Chapter 30*

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Bella's P.O.V:

"You ready for karaoke, baby?" Harry turns towards me with a smile on his face as we stand outside the doors of the karaoke bar.

"Shut up- Yes !" I exclaim, cupping his face so I can kiss him. He chuckles into my mouth as I feel his hands in my hair, gently tugging from the roots.

"Was it worth the wait?" He smirks, "Yes, it was, c'mon!" I move my hands from his face to lock our fingers together, opening the doors as we walk into the bar.

"Styles, for two," he talks back and forth with the woman at the counter.

After a few minutes, the woman comes out from behind the booth, "Alright, y'all are set to go! Follow me," she leads us to a room in the back.

"You're mine and I'm yours," he whispers as we hold hands, following the hostess. "You're mine and I'm yours," I whisper back, quickly turning my head to peck his cheek with a kiss.

"You can connect your phone to the TV using Bluetooth, allowing you to play any song you want. If you want, you can also use the karaoke machine, it has 100s of 1000s songs you can choose from," the hostess explains, turning on the TV.

"Food and Drinks are included in the package you picked, you can use this tablet to order. Have fun, you two!" She adds as Harry and I take a seat on the tufted sofa. The room is dark red for the most part, but it's also filled with disco lights and bright studio lights on the ceiling. I never expected to be going to karaoke, but I was ecstatic. The first time Harry and I met, we sang our hearts out to "I Wanna Be Yours" by Arctic Monkeys. It was such a surreal memory I was lucky enough to remember.

The woman leaves the room and closes the door behind her, leaving Harry and I alone as he turns to ghost his lips against mine. I lean in, feeling the lip gloss transfer onto his lips as he hums into my mouth, sucking the tip of my tongue. My heart is beating rapidly from the intimate gesture, it just felt different. It was a nice type of different, almost too good to be true. We slowly pull away from each other, Harry standing up with the mic in his hand.

"Pick a song, any song!" He says in a sing-songy voice, flipping the mic in his hand. That overwhelming feeling I get when I'm around Harry only feels stronger right now, making me smile like an idiot.

I take a moment to think, trying to decide which song we should sing together first. We have all night so there isn't any rush, but I'm indecisive.

After a few seconds, I finally decide on the perfect song to start off our night.

"Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, baby," I whisper to him, watching the smirk grow on his face.

"God, I could kiss you forever right now," he turns his attention towards me, making me blush. I get up off the couch, hovering over him to see what he's doing.

I put my hand on his shoulder, standing on the tip of my toes to reach his level, "But first... drinks?"

"I have to drive... unless if I leave the car here and we take an Uber back to your house. I could make Niall pick it up later on or something," he explains, playing around with the settings on the karaoke machine.

"That sounds good. Better to be safe than sorry," I pick up the tablet that had the menu on it, scrolling through the options.

I needed to drink in order to let loose. I don't need my self-consciousness to make me feel bad about myself when I'm trying to have fun.

"I'll get a margarita, what do you want, H?" I show him the tablet with the drink options, "Same thing, order three rounds for the each of us," he breathes out, sitting back on the sofa with the karaoke machine and his phone in his hand.

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