Leaked video

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Request for lcontreras_2008 , I added a little spin to it but enjoy!!


It had easily been the most fun night of their lives. Possibly because they were in their own world at the part, not paying attention to anyone around them. They'd thrown caution out of the window and were all over eachother all night long. They'd taken pictures and video to remember just how amazing they were feeling, And at the time, that was all that either of them had thought of, that the moment was hot. All the kisses and touching that they'd never done in public before.

And now... now the whole world knew. Alright, maybe not the whole world, but the videos had gotten leaked and now it was up to Taylor to tell Joe. She still couldn't believe it herself, she had no idea how it had happened. She wasn't even sure what the worst part of it was, that the video had gotten out, or that she'd found out about it from her mother.

She knows it's everywhere now, Twitter, TMZ, E!News. The video is even on YouTube. The thing with Joe though, was that he was pretty far off the grid sometimes and as usual, was the last one to know.

It isn't news Taylor wants to break over the phone. So she stands there at Joe's door, fighting back the panic that's been threatening to undo her all day. She raises her hand to knock, but hesitates, her resolve wavering.

She's still standing there, hand poised to knock, when the door opens.

Joe looks startled at first, then pleased to see her. "Hey, Taylor! I was just heading out to grab something. What are you doing here?" He waves a hand impatiently, smiling broadly. "Nevermind we can talk in the car if you want."

Taylor shakes her head. "I think we'd better talk first. Can we go inside?"

Joe's brow furrows but he steps back, letting Taylor inside his apartment. He stands by the door waiting to hear what Taylor has to say.

"You might want to sit down," Taylor says, self consciously rubbing the back of her neck. "I don't... I mean, I'm not sure how to tell you this—"

Joe looks concerned now. He steps closer to Taylor, placing a hand on her arm. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Maybe you should sit down. You seem pretty freaked out."

Taylor takes a deep breath, trying not to start hyperventilating. She opens her mouth and the words come out in a rush. "The videos from the party got leaked and now it's all over the internet and I don't know how it happened but I'm so sorry Joe, I'm so sorry."

Laced with confusing Joe asks " What party, I don't understand."

Taylor scoots closer to him and tries her hardest to look him in the eye. " Gigi's party the ones of us dancing and making out. I-I don't know just what happened between us that night basically."

Joe does sit then, flopping heavily onto the nearest chair. He blinks up at Taylor like he's trying to clear his vision. He swallows, and then drops his head into his hands. "There was a lot on those videos Taylor. Are you saying they have everything?"

He directs his words towards the floor, but Taylor can still hear him clearly. "I'm sorry." Taylor repeats again. "I don't know how it happened, I'm just so sorry."

Joe looks like he's heard enough. He looks up at Taylor now and the expression his face is best summed up as 'I would beat the shit out of someone right now if I could.' But he knows he can't do that, even if he really wants to.

A dull roar sounds in Taylor' ears as Joe heads over to his laptop. Taylor stands nervously behind him as Joe sees just how crazy the internet is going over this. The headlines jump out at them, one after another each more outrageous than the last.

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