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Yeah yeah I did another one of these, but this was actually so fun to write. Its the longest so far. Have fun😏


It wasn't often Taylor Swift got so pissed off that she couldn't contain herself. She was usually a very calm, collected person. Sometimes annoyingly calm and collected, if she asked her friends. But that's just how she was. Calm and collected. So the few times Taylor did get so pissed off that she couldn't contain himself, nobody would want to get in her way. But somebody always did. Especially when someone else was the reason as to why Taylor got so pissed off in the first place.

Tonight, that person was Joe Alwyn.

Taylor was tapping her foot impatiently as she waited by the front door to her and Joe's apartment. She had originally been at a club with Joe, Shawn, Zayn and Ed, and she had been having the time of her life. Until Joe, her boyfriend Joe, had started dancing with some random woman.

He'd gone off with some of his celebrity friends, partying at the other side of the bar, but she'd decided not to go instead keeping track of the drinks. Kissing Taylor on the forehead and saying "have fun" as he walked out the door.

Half an hour later was when she saw the screen projection showing him cozied up with famous men and women, and she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous that he'd had that much fun without her.

The jealousy really hit when she saw him dancing with his ex, miss Kristal Lowde. The dancing seemed harmless but still, that was his ex. She knew if the roles were reversed Joe would be pissed. Taylor had left the second she had seen the girl with Joe, completely ignoring Joe's regretful gaze as he watched his girlfriend storm out of the club.

Taylor knew Joe would never cheat on her. He wasn't like that. She knew the girl he was dancing with had probably been some random fan who had, somehow, managed to end up in front of Joe and Joe was just being nice by not completely rejecting her, but it didn't matter. Taylor was an insanely jealous person and insanely possessive when it came to him. And Joe knew that.

So when Taylor finally heard the lock on their front door being turned and the door opened, she couldn't hold back the low growl that escaped her lips as she watched Joe walk through the door.

Jumping slightly, Joe turned to look at her, who was leaning against the opposite wall, a dangerous and rather terrifying look in her eyes.

"Taylor..." Joe began as he took off his shoes and socks, having prepared a long, sincere apology on his way home and about to give it to Taylor when the blonde cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up, Alwyn." Taylor growled, pushing herself away from the wall and grabbing Joe's arm, pulling him along down the hallway, towards their bedroom.

Joe's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Taylor' behaviour while he attempted to pull his arm out of Taylor' tight grip.

"What are you doing?" Joe questioned, struggling to hold back a soft growl as his attempt to get free only made Taylor tighten her grip as she practically dragged him into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind them and pulling Joe over to the bed.

"I thought I told you to shut up." Taylor growled, pushing Joe down on the bed. Too confused to move, Joe just looked at Taylor as she walked over to her closet, opening it and rambling around inside of it for a moment.

When she found what she was looking for, Taylor returned to the bed, pushing whatever it was she had found in the closet into the pocket of her dress as she moved over Joe, straddling his lap and reaching down, ripping Joe's button-up shirt open, sending the buttons flying across the room.

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