Chapter 33

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Harry's P.O.V:

"We need another exam, head CT and then maybe you can go see Isabella," Ashley taps on my shoulder in an attempt to wake me up, I was still half asleep and didn't feel like getting up anytime soon.

"Just five more minutes," I waved my hand away from her, groaning into the pillow.

"I need to do this on schedule, c'mon," she taps my shoulder once again as I slowly open my eyes, sitting up on the bed.

"I want coffee... and I need to brush my teeth. Shit, and I have to meet her parents," I throw my head back on the pillow, absolutely dreading today other than the fact I get to see Isabella.

"Are you seriously like this every morning? Or just this one? Get your ass up and let me do my job, I haven't slept in two days," she scolds, waiting for me to get up again.

"What happened to good bedside manner?" I find myself smirking from my own joke as she rolls her eyes, checking my pupils with the penlight.

"Ha. Ha. Now tell me, do you remember what happened in the accident? From what Dr. Kenneth wrote, you didn't remember," she says, holding the clipboard.

"I remember now," I deadpan, keeping my tired eyes on hers.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"The driver didn't stop driving, Bella and I were talking when it happened. There was a young girl who came to me for help, we sat on the stairs waiting for anyone to help. The streets were empty, there were only streetlights that allowed us to see what was going. Had no idea my girlfriend was pregnant," I ramble, the moment reliving itself in my mind.

"Okay, that's more than enough. Would you- would you consider seeing your therapist again? I think it would be very beneficial, I know this is a lot to put on you in such a short amount of time," she says, her tone is considerate and I appreciate it, but I'm not sure about therapy yet. I used to go to therapy every week until I stopped about a year ago. My days started becoming longer and I didn't feel like wasting the only free time I had with a shrink, so I cancelled the rest of my sessions.

"I don't know, do I really need a shrink again?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to talk to someone about how you feel? Instead of bottling it up?" She offers.
"I talk to Bella about shit sometimes," I shrug my shoulders.

She's a great listener, I feel comfortable talking to her because she's never looked at me differently. Sometimes when you open up to people, they start to look at you in that way, almost as if you're damaged goods or you need pity and I hate it.

"Yeah but she's also going through something right now, it might be nice to vent to her but it's not a solution. She's not going to always know what to say and then she'll be put in an awkward position. You should really consider it," she says as she goes to the computer, typing in something really quick.

"Maybe. I'll call her, I guess," I decide, lightly tapping my foot against the ground.

It wouldn't hurt to get back into therapy again, if I even find time for sessions.

She also does have a point, there's a fine line between talking to your partner about what's on your mind to burying them with your problems. Isabella and I try to stay open with each other, in the sense where we can feel comfortable talking to each other about how we feel.

Yours - H.SWhere stories live. Discover now