Part 53- Present Day

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I knew my mom would be the hardest person to break it to that Noelle and I had gotten married. A few days after we did, we went to my parents for dinner.
My mom asked me if I wanted to go dress shopping next week. She said she had found a boutique about forty minutes away that had some gorgeous dresses.
I glanced at Noelle. And Noelle gave me a barely visible nod, indicting I should tell her.
It was me, Noelle, my mom, and Juan at the table.
"Mom...that actually won't really be necessary." I said.
"Why?" my mom slightly narrowed her eyes at me. Juan was looking at me too, as he took a bite of his chicken.
"Because you're already my mother in law!" Noelle said back.
And I was grateful that she was the one that ripped the bandage off. I was nervous about it. And she took it upon herself to do it.
"You two got married?" Juan asked us, his voice sounding surprisingly happy.
"We did. We got married." I nodded.
"When? Oh my god!" my mom said.
"This past weekend- on Friday." Noelle said.
"You know what- I'm too happy for you girls to even be mad!" my mom said, and stood up. She put her arms out for us to give her a hug. First I did, and then Noelle did. She hugged my mom tightly. Juan then proceeded to hug the two of us.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to walk me down the aisle." I said to him.
"I wasn't even thinking about it. I am just very happy for you." Juan said.
When we sat back down, Juan said to Noelle, "I want to tell you- when you and Harley were seniors in high school, one day she seemed upset. I asked her what was wrong- and she was worried about you going to college in West Virginia. And I told her, if it was meant to be- it would work. And I am so glad it did for you two."
"So am I." Noelle smiled at him.
"So, can I still throw a party for you two? We can just have it here. It'll be small." my mom said.
"Of course." I said, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Wonderful!" my mom clapped her hands together. I will start my planning.
And a month later- on a Saturday night in April, was mine and Noelle's wedding party. Except- we didn't tell anyone that we had gotten married. We were going to surprise everyone that it was for our marriage. It wasn't going to be a big party- Noelle was excited though- her dad, Mary, and three brothers were going to be coming- she told them that we had gotten married. They were thrilled for us.
A few hours before the party, I was deciding what to wear, and Noelle had walked up the steps from grabbing the mail down below. She was now able to go up and down the steps completely by herself- she didn't need my help anymore.
"Hey, I got a letter in the mail from Drexel University." Noelle said, setting the letter down on the kitchen counter.
"Do you think it's an acceptance letter to their nursing program?" I asked her.
"I'm about to find out." she ripped open the envelope. She took out the letter inside and skimmed over it, and her eyes got wider as the letter went on.
"Is it good news?" I asked her.
"Great news, actually." she put the letter down, "I got in. And with a full scholarship. To start in August."
"No way!" I went over to her and gave her a kiss, "Congratulations, my love."
"Thank you." Noelle said, her arms around me, "I guess you're going to have to get used to seeing me in scrubs."
"Oh- that I won't mind. You're going to look sexy in scrubs." I said.
"Is that so?" Noelle said softly, and then she kissed me. And then moved her lips lower to my neck.
We had just started having sex again a few weeks before since her accident- and we still had to take it easy- but, I mean, she didn't injure her tongue.
"Oh yeah. The thought of you in them kind of turns me on, not going to lie." I said.
"Well, let me get some practice in first by doing a full body examination on you." Noelle said, and she somehow made it sound really hot- and not weird in the slightest.
I didn't even care that I had my outfit laid out on our bed that I picked out as Noelle shoved it aside and pushed me lightly onto the bed.
"Fuck, I want you." she said, pulling down my workout shorts that I had on.
It was amazing to me how after all this time I was still just as sexually attracted to her. And she still showed me while fucking how much she still craved my body.
I grabbed onto her hair as she went down on me, and I eventually came.
"Round two?" she said as she came back up.
"No, we can't have a round two! I have to get ready for the party- we both do!" I said, "You can guarantee though that your turn will be later."
"Not if I want it to be your turn again." Noelle said, getting up.
Typical top.
I wound up wearing a simple little black dress that was cinched in at the waist and had short sleeves. I put my hair up in a sleek ponytail.
This party wasn't going to be big by any means- it was going to be my parents and Jade, Noelle's family, Blake, Brianna, and my niece and nephew, Olivia, Josh, and Landon, Priya and her husband, and Brianna's mother- Maureen, her husband, and Brianna's grandmother, Vivian, and her husband. I also decided to invite Tessa, who was going to bring along her husband, Chris.
My mom had food catered from a BBQ place that Noelle and I loved- she couldn't cook for that many people. But she set up the dining room beautifully. She had brought down a bunch of extra chair from the attic, and she decorated the room with fairy lights and flowers. It was perfect.
Everyone started arriving- and everyone seemed very happy to be there, but even at one point, as Brianna was giving me a hug she asked, "I am so happy to be here. But why are we having this dinner?"
"We just wanted to get everyone together." I said to her.
"What, did you and Noelle sneak off and get married or something?" she said jokingly.
Before I could say anything- my face must've given it away.
"You did, didn't you!" she said.
"Do not say a word, I swear." I said.
"My lips are sealed." Brianna said, and then she hugged me again, "Congratulations. You and Noelle are amazing together." she said softly.
My mom set up the food buffet style in the kitchen, and eventually everyone sat down at the table. It was really nice seeing my family interact with Noelle's. At one point I also couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw Noelle's second oldest brother flirting with Jade.
We all were a bit squeezed at the table- but that didn't matter to me.
"Everyone, I'm so happy that you all could come." my mom stood up and said to everyone, "But you're all probably thinking- why in the world did I ask everyone to come here for a dinner party tonight?"
"Yes, that did go through our minds." Raj, Priya's husband, joked.
"Well, I want you all to congratulate the two brides- Harley and Noelle- on their marriage." my mom said.
Everyone paused for a moment, and looked at Noelle and I.
"You got married??" Priya was the first to speak.
"We sure did." I smiled and nodded.
Everyone in that moment started cheering and saying their congratulations. Before we could start eating, we all were moving around again, and everyone was coming up to Noelle and I giving us hugs.
"When did you get married?" Olivia asked me, holding Landon. I was standing with her and Priya.
"About a month ago." I said.
"You bitch!" Priya said jokingly, "How could you get married and not tell us?"
"Noelle and I wanted it to be our little secret." I said.
"Well, I am beyond happy for you two." Priya gave me another hug.
"If I can think of a pair that is truly meant to be- it's you two." Olivia said to me.
And I thought about what she said for a moment.
She was right. After everything Noelle and I had gone through- we had come out stronger. Together. Married. Nothing in the world could keep me apart from her.
She was mine- forever.

A/N- Thank you so much for reading! For now, the last chapter of this story, an Epilogue, will be next. This has been such a joy to write this story. ❤️
My next one, "Complicated" will be out right after this one ends. It is a girlxgirl romance, of course. It will have elements of an enemies to lovers storyline, forbidden love, and definitely lots of drama. I hope you all like it ❤️

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