Vegamite VS. Marshmallow

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"Hi honey," Taylor greeted him with a lingering kiss, "was town busy?"

"Yes, but it always is this time of year."

"Well I'm glad you're back, did you get the stuff?"

"Oh, I got the stuff, Taylor," he replied, setting the grocery bags on the counter, revealing that he was wearing the most terrible article of clothing ever.

"Joe...Where on EARTH did Taylor get that sweater?" It was the ugliest fucking thing Taylor'd ever seen. And it was perfect.

"Oh, I picked it up at mall. Not to worry, I got you one too." A devious smile adorning his face. Of course he got Taylor one too.

"Thanks honey." Taylor's sarcasm not going undetected.

Joe grabbed the towel off the rack and playfully smacked Taylorr ass with it.

"Hey!" Taylor exclaimed, feigning injury.

"Come on, It will be fun Tay. Besides, I bought you something else too." He said, and winked at Taylor.

This corny motherfucker- that Taylor loved with all her heart and soul- winked at her. What a dork.

"Taylor Alison Swift are blushing."

"Am not!" she was but she was going to defend the fact that she definitely wasn't

"Are too!"

"Am no-. Whatever, are you ready to make some food or what,?"

"Ready when you are."

A few minutes passed of each of them focused on making their own food until Taylor looked over.

"What the bloody hell do you think your're doing? You're not actually going to eat that are you Joe?"

He looked up at her, spooning the last of the Marshmallow Fluff onto his peanut butter sandwich. "Yeah. Of course I am."

"My God, there is enough in that concoction to feed a small nation."

"Well, yeah, I'm a growing boy." Smart ass grin as he grabbed a marshmallow and, with a toothpick, speared it onto the top of the sandwich.

She reached over and nabbed the plate out from under his nose.

"I swear there are some laws of physics that forbid the combination of these ingredients."

He nabbed his plate back and picking the sandwich up, took a massive bite. Spitting crumbs, "Yeah, well, there should be some law against distilling a yeast extract out the beer making process and spreading it on bread, as well."

"Hah! There is nothing wrong with a good Vegemite sandwich. You just need to know how to spread it."

"Tastes like something brewed went bad."

She smirked. "It's an acquired cuisine."

"Yeah, acquired taste bud deficiency." He took another bite.

She reached over to the bowl in front of him and picked up a nice round, nicely icing-sugar-dusted marshmallow. "Oh, really." Her eyes targeted him and he froze. What?

With perfect aim, she lobbed the mallow and it hit him squarely in the middle of his forehead.

A squawk and he nearly choked on his sandwich. Mouth still full. "Oh, so is that a challenge?"

She leant forward. "No, Mr. Alwyn, that is a promise." And she smeared peanut butter onto the end of his nose.

Joe raised an eyebrow and calmly put the remains of his sandwich down on his plate.

As she burst into a grin, he reached over for a marshmallow of his own and held it up in front of his face, eyeing her, then eyeing the confectionery in his fingers. "Are you aware of who exactly you have issued a challenge to?"

"Oh, I have a good idea." Her grin fought to be a laugh.

"Better get a head start then before this marshmallow fluff becomes your meal too" He said with a smirk watching as she slid around the corner and started running up the staircase laughing that beautiful laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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