said.
"The weirded the better." Noelle said. She was sitting on her bed, looking right at me.
"I've had three boyfriends. And I liked them, sure. But I never felt that spark with them, I guess you could put it. But I noticed you the first day of right when I walked into English class. And I felt that spark. That thing that I never felt with any of the guys I've been with." I said to Noelle, feeling extremely vulnerable in that moment. Not knowing how she was going to react.
"Can I kiss you?" Noelle said to me, looking me right in the eyes. "Because I really want to fucking kiss you right now."
Are you really about to do this?
"Yes." I nodded, "Please do so."
Noelle cupped the side of my face lightly, and leaned in. And then our lips met.
It was like nothing I had ever felt before- kissing her. It felt like every kiss I ever had before meant nothing. I felt a fire inside me that I knew only she could ignite.
The kiss lasted a few seconds. And then she pulled away.
She smiled at me.
"Wow." I said.
"I agree." she said, "I should've known you were a good kisser."
"You're not so bad yourself." I said to her with a chuckle.
"I've had a little bit of practice. But Harley...that kiss was really...special." Noelle said.
"I really want to kiss you again." I said to her. My nerves were subsiding, and I just wanted her.
"So kiss me." Noelle grinned.
And so I did. I leaned in, and kissed her with more passion this time. And we kept kissing. She nibbled on my bottom lip, and I felt myself wanting her as I let out a soft moan. We kept on kissing, the heat between us getting more and more intense.
And then we heard her brother yell something. Something very explicit that a 6th grader shouldn't be saying.
"Oh my god. When he plays Xbox he gets way too into it." Noelle rolled her eyes. "Kyle, shut up!" she called to him, loudly.
"Sorry! I got mad." he called back, and we laughed.
"Want to watch some TV?" Noelle said to me, "What shows do you like?"
"Sure. I really like Shameless. That's probably my favorite." I said.
"I love Shameless. That works perfect for me." she said, turning on her TV.
She laid back on her bed, and I wound up laying next to her, and she put her arm around me. She gave me a kiss on the forehead as we laid there, watching Shameless. But I couldn't really concentrate. I just kept thinking about how right this felt- and then I felt hungry.
"You must be hungry. I hear your stomach growling." Noelle said to me.
"I am actually super hungry." I said, "Are you?"
"I could definitely eat. We have two options. I can either cook you something, or we can go get something."
"What would you cook?" I asked her.
"I know it doesn't count for much, since they're insanely easy to make. But I've been told I can make a mean quesadilla. Are you down for that?" Noelle asked me.
"Absolutely. I love a good quesadilla." I said, and we went downstairs. On my way down the steps I saw Priya had texted me asking how it was going. I simply sent back "Good :)"
Noelle took out a bunch of ingredients, and I stood by her as she started cooking on the stove.
"This looks like one fancy quesadilla." I said to her.
"Hey, I told you I can make a mean one." she smiled at me.
"I like being here with you." I said to Noelle. And I meant it- I felt comfortable with her. And I knew I wanted to keep being around her.
"I really am enjoying it." she said, and then leaned in and kissed me again.
She finished up the food, and then we sat down at the kitchen table.
"This is the best looking quesadilla I've ever seen." I said, "I was just expecting a tortilla with some cheese. But this has...caramelized onion, zucchini, and red bell pepper? Looks a amazing."
"I hope it tastes amazing too."
I took a bite, and the flavors melted in my mouth. "It absolutely does. Thank you for this."
"I'll cook for you anytime." Noelle said, and winked at me. I could feel myself get hot as she did. She then looked around her kitchen, "I'm sorry it's a mess here. My mom doesn't really have time to clean at all. And I should probably help her more."
"I wasn't judging." I said, "Don't even worry about it."
We sat in her kitchen for longer, and then I noticed how late it was getting to be. I knew my mom would be expecting me home soon. But I really didn't want to leave. As if she read my mind, Noelle asked me, "I don't want to be too forward. But would you want to sleepover?"
"Yes." I nodded, "I just have to call my mom and tell her. And I'm sorry- she thinks I'm at my best friend Priya's house."
Noelle nodded, "I understand. I won't say a word."
I pulled out my phone and gave my mom a call.
"Hey. Are you coming home soon or sleeping over Priya's?" my moms voice came through.
"I'm going to sleep over." I said to her.
"Okay. Have a fun time, I'd rather you stay over than drive tired. I'll see you in the morning." my mom said.
"Yep, see you then. Love you, bye."
"Love you too."
I then hung up the phone.
"Your mom has a pretty thick Southern accent." Noelle pointed out.
"She's from Kentucky. She hasn't lived there for about thirty years- but her accent never left her." I said.
"Maybe I'll meet her one day. She sounds nice." Noelle said.
"Yeah...maybe you will." I said, and smiled at her. "Maybe I'll meet your mom too."
"If you're so unlucky." Noelle said, and then she got up, "Let's go back up to my room. I'll give you something to change into."
Noelle gave me a big t-shirt, and then she rummages around looking for shorts.
"It's okay." I said, "I can just wear the big t-shirt and my underwear. If you don't mind."
"Oh, I most certainly don't mind." Noelle raised her eyebrows.
"Okay. Good." I said, and then I slipped off my sweatshirt, and sweatpants. She turned around, not looking at me while I changed.
When I was done, she turned back around. "I like how you look in my t-shirt with no pants on." she smiled at me. She was sitting on the edge of her bed.
I walked a bit closer to her. "Is that so?"
"Come here." she said, and I stepped toward her and she pulled me onto her lap, so I was straddling her. And we started kissing. She had her fingers running through my hair with one hand, holding me up my back with the other. I had my arms wrapped around her neck.
I wanted her. I knew I wanted her badly. But I also knew I couldn't take that step yet. But I was willing to go a little past kissing.
Noelle's hand started to wander up her shirt that I was wearing, and she had her hands tracing the top of my lace underwear.
"Can I...?" Noelle whispered, running her hands over my underwear, and before she finished her question, I nodded.
She moved my underwear to the side and started moving her fingers in a circular motion on my clit. And she knew exactly where it was. And it felt good.
"" I said, breathless as she kissed my neck and played with my clit.
"You feel really good." she said back to me.
I could feel myself getting more and more wet and she moved her fingers. And finally- I did something I hadn't done before from fingers. I came. Hard.
" god." I moaned, biting my lip and trying to keep soft so her brother wouldn't hear.
I gave her a kiss. "Do you to do anything to you?"
"Let's save that for another time." she said, "I wanted to make you feel good."
"Mission accomplished." I said, and we laid down in her bed.
Noelle turned and looked at me, "I'm really glad I met you, Harley."
"I'm really glad I met you too." I said.
Beyond glad.

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