Teasing Taylor

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Taylor finished drying herself off and brushing out her hair before deciding to lurk through some social media. As she scrolled through the pages, she found a video that intrigued her. It was a lady dropping her towel in front of her unsuspecting boyfriend and her filming his reaction. Taylor laughed at first before realizing that she had, in that moment, the perfect set up for this to possibly work. She was still in a towel and her boyfriend was unsuspectingly downstairs. What could possibly go wrong? other than, possibly someone else seeing her naked but that was a risk she was willing to take.

She started recording, checking herself out in the towel quickly in the mirror before walking down the hallway to where Joe was. She closed the blinds so no paparazzi or waiting fans would see them and made her way to him. He was sat at his desk, playing a game, trash talking as best he could into his headset. She watched the small hairs on the back of his neck raise as She got closer. When she was close enough she dropped her towel and waited, it took him a second to notice her. She smiled widely to herself as he took a quick side glance at her, realizing what was happening after a second look. His mouth hung open as he dropped his controller to the desk. She laughed, watching his reaction as well as the shakiness of his demeanor. His mouth hung open.


He said, making her giggle. Then realization washed over him.

"What, You wanna do this now? Like it's time?"

He asked in disbelief, making me laugh more. She nodded and he stood up, walking towards her but getting choked by his headphone cord. He made a weird croaking sound before pulling them off. She laughed as the didn't even excuse himself from the team. She went to grab the fallen headset but dropped it to the ground as he picked her up, draping her over his shoulder.

"Ah! Joe put me down!"

She laughed, watching the tiles disappear behind them as he opened the door and walked with her back down the hallway to their shared room.

"Joe I'm naked!"

She protested as he held her tightly to him.

"You said now."

He quipped back, making her shake her head.

"We could've done it in there, then no one else would see me. You know we don't exactly have the most privacy."

She said a little panicked. They at her Rhode Island home after all, and no matter if there were gates or not there was still a chance bystanders would be walking around. Or drones for that matter.

"No ones out, it's fine."

Joe squeezed her leg as he kicked the door open, walking her across the room and dropping her on the bed, making her laugh.

"You dork, what if someone would've been out?"

He laughed a little bit.

"But they weren't. Now do you really wanna do this?

She nodded, sitting back a bit.

She blushed madly at the thought, and he just shrugged.

"Your perfect."

He said, a smirk spreading across his face. She raised a brow at him before he bent down and kissed her passionately. She hummed into his mouth as he pushed her further up the bed.

"Let's do this." He looked up grinning like a devil.

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