Chapter 29

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Bella's P.O.V:

I was right. I was awake but kept my eyes closed, my hand feeling around the other pillow to see if Harry was still here. It was empty though, there was no one holding me or lying to the left of me.

I don't remember much from yesterday, but Harry came here last night. Harry and I were talking about something, I got piss drunk after my bath but everything else seems like a blur.

I keep my eyes closed, shifting from the right side of the bed to the left. The pillows smell like him, as pathetic as it sounds. I inhale a deep breath, clearing my lungs with the intoxicating scent, sweet with traces of vanilla but alluring from the hints of tobacco.

I try to daze off to sleep again, this time by myself until I hear a loud bang, most likely coming from the living room. My eyes force themselves open, sitting up on the bed from the noise.

It was a loud thud, almost like metal that vibrated against my hardwood floors. My eyes trace the room, looking over to the nightstand which still had Harry's clothes, neatly folded and put aside near the lamp, except my robe isn't there.

Is he in the living room? Wearing my robe?

I move away from the comforter, getting up from the bed as I see the robe on the floor, picking it up.

I am so confused.

My head has pounding ever since I woke up, but I try to ignore it, slipping the robe onto both of my shoulders. I slowly open the door, trying to walk to the living room as quiet as possible. The stove is on, something frying in the pan but no one is there.

The kitchen and living room are combined, yet there wasn't anyone in my sight. I walk closer to the kitchen, resting my hand on the counter as I look over the counter, only to see a half-naked Harry getting up off of the floor.

"What the fuck!" I yell, startled as to why he was on the ground in the first place. My heart is beating dangerously fast as he cackles, "I dropped my ring."

"You scared the shit out of me- I thought you had work today," I breathe out, watching him slip the rose ring back on.

"I switched shifts with someone, you weren't supposed to be up now, I was planning to bring you breakfast in bed," he smiles, making my heart warm.

God, I love this man so much.

"Go back to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's ready," he adds, leaning inwards towards me to peck my cheek, pecking my lips after.

"I heard a loud bang, what else did you drop?" I chuckle, watching his face go red.

"It was a pot... an empty one... and no, they did not damage your floors," he reassures me.

Is it bad that I wouldn't care if he did damage the floors? That's how whipped I am.

"I dropped the pot and then as I was going to pick it up, I knocked over one of my rings on the counter... buttttt, I have a killer breakfast for you so go back to bed!" He waves me off, sliding the ring back on his finger.

"Alright, H, I'll leave you to it," I say softly, rubbing my tired eyes as he pats my shoulder, walking back to the sink. I head back to my bedroom, crawling into bed just to lay down.

This was better than him being gone at work, because at least I know that he's here, in my kitchen making us breakfast. I lay in my bed, closing my eyes as I smile at the thought. The first time he made me food was when we met. It was so weird to me, I expected to leave after we fucked, but instead I stayed over and he cooked me breakfast. I didn't think he was going to be anything other than a quick fuck, to be honest, as harsh as it seems, but now look at us.

Yours - H.SWhere stories live. Discover now