Part 51- Present Day

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Olivia had her baby on March 12th. Her and Josh named him Landon. Noelle, who now was walking better without her wheelchair, and I went to go visit her the day after and meet the baby.
"Look at him! He's so cute." Noelle said, as Olivia sat up in her hospital bed, holding him. Landon was looking around, observing the room.
"Thank you! I'm pretty biased but I think so too." Olivia said. Josh was standing on the other side of her, and he smiled at Noelle and I.
"He's so little." I said, "Look at those little toes."
"He was only 6 pounds 2 oz, which is smaller." Josh said, "I can't get over how tiny he is too."
"How are you feeling, Liv?" I asked her.
"Sore, but that is to be expected. But I'm just so over the moon. The happiest I think I've ever been." she said, smiling down at Landon.
"Is anyone else coming to visit?" Noelle asked.
"Gabriel said he was going to stop by soon. Is that okay?" Olivia said, looking at me.
"Of course." I said.
It was so weird to think I could've been in Olivia's position if I hadn't decided to end my pregnancy. And it would be with Gabriel.
Noelle had never met Gabriel, but she knew who he was.
About ten minutes later, Gabriel stepped in the room. He paused for a moment when he saw me. "Hey, Harley. How are you?"
"Good. It's nice to see you." I said. I then gestures to Noelle, "This is my girlfriend, Noelle."
"Nice to meet you, Noelle." Gabriel said, and he stuck out his hand to her. She shook it.
"Nice to meet you, man." she said to him.
The five of us talked for a while in the hospital room. At one point I saw Gabriel looking at the baby. And I just knew he was thinking what I was- that could've been me.
Thanks to talking about it and time, I had gotten better about the sad feeling I had embedded in me about my abortion. But seeing little Landon- it did make me feel a pang of sadness. I wouldn't say regret- but a little bit sad.
Noelle and I left a little bit later. We got in my car- Noelle still had a ways to go before driving- and she hadn't even gotten a new car yet. Her BMW had been totaled in the accident.
"Landon is so cute." she said as I drove, "Is it weird if I say I can't wait to have one of my own one day?"
"No. Because I feel the same. I do want kids." I said.
"I wanted to ask you...if you don't mind. Were you okay seeing Gabriel?" Noelle said to me.
"I wanted to know if you were okay seeing Gabriel, honestly." I said.
Noelle chuckled, "Was it a little weird? Sure. But he seems like a nice enough guy."
"He is nice. I'm glad it wasn't too awkward or anything."
"We were broken up. It goes without saying you were going to probably hook up with other people." Noelle said.
"Or in your case get married to them." I joked with Noelle.
"You got me there." she laughed, "But I'll have you know I only hooked up with one other girl bedsides Elena."
"When was that?" I asked.
"Not long after the divorce. It was just a one night thing. I was really...drunk." Noelle said, trailing off at the last word.
"Hey, it's okay." I put my hand on her knee.
"I know. It's just weird to think about sometimes. All of the drinking. I'm just glad I am moving past it."
"So am I." I said, "I'm really proud of you."
Noelle and I got back to the apartment- which we could now stay at since she was able to walk a lot better. I still had to help her up the steps, but she was gaining back her strength day by day.
We ordered some Thai food for dinner, and sat on the couch to eat. The wooden chairs we had in the kitchen still bothered Noelle's back.
"I know followers aren't a big deal. But I just hit 200k on my Instagram." I said.
Noelle smiled at me, "That's awesome."
"Thanks." I said, "Don't mind me on my phone. I'm just finishing up this story telling people to go follow Olivia's Instagram. Though she's on maternity leave now, she's trying to grow it."
"That's nice of you." Noelle said, "You know- I'm super happy for her. Josh is a really nice guy. Do you think they'll get married soon?"
"I think Josh will propose to her soon. I know she's always been nervous to get married again. But her and Josh definitely will. She wants the whole thing though- a huge wedding, big party. She didn't get that for her first marriage." I said.
"It's overrated." Noelle said, "Though everything happened fast, my wedding to Elena felt like a show. The Elena show. It was fancy, with a lot of people- and I didn't like it. At all."
"Good thing our wedding won't be like that." I said to Noelle, "The smaller the better."
"I'd get married just the two of us if we could."
"Who says we cant?" I said, looking at Noelle. She had a little gleam in her eyes.
"No one really, to be honest. But wouldn't your family be mad?"
"My mom would get over it. Just as long as we had some kind of small party afterwards." I said.
"I know we were planning something. And if you still want to do that- I am all on board. But after everything we've been through, sometimes I just want to say fuck it, go somewhere, and get married. Just the two of us." Noelle said.
"So let's do it." I said to Noelle.
"Are you serious?" her eyes perked up. "Because I am so down if you are. We will just say fuck it and get married."
I stood up and walked toward Noelle. I then took her arm and helped her up from the couch. We stood facing each other.
"I love you, Noelle. And I want you to be my wife. And I'm pretty sure you want to be my wife too." I joked with her.
"Pretty sure. I'd say more than sure. When do you want to do this?"
"Soon. Maybe even next weekend?"
"I love how we are talking about this so causally. Like eh, maybe we'll get married next weekend. Who knows. If we feel like it." Noelle laughed.
I laughed too. "Well, I'll tell you this. It is the most simple decision of my life if I want to marry you or not. Because the answer is so clearly yes."
"So, next weekend. Let's do it."
"Next weekend I'll be calling you my wife." I said.
Seventeen year old Harley would be proud.

A/N: Thank you for reading! This part was intentionally a little bit shorter. There will be a few more parts to this story ❤️ keep an eye out right after for "Complicated." That's going to be a wild ride.

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