Christmas Time

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Taylor's the kind of sap that goes out of her way to be romantic in ways Joe would never expect. It always made his heart so happy whenever she did it, and although the year they had just experienced was extremely strange, it was no different in that sense.

Some days, when she would go out for a walk, Taylor would return with sweet bunches of flowers for her soulmate with a large smile painted over her face. Bright stems of green erupting out of the plastic packaging with beautiful colours exploding out of each one, freesias or carnations or roses or beautiful lilies.

Other days, she would bring back fancy chocolates for them to sit on the balcony and try together, often with a glass of expensive wine whilst pretending to be pretentious and pompous. Swirls of milk and dark and white all sat in a cardboard box that they would open and take out one by one, placing in their own and each other's watering mouths, giggling and smiling all the while.

More often, she would simply announce she had bought a movie and would insist they watch it together, whether it be an extremely cheesy romance movie or a gut wrenching, heart stopping horror movie. Taylor would get their favourite fluffy blanket, draw the curtains and turn on all the lamps to a low setting, make some microwave popcorn and sit, cuddling Joe as they watched, eyes fixated on the screen, and sometimes, each other.

Even as the weather got colder throughout the year, it failed to freeze Taylor's warm heart for Joe. In the mornings, she would make him a cup of coffee to warm him up in the cold apartment. She would hold Joe close throughout the night, continuously making sure he was warm enough under their duvet, not wanting him to even be slightly uncomfortable when she was around.

In conclusion, Taylor was a sap. And Joe basked in it.

However, this year was different, in the sense that this would be their first Christmas together in their apartment, just the two of them. And Taylor, she was extremely excited. She had a plan. A plan for her Joe. 

Joe was, in fact, clueless to Taylor's plotting and planning, and had no idea for the majority of November and December what she was up to. But Taylor had an idea. A sweet idea, that she knew would probably make Joe sigh at her antics and just say "Taylahh" in his sweet accent, but smile so brightly that the sun would hang its head in shame.

It began on the day they put the decorations up for Christmas. Taylor was giggling to herself the whole day, and Joe was clueless as to why. When he would ask, the other blonde would simply say: "You'll see". He had to roll his eyes as Taylor chuckled to herself and wandered off, claiming she was going to "make a drink" whilst Joe finished the decorations. Joe didn't believe her for a second, but he just simply went back to placing the shiny, silver baubles on their tree, the Michael Bublé Christmas Album blaring through a Bluetooth speaker, knowing there was no point in even trying to get an answer out of Taylor. He knew she wouldn't give in for anything.

When Taylor came back with a cup of hot chocolate for herself and her boyfriend, it was safe to say Joe was surprised. He honestly expected Taylor to come back with no drink and begging him to go and look at whatever weird and wonderful thing she had been up to. That's usually what would happen with things like this. But, alas, they just decided to sit on the sofa together and watch an episode of The Office whilst sipping their warm beverages and leaning into each other gently and lovingly.

Taylor's warm scent flooded Joe's nostrils as he smiled. It was moments like this that Joe loved. It made his heart swell with happiness and love for the other, his soulmate, his companion through life. The relationship they had was something indescribably magical, and made Joe feel safe and warm.  

A few days went by, and to be honest, Joe completely forgot that there was something that Taylor had clearly been up to. It seemed to slip his mind, and Taylor didn't mention it again.

Until the next Monday.

Taylor was stood in the kitchen, cooking their dinner and Joe was stood in the doorway, silently watching her boyfriend. It took her a while, but eventually Taylor spotted him, and smiled as he glanced over.

"You look pretty when you're cooking," Joe smiled. Taylor rolled her eyes and turned the pasta down to a lower heat as it boiled on their stove. 

"Thanks. Not too bad looking yourself, gorgeous." Taylor smirked and Joe let out a laugh. "Nice sweater, by the way."

A light blush peppered over Joe's cheek as he remembered he was wearing one of Taylor's sweaters. Taylor laughed at him and shook his head gently at the younger man. 

"Okay, well, it's cold, and your sweater was the first one I could find and it was on the radiator meaning it was warmer and-" He stammered, his rosy patch and dimple making a small appearance. Taylor walked over, laughing, so they both stood in the doorway and tucked a stray hair away.

"Joe. I was joking. You know I don't care if you wear my clothes." Taylor smiled as Joe rolled his eyes and she poked him in the stomach gently. "Hey Joe."

"What have you broken now?" Joe sighed as Taylor shoved him gently. "Kidding, kidding, what's up bubs?"

"Look up," Taylor grinned. Joe looked at he, confusion swirled in his blue eyes and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, before looking up, not understanding what was there for a moment before letting out a small laugh when he realized what it was.

A small bunch of beautiful bright green hung from the door frame with its leaves perked up slightly, and a small bunch of white berries gently sat in between the stems. Joe instantly recognized it as mistletoe. Of course it was. At this point, he shouldn't even really be that surprised, after all, it's Taylor.

"You little shit," Joe said, shaking his head at her as Taylor grinned proudly. "So that's why you were all giggly when we were putting up the decorations."

"Maybe! You don't have any proof of that, Alwyn" she giggled. "Maybe I had just eaten all of your chocolate and was proud of myself for not getting caught!" Joe's eyes widened at hearing this news and realized he actually hadn't seen the chocolate he had bought himself the day before they had started decorating.
"I swear to god, Taylor, you better not have eaten-"

"Shut up and kiss me already, Joe."

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