Don't hurt me

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TW: Domestic abuse, alcoholism


Joe opened the door and there she was- Taylor. His heart stuttered whenever he saw her. He grinned taking a sip from his beer bottle and said

"Taylor? What are you doing here? Kinda soon to be crawling back for more? You probably shouldn't be here ..."

"Joe, We need to end this..." Taylor interrupted trying to keep her eyes on his and off of the fact that he was not wearing a shirt.

"Wait... What? What happened?"

He gripped her by her arm and pulled her into the hotel room, planting her steadily against the back of the door

"Tell me exactly what happened."

His eyes narrowed and she could now clearly smell the alcohol fuming from him.

"It's ... This is not right. We have to stop before...." She whispered

His breath quickened and he paced in front of her

"it's not right? It felt pretty right last night Taylor. What the hell happened between then and now? How the hell did you just now decide that someone is going to get hurt?"

He pressed in placing a hand against door- inhaling in the smell of her shampoo.

"You are drunk. I--- I shouldn't have come"

Taylor eyes shifted downward and she turned reaching for the knob but Joe's hand slid down catching her wrist. Her eyes froze as he leaned to her ear

"Again, probably something that should have crossed your mind sooner."

He rotated her back and stepped into her, pushing her knees apart. Taylor gasped lightly and Joe released her wrist – she stood stoically or perhaps a bit in shock as her fingers dancing uneasily against his shirtless chest. His scent made her knees weak. He captured her face in his strong fingers and tilted her head to meet his gaze before moving his hand around to the back of her neck drawing her lips into his, aggressively letting his tongue penetrate her cool mouth and nipping at her bottom lip.

Taylor let out a light moan as he dropped his hands and stroked his fingers around her waistline, pulling, massaging. She closed her eyes and bit down on her quivering lip- then carefully pushed Joe back even though his touch was visibly making her body flush with emotion – She loved him. She loved how his warm heavy hands caressed her and she knew she had to leave before this got out of control again.

"This isn't good for anyone anymore- you have to know that M...." she whispered again bringing her gaze up to meet his.

"Yes~ it is." he replied defiantly, lingering softly in her space. He searched her expression and when he didn't see the answer he was looking for he quickly bent in to kiss her neck- her amazing collarbone, her jawline- anything his mouth could reach. Taylor could feel his arousal through his jeans and against her stomach as she struggled to pull out of this nosedive. He clearly knew how to make her want him. He held her tightly; she denied his embrace but she knew she was losing this battle fast, her head tipped giving him access to her throat, She shuddered under him then opened her eyes softly looking around the dimly lit room – there were empty bottles, clothes and pizza boxes strewn about. A pang of guilt washed over her as she slowly moved her hands up against his chest and she heaved herself free, She knew she was a big reason he was living this way.

"You are the one Taylor, I can't live without you" He said solemnly. "I won't"

She began to shake her head in disagreement. Her mouth twitched sadly.

Jaylor / Taylor Swift One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now