Part 17- High School

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"Just be safe you two, okay?" 

Noelle and I had our bags packed and were about to leave to go on our road trip to her dad's house. Juan and my mom were slightly apprehensive about just the two of us going on the long drive, and Juan kept telling us to be safe, but I was just excited and ready to go. 

It was now the beginning of April. It seemed as though each month Noelle and I were together, we kept growing stronger. She was more than just my girlfriend, she was my best friend. I loved learning more and more about her as time went on. And not just the basics, that her favorite food was pizza and her favorite color was green- but how her mind worked, how she reacted to situations, and her aspirations. 

She had been spending pretty much all of her free time at my house. It was like we didn't want to be apart. I had this feeling inside of me- that was small at the moment- but I was fearful would keep on growing as it got closer to September- that our time was limited. Noelle was pretty much set on going to college in West Virginia, and I of course, would never try to stop her. It wasn't exactly even the fear that we would break up either- it was the fear of the unknown of having to be without her. Knowing that she was there, but she was seven hours away. Knowing that everything was about to change. It scared the fuck out of me, but I felt like it was something I shouldn't reveal to Noelle- at least not yet. I didn't want her to feel any guilt for doing what she wanted. 

Noelle was going to drive the first three and a half hours and I was going to drive the last half of the drive. We were leaving early- at 9 AM so we could get there at around 4-5 PM. We were going to be staying for three days- from Tuesday until Friday morning. 

"Are you okay? You seem apprehensive. I know you get nervous driving places you haven't before, but don't worry. It's literally nothing but open land out there and I will make sure you don't get lost." Noelle put her hand on my knee as she drove with the other and smiled at me. 

"I am nervous about that, but I also just hope your dad likes me." I smiled at Noelle. I was slightly lying about this. I was getting nervous about asking Noelle if it could be a possibility that I could move to West Virginia after a year- and I was also just feeling apprehensive about how far it was- and knowing that was how far Noelle was going to be from me in months. 

How you know that the person you're dating is right for you- you can spend close to seven hours with them in a car and not get bored or antsy. And when you freak out about getting lost, they drive the rest of the way. Both of which happened with Noelle. Somehow driving that long while with her did not get boring and I did not get annoyed at her- which I knew I would have with anyone else. 

"We are getting super close." Noelle said, as we drove in what looked like the absolute middle of nowhere. We had just passed an very small shopping center- I mean with like four stores- a liquor store, small food mart, hair salon, and paint store. 

"I cannot believe you grew up around here." I said, looking out the window. "Did you not go-"

"Stir crazy? I absolutely did." Noelle said, "I often had to create my own fun. That's not a problem where we live now. Maybe it would be different if it wasn't with my mom there, but I do find myself actually missing how open it is around here." 

"I get that." I agreed, "I honestly could never live in the city or anything like that. I would much prefer a big house with a lot of land." 

"Maybe we will have that one day." Noelle smiled at me. 

Anytime she mentioned future plans, it always made me feel happy inside. Hopeful. But also nervous- because I knew if those things didn't happen, I would feel crushed. 

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