Asthma Attack

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It was an ordinary night, well, at least as "ordinary" as things could be after back to back stadium shows.

With everything that had happened in the last few months, between rain shows, equipment breaking, and their schedules being so busy they sometimes only saw eachother once a week. Now things finally seemed to have settled down, and Taylor dared to say that she was almost...happy.

She was making serious progress with her new album, and with a relationship, both of which she had been working on for the past two years. Se was in much better condition now that she had mostly recovered from a cold that almost stopped a show last week, and more than that, she was in a good mood.

A good mood that was made even better as he caught Joe in his periphery, leaning against the doorframe in a leather jacket with a popped collar, holding a duffel bag in one hand and car keys in the other.

"Your night off, my filming ended early...You still coming over?" Joe asked as he teased his jacket open to reveal his bare chest underneath the jacket.

"Forget something in your locker there, Alwyn?" Taylor smirked, raising her eyebrows at Joe's lack of a shirt. Taylor had been reaching for her own jacket before Joe distracted her, his extended arm now bracing the edge of the locker as her legs suddenly felt light enough to buckle down.

"Ruined all my good ones," Joe shrugged with a coy smile. His fingers were wrapped around the slider piece, gliding it up and down the chain, going further with each dive of his zipper. "It is laundry day, after all," he added as he raised the duffel bag.

"Mmhmm," Taylor nodded to the rise and fall of Joe's hand on his jacket.

" coming?" Joe asked again. "Figured we could just order a pizza or somethin', unless you wanted to get something else...?"

"Pizza's...good..." Taylor mumbled numbly, before she shook her head, shook the lightness out of his head and slammed his locker shut, all of the sudden action dragging out a minor fit of coughs from his chest. She cleared her throat before he looked back at Joe, waving a hand up to indicate she was okay. "Pizza. Yeah. Pizza's good."

"You still sick, love? Or...just a little distracted?" Joe chuckled as he remained still, blocking Taylor's path out of the locker room.

"Shut up, Alwyn," Taylor glared with a smirk and mischievous gleam in her eyes as they both headed to the parking garage in shared laughter. She felt a little chilly as she entered the structure and felt the early morning air breeze through the building, briefly considering running back inside to get her jacket.

But one look at Joe and she was reminded that she didn't need a jacket to get warm.

But the sight of Taylor Swift, sprawled out on the couch, his head in Joe's lap, looking up at Joe with a bright smile and shining eyes,

"You're a cutie" He said softly

"Yeah, wonder how that happened."

Taylor chuckled but the laughter got caught in her throat, she fell into a fit of coughs and floundered in Joe's lap. Joe tried to help by raising Taylor up off his lap, sitting her up while Taylor tried to wave it off, and the coughs faded out.

"You alright, babe?" Joe asked softly as Taylor reached for the water bottle on Joe's coffee table.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Taylor coughed out. "Just...caught somethin' in my throat. You know what would make me feel really better, though...?"

Taylor leaned into Joe, her fingers unzipped Joe's jacket and she peeled the folds off of his shoulders, exposing his bare chest. She pressed her sweaty palm against it, pushing Joe onto the back of the couch. Joe grinned, wrapping his hands around Taylor's waist as Taylor straddled his lap and leaned in for a kiss...

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