Part 19 - High School

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Prom Night.
I went with my mom and Jade and got a long sky blue dress. I normally wouldn't wear that color- but it brought out my blonde hair and hazel eyes nicely.I wasn't sure if Noelle was going to wear a dress or a suit- but I didn't care.
She showed up to my house for my mom to get us ready, along with Priya. Her parents did not allow her to have a date- even though she had plans with a guy in our grade, Justin Loveless, after prom.
We all wore t-shirts and shorts as my mom got us ready. She did my makeup and turned my waves into luscious curls. She gave Priya a red lip to go along with her fire engine red dress. And I was slightly taken aback- in the best way possible- when I saw Noelle. I had never seen her with a lot of makeup on or her hair done. My mom turned her dirty blonde hair into beachy waves and the makeup made her eyes shine.
My girlfriend was gorgeous.
She wound up wearing a black jumpsuit with a sweetheart neckline and a gray blazer. And to me, she looked stunning.
"Wow. You look...amazing." she said as I walked out of my bedroom in my blue dress.
"Likewise." I smiled, and she took both of my hands in hers. We looked at each other for a moment, and finally Priya said, "Alright lovebirds! Let's go party."
"I can't wait to get you out of that dress." Noelle whispered to me as we took pictures outside, us three girls. We didn't want to go in a big fancy limo with a lot of people. I had my best friend and girlfriend- the only two people I needed.
The school gym was transformed into a 1920's themed extravaganza. I genuinely had fun time dancing with Noelle and Priya under the lights. I couldn't believe I was at my senior prom. High school was over.
To my surprise, I saw my ex boyfriend, Devon, who was in college there with a girl in my grade, Sierra Fontaine.
"Harley! It's so nice to see you." he walked over to me, Sierra following hand in hand with him.
"Hey Devon!" I said, and gave Devon a friendly hug.
I wondered how he would react to Noelle. I then said to him and Sierra, "You two look great."
"So do you!" Devon then looked at Noelle, "Hey, I'm Devon. And you are?"
"Noelle. Harley's girlfriend." Noelle stuck her hand out and Devon grinned and shook it.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you." he said with a smile.
To my surprise, Carter- who was not there with Kayla- came up to Noelle and I as we were about to leave.
"Can I help you?" Noelle asked him, with a slight edge to her tone.
"I wanted to apologize." he said, to my surprise, "For the fall formal. It wasn't right how I acted to you both. Before we graduate, and move on, I just want you to know I am sorry."
Noelle glanced at me. I could tell Carter was being genuine though.
"It's okay." I said, "I appreciate the apology. Water under the bridge."
Priya had gone off with Justin to an after party- but I knew exactly what after party I wanted to go to.
The one in my bedroom. Where Noelle slipped off my dress, started kissing my neck, laid me down on the bed, and treated my body like it was everything she ever wanted. Needed.
Before I knew it, it was a few weeks later and it was time for graduation.
Priya and I got ready together. Noelle wanted to let the two of us just have our time- as best friends to get ready for graduation, and she would meet us there.
"I cannot believe that this day is here." Priya said, in her white gown. She was putting on some lipgloss in front of my full length mirror.
"It's weird. It doesn't feel real." I said, trying on my cap.
"High school was a crazy ride. Could you have ever imagined your life would turn out how it did?"
"So far." I said, "Who knows what will happen in another four years."
Please just let me still be with Noelle.
"I'm expecting college to be even crazier." Priya said, "I hope you know I'm forcing you to take the train down and visit me at least once a month."
"That sounds like a deal to me." I nodded, "I don't know if I'm going to make any friends in beauty school."
"Please, you totally will. I'm honestly scared of if I am going to make friends too. I know I'll have to study a lot, being pre-med." Priya said.
"Dr. Priya Singh. Has a very nice ring to it." I grinned at her.
"And you better believe it will stay Dr. Singh. Because I am the one who got the degree. Not my future husband."
I leaned over and hugged Priya, "I'm so glad you're going to be close."
"Are you thinking about how Noelle is going to be far away?" Priya asked me, concern in her big brown eyes.
"Don't remind me." I said back.
I felt awful for Noelle at graduation. The only person in her family who showed up for her was her younger brother Ryan, who was now going to be a senior. I could tell she was upset. But she was trying to hold it in and stay strong.
My mom, Juan, Jade, Blake, and Brianna were there. Brianna's mom and grandmother were watching my niece and nephew back at my house, where we were going to have a bbq after a graduation.
My family came up to where Noelle and I were standing before we got in line. My mom gave me a big hug, and then she leaned over and gave Noelle and even tighter hug than me.
"Noelle, honey, we are just as much here for you as we are for Harley today." my mom said.
Noelle nodded, "Thank you. I really appreciate that."
"Your brother is here, right?" Blake asked her, "Why doesn't he come sit with us?"
Noelle whipped out her phone, "I'll text him right now to go sit with you guys. He probably has no idea where to sit right now."
The ceremony started with the pledge, the national anthem preformed by the band and choir, and then our Principal started calling off the names.
I stood there in line between the other two boys whose last name started with E as well. I had butterflies in my stomach and my hands were slightly shaky. From nerves, and from all the coffee I had drank. I hadn't been able to sleep a wink the night before.
I was going to be up next. I held my breath as Principal Hayes called out, "Harley Eve Edwin. Who will be attending cosmetology school in the fall."
My family made a lot of noise. I noticed Priya's parents sitting with them as well, clapping for me politely. I smiled over at my family, which calmed my nerves as I walked up to get my diploma.
I wasn't quite sure why- but as I walked up- I thought of my biological parents. My dad, especially. I hoped he was proud of me, wherever he was. I love my family- and wouldn't trade them for the world. But I sometimes wonder what would have happened if my dad got help and it wasn't too late.
I grabbed my diploma from Principal Hayes, "Thank you." I said, and then walked off the small stage that had been set up outside.
I couldn't help but to clap in line when it was Noelle's turn.
"Noelle Emma Thompson. Who will be attending West Virginia University in the fall for Engineering"
Noelle had a genuine smile on her face as she walked up and grabbed the diploma. Then I caught eyes with her and her smile grew.
I loved this girl. So much.
I didn't want anything to change. I knew, obviously, things were going to change.
But I couldn't bare the thought of her feelings possibly changing for me.

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