Beach fun**smut**

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"Joe! Joe, put me down now! I mean it!"

Taylor squealed, thrashing in Joe's arms as he attempted to get all the way to the shoreline before his wild girlfriend fell completely out of his grasp.

Except she's already out my grasp, and out of my league, he reflected to himself with a sad smile. Joe knew he definitely did not deserve to have a beautiful, intelligent girl like Taylor be interested in him. He wasn't bad looking; he kept in shape, he worked out every couple of days and he took pride in his appearance, but Taylor was young and radiant and on days like this, he often wondered why she'd stuck around: his girlfriend could have had her pick of any number of men, so why she had picked a man that wasn't a famous A list celebrity frequently bewildered him.

"Joe, please ." She interrupted his thoughts with a whine, her head falling limply to rest on his shoulder. Hitting him full force with her best pity eyes (and he never had been able to resist it when she gave him the puppy-dog face she was giving him now) he put her down on the sand. With a delighted cry, she reached down, a handful of sand in her fist, and flung it at his shirt. Joe shouted in outcry and chased after her as she began racing along the shoreline, out of his reach. Taylor was fast, but after a minute, he caught up with her, tackling her playfully to the ground and pinning her down. Taylor giggled, brushing blonde locks out of her eyes as she gazed up at him like she was staring at some rare museum artifact.

"You know I can't concentrate when you do that," he told her pointedly, though in her distraction he reached under them and tickled her ribs. Taylor bucked upwards, swatting his hands away.

"Stop it, stop it!" she laughed. Breathlessly, she went still under him when she was satisfied he wasn't going to tease her anymore. In the silence, both of them became painfully aware of just where he had her, and the fact that this was the first time they'd been along together in almost a week, what with all the interviews, and all the deadlines with Joe's bookings. Taylor placed a hand on his cheek, sliding her clever fingers into his hair, twisting the strands to that she could pull his head down. She pressed her lips hungrily to his, moaning softly when he nipped at her bottom lip and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

"Beautiful," Joe hissed against her wicked little mouth. He was painfully aware of his own arousal, a fact which became far more apparent when Taylor bucked her hips up. her greedy hands left his hair, which he almost moaned at, but her hands soon found the hem of his t-shirt, tugging it up and over his body. He was not going to complain with Taylor's hands tracing the planes of his stomach and chest, ticking the hair that led down to his navel.

"Gods, you're sexy," she muttered, scratching her nails along his chest, eliciting a hiss from him. Joe smirked.

"Thank you, darling," he joked, flashing her with a winning smile. Taylor pouted and he ground against her, watching her gasp and buck her hips up again.

"Joe... maybe not on the beach." Coming from Taylor, he knew it to be a pathetic excuse, and he knew her protest was her feeble attempt to make sure he was okay with it. Joe rolled his eyes.

"Love, there's a reason we're at a house with a private beach. And it's not so we can swim alone," he reminded her with a pointed look at her blushing face. "Though now I mention it, the idea of taking a dip with you, naked, seems rather appealing." His eyes sparkled with innuendo and Taylor laughed. She sounded so happy he just wanted to keep her in his arms forever. He never wanted her to stop sounding like that. Not ever .

Taylor began to strip, tossing her loose top and shorts across the beach until she was left in only her panties.

"You weren't wearing a bra," Joe stated, tilting his head at her. He had known from picking her up to drag her down to the beach, but the sight of her bare body called to him and when he heard his own hoarse voice speak, he knew he was done for.

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