Part 13- High School

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"I will kick anyone's ass who even dares to fuck with you today." Priya said this to me in the car as I drove us to school. It was the day after going back from Thanksgiving break, and I was truly not looking forward to it- especially if Carter had told people about Noelle and I.

"I definitely believe it." I chuckled as I drove into the school parking lot.

"I mean it. Let anyone fuck with you. Just let them see what happens." Priya said, "Promise me you'll send me a text if you need me?"

"I promise. Though I can hold my own." I said.

The day started off normal. I was expecting to see people staring at me, or snickering at me. But nothing happened at the first part of the day. When I walked with Noelle to our first period class, nothing happened. Even when I was in my third period class with Carter, he completely ignored me, as did I to him.

It wasn't until the end of the day that something finally happened. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach all day, and it came into fruition right after last period. I had been checking up on Noelle all day- ever since what happened with her mom. I was going to walk out with her to her car after last period that day, and I stood by her locker, waiting for her to leave her last period class- Physics. It always ran slightly late due to the amount of work.

I noticed Kayla Steele- the girl who was Carter's date, as well as another tall girl with red hair, in the hallway, looking at me. I saw Kayla lean over, say something to the other girl, and then laugh. Even though Kayla was a year younger than me, I had a couple classes with her throughout my years in high school- elective classes such as gym and art. She was always obnoxious, rude, and I completely avoided her. She seemed to be the type that was addicted to drama. She also always seemed to have something for a new guy. I knew guys liked her- with her long, honey blonde hair and thin frame with large boobs- but as my mom always says, "pretty on the outside gets erased by ugly from the inside."

Noelle walked over to me finally, looking cute in her thin red hoodie with a plaid shirt over it and black joggers. "Hey. You look distracted, is everything okay?" she walked over to me. She looked like she wanted to lean in and give me a kiss, but I knew we were still both hesitant to do that in school.

"I'm fine. It just looked like that bitch Kayla was over there laughing at me." I said to Noelle as she opened up her locker and grabbed her bag.

Noelle glanced over at her, "She is definitely looking at us. Let her come over and bother us. It won't end well."

I wondered what she meant by that, and I figured I was about to find out when Kayla and her red-haired friend came walking over to us.

"So it's true? You're dating?" Kayla said, standing in front of us, almost blocking our way.

"I would think so, considering you caught me and Harley making out at the dance." Noelle said, not even looking at Kayla and her tag-along.

"What's it to you?" I added. While I was not a fan of confrontation, I knew to not let anyone walk all over me. While my dad was many things- he was never the type to not stand his ground. That is something he taught me.

"Oh, nothing." Kayla chuckled, with a smug grin on her face. She was wearing a low-cut black shirt with a giant cross necklace- that was one thing I knew about her as well- she was "religious". As in, she preached the ways of Jesus, yet acted like a bitch to everyone.

"Well, obviously it isn't nothing if you're over here bothering us." Noelle turned around and finally looked at Kayla and her friend.

"It's just wrong. That's all." her friend spoke up.

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