Part 9 - High School

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I knew I had to tell my mom. I kept on lying and saying I was hanging out with Priya when I was actually going to Noelle's. I wasn't sure if she actually was catching on that it wasn't Priya, or if she was just letting me do my thing. But I was getting tired of lying to her. And to myself.
It was a Friday night in the beginning of November. I didn't have plans, surprisingly. Noelle was going to be hanging out with a couple of girls she had met in another class- and it surprisingly had me feeling slightly jealous. I wanted her to make friends- but I just hoped she wouldn't like one of them as more than a friend. And Priya had a dinner to go to with her parents.
I sat in the kitchen eating leftovers of my favorite- my moms homemade Mac and cheese. I must've looked like I was moping because my mom came into the kitchen, looked at me, and said, "What's up?"
"Not much." I said. Looking at my phone. Hoping Noelle would text me.
"You look upset. Is something wrong?"
"I'm okay." I looked up at my mom.
"I'm surprised you're not hanging out with Priya. You've seemed to do that every Friday." my mom commented. She was standing across the kitchen counter from me.
"She had a family dinner to go to." I said, and then I thought- it's time. Tell her. " hasn't always been Priya I've been hanging out with..."
"Oh?" my mom raised one of her perfect eyebrows. "What's his name?"
"Um, it's not exactly...a him." I said, feeling my heart start to race.
"Okay. What's her name?" my mom said, cool as a cucumber.
"Noelle." I said, "Noelle Thompson."
"How did y'all meet?"
"School." I said, "Are you mad right now?"
My mom surprisingly chuckled. She then walked around and stood next to me. She ran her hands through my hair. "Darling, if you think that I am going to risk losing another daughter for years because they like girls, you are mistaken."
I knew that when Blake didn't talk to her for three years because she didn't accept her sexuality, it was her biggest regret.
"You're okay with it?" I looked up at her.
"I'm fine with it. I just want you to be happy." my mom smiled down at me.
I felt sad for a moment for my older sister. I knew she did not get this reaction. It was much worse. I felt bad that I was the second one to do this, and got a better reaction.
"I feel really lucky that you're so cool with it." I said, "And Juan will be too?"
"Have you forgotten that Juan has a gay brother, your Uncle Manuel?" my mom shook her head and smiled, "You have nothing to worry about."
"Okay. Good." I said, "I love you, mom."
"I love you too, my girl." my mom gave me a hug, "Now, why aren't you hanging out with Noelle tonight?"
"She's hanging out with a few girls that she met at school. She moved this past summer from western Pennsylvania, on the West Virginia border. I- I hate that I'm nervous. But I am." I said.
My mom walked back to the counter across from me. "Why are you nervous?" she asked me.
"I guess I'm nervous that Noelle will like one of them more than me- as more than a friend too."
"Does she seem like the type to stray?"
"No. She doesn't." I said, "I don't think she would do that at all."
"Go with your gut then. Would you maybe want to see her when she is done with them? You should just ask her."
"It may be late. You'd let me go?"
"Of course." my mom nodded.
"Okay. I'll text her." I said.
I felt like I was being pushy, but with my mom there giving me encouragement, I texted Noelle asking if she wanted to hangout after she was done with the other girls.
She texted me back a few minutes later:
Sure :) I should be home by 11:30.
And at 11:27 she told me to drive on over to her house. I felt oddly giddy doing so. I think I just felt free- now that my mom knew.
And when she greeted me at the door, I said, "I told my mom about you."
She smiled- a genuine smile. "You did?"
"Yes. And she reacted really well." I said.
Noelle gave me a hug, and then as I pulled away she held me for a moment, "I'm really happy for you."
"I'm relieved." I said. And then she leaned in and kissed me.
We went up to her room and she laid down on her bed. I cuddled up against her- a spot that was one of my favorites by now.
"How was your hangout?" I asked her.
"It was nice. I hung out with a couple girls in my art class. But honestly...I just kept thinking of you the whole time."
I felt my heart skip a beat, "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course. Anything." Noelle said, and put her arm around me.
"I was worried you were going to wind up liking one of them- like as more than a friend. And more than me" I said, feeling dumb as I said it.
"Hey. Look at me." Noelle said, sitting up. I followed in suit and sat up, looking at her. I got those butterflies in my stomach.
She's so pretty.
"I'm looking at you." I said, and gave her a small smile.
"I really like you, Harley. I am not looking for anyone else. I finally feel like I found someone amazing. Who I can talk to freely. Be my authentic self around. Tell about my family issues. I was just hanging out with those girls as friends. In fact, I told them I really liked someone. And I wanted to ask her something." Noelle said, looking in my eyes.
I could feel myself getting hot, "What did you want to ask?" I swallowed.
Noelle took my hand in hers lightly. "I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend. Officially."
I could feel myself blush like crazy. "Really? You want to make it official?"
"Yes, of course. And I hope you do as well." Noelle looked down, and then back up at me.
"Of course I do." I said, breaking into a smile. I leaned in and kissed her. My girlfriend. My girlfriend.
We started kissing more. And then she pulled away and said, "I kind of want to treat you how a girlfriend would. If you know what I mean...but only if you're comfortable with it."
I knew what she meant. She wanted to fuck me. Use her tongue. Do more than use her hands.
I nodded. I was ready.
It felt very natural, as we kissed and I laid down on her bed. She leaned over me and started kissing my neck, and kept doing down. As she got lower she pulled my pants, and then underwear off.
I realized this was the first time she was going to see me fully naked, as I took my bra off.
"You're so pretty." she said, and kissed on my lower stomach as she made her way down lower.
I wanted her. Badly. And felt myself get wet as she kissed on my inner thighs.
I audibly gasped as she put her tongue on me. Exactly where I needed it to be. And she knew exactly what she was doing.
It was better than anything I had done with a guy. She seemed to want to explore my body- really take care. Not just have it be a leeway to sex. This was sex.
She grabbed on my thighs as I felt myself go over the edge.
"Fuck!" I moaned as I finished.
I laid there for a moment, breathless. She made her way back up and laid down next to me. She smoothed my hair back and gave me a kiss.
"I could do that all day." she said.
I gave her a kiss back in response.
"I'm really glad you're my girlfriend." I said.
"Me too." she smiled at me.
And it felt right. That feeling that I had been missing with every guy I'd been with- I found it in Noelle.

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