Part 11- High School

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"Are you excited to go see your dad?" I asked Noelle. It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and she was at my house. Noelle had met my stepdad as well as Jade.
We were on my bed, laying down, her arm around me.
"Very excited. Not super excited for the 6 and a half hour drive, but I am looking forward to seeing him."
"What's it like where you grew up?" I asked Noelle, "Is it different than around here?"
"A lot different, honestly. Being right outside of Philadelphia, there's a lot around here to do. So many restaurants, stores, places to go. Around where I grew up...not much. Walmart was the hot spot." she chuckled.
"Do you want to live there again one day?" I asked her.
"No. I don't want to have a family or anything around there, especially being married to a woman. But in terms of college, I did apply to go to school around there in West Virginia." Noelle said.
West Virginia?
"Oh, you did?" I looked up at her.
"Yeah. I'm not definite on that's where I would want to go. But they have a really good Engineering program." Noelle said, "And just know that even if we were far apart, we could visit each other. Make it work."
"You think we could?"
"Definitely. I does help that you'll be here. That you're not going to Florida or something for college."
"Do you think I'm dumb for going to school to do hair instead of college?" I asked Noelle.
"No. Not in the least. I think it's very smart, and it's what you want to do. Why would I ever think you're dumb?" she gave me a kiss on the top of my head.
"And you'll have someone who can do your hair for free." I laughed.
Noelle was leaving early Monday morning to drive to her dads for the week. I had to drive Noelle back to her house, she had gotten an oil change in her car before her big drive.
"I just want to warn you- there might be a slight chance my mom is home. She usually tends to leave for work early, but if you do see her- let me talk. And no way in hell will I let her be rude to you. She probably won't really acknowledge you." Noelle warned me.
I could feel myself getting more anxious. From what Noelle had told me, I really didn't want to meet her mom. I knew I was going to have to though at some point.
And as we pulled up to her house, I knew it was that point. Noelle's mom was walking out of the house in her blue scrubs. It amazed me that someone like her was a nurse. I hadn't even seen a picture of her- but Noelle looked a lot like her. Except her mom was blonder- and she was also extremely thin.
"I'll spare you meeting her. I'll get out of the car. I love you, I'll-" Noelle started to say, but then I heard a knock on my window. It made me jump.
Noelle's mom was standing there in front of my car. She motioned for me to lower the window.
"Yes?" Noelle said to her mom.
"You didn't tell me you were going out." Noelle's mom said to her. She didn't even look at me.
"Okay. When do I ever?"
I could feel the tension between them. Noelle really didn't like her mom.
"Well, I would appreciate it if I don't know the person. She is a stranger." Noelle's mom glanced at me.
"No. She is my girlfriend. And she has a name- Harley." Noelle narrowed her eyes at her mom.
Noelle's mom chuckled. "Interesting name."
"Mom. Go away. I'm not going to let you be rude to her." Noelle said.
"Good luck dating my daughter, Harley." Noelle's mom looked at me. "And you're going to have to get yourself dinner. We don't have much in the house." she said to Noelle. Then she walked off.
What the fuck. She was...awful.
"I am so fucking sorry about her." Noelle said. And I could tell she was incredibly pissed off. But the darkness in her eyes. Her hardened expression.
"It's okay. Not the first time someone has commented on my name." I said, trying to brush it off.
"Can you see why I don't like her whatsoever?" Noelle said to me as her mom pulled out of the driveway.
"I most definitely can. Has she always been like that?" I asked Noelle.
"From as long as I can remember." Noelle said, "The only sibling of mine she is relatively nice to is my brother that is a year younger than me."
"I'm so sorry she's like this. Just know you can spend as much time as you'd like at my house."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me." Noelle gave me a grateful smile.
I leaned in and gave her a kiss, "Do you want to go grab something for dinner?"
"I would love to, but I have to get something for my brothers." Noelle said, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm really going to miss you this week. But I'll be home Friday night."
"Want to stay over my house for the night when you get back?"
"Of course." Noelle nodded, and then she opened the passenger side door, "I'll see you later this week. I love you."
"I love you too." I said.
On my way back home I felt oddly sad. And then I felt dramatic for feeling sad- Noelle was only going to be gone for 5 days, yet I knew how much I was going to miss her.
That made me think about college. If she was actually going to be going to school in West Virginia. Would we be able to do a long distance relationship. I knew that I didn't have to worry about that now though- even though I was going to.
When I came home my stepdad was in the kitchen making dinner.
"Hey. Want me to make you a piece of salmon?" he asked me.
"Sure." I sat down at the kitchen counter.
"You look a little down. Is everything okay?" he looked at me.
"Yeah." I said, "It's just that...Noelle might be going to college in West Virginia. And I don't want to sound ridiculous because I've only known her for a few months- but I can see a future with her."
"It doesn't sound ridiculous, mija. When you love someone you love someone. I'll tell you something. My first wife- Camila, we met in high school. And then we were separated for years when I was in the Marines. And we then were married for 10 years after, until she lost her battle to cancer. If it is meant to work, I promise you it will." Juan said to me.
I looked at my stepdad, grateful to have him in my life. I think about my dad sometimes- my biological dad. The tragedy of what happened to him and my mom. But then I remember how grateful I am for Juan and my step mom- my actual mom.
"Love will carry you through." Juan said to me.
Love will carry us through, Noelle.

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