The final Bike ride

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Taylor woke up as the sun light caressed her cheeks. She sat down and look at her phone.

'7:35 am February 21st'

She smiled and prepared to leave. She wore the dress Selena gave her and looked at the mirror to admire herself, she sighed, tied her hair in a half up bun and put on her necklace. She dusted her dress, took her things, and went out.

" Barrette and necklace double check, bag check, helmet check, phone, keys, wallet, triple check... I think I'm ready to go" She assured herself. She put on her helmet and rode her bike. She smiled as the wind touches her face, so glad that she was in the Lake district and able to do normal things without becoming a spectacle. She stopped outside a shop and locked her bike. She went inside a flower shop and was mesmerized by the different flowers and how they stand out to each other.

"Good morning Taylor. Going to visit your friend again?"

She smiled and approached the older lady. "Good morning to you too Mrs. Smith, it's 'best friend' by the way and yes I'm going to visit him. " She took her time looking at the different kinds of flowers that her store has.

" GAHH," she yelled out after feeling something hairy on her legs, startled, she looked down "B-Benjamin your naughty cat." he just looked at her "Meoowww"

She carried Benjamin and pet it "Thank you again for taking care of him while I've been out."

"Of course sweetie. My pleasure."

"Soo? So what? You want the usual? Red roses and mixed colors of tulips?" she said a bit annoyed.

" Yep... those are our favorite flowers."

" These are you and your best friends' favorite flowers; I know I know." she said overlapping with my voice.

" Wow, you really know me Mrs. Smith,"

" Yeah, yeah here are your flowers. " She placed 3 bouquets of flowers on her counter and smiled." B-but Mrs. Smith these are three bouquets," " Don't worry sweetie the last one's on the house." Taylor placed Benjamin down and hugged Mrs. Smith " Merci grand-mère Smith." She chuckled "Somebody's studying their french very well... De rien ma chérie," " That means you're welcome right?" she laughed and patted my back " Close! It means you're welcome sweetie." I took the flowers and was about to leave. ( JE SUIS CALME! is all I can think of while writing this)

She looked at her phone realizing she's already been here for an hour. " I gotta go Mrs. Smith, thanks for the flowers,"

" Sure anytime sweetie, say hello to your best friend for me," she said with a wink.

" I will." Taylor patted Benji and waved goodbye to Mrs. Smith.

She rode her bike and smiled, she can still remember her and Joe messing up at Mrs. Smith's store. That flower shop was the same place where she got her first and last kiss, she can still feel his soft lips touching against hers. She peddled faster and felt the wind brushing against her hair. She stopped near the riverside where so many memories linger. She pulled her bike while walking, stopping at a cabin with lots of beautiful and lively flowers.

She wandered around the house seeing all the beautiful plants that surrounded the old building. She saw the Tulip patch she had planted last summer. "I kept it alive," a voice said, she looked around and saw Harry leaning on the door. "I was cleaning up around the house, and remembered you telling me how they were your favorite flowers." Their eyes were locked at each other's gaze, he then approached her and kissed her hand. "You're still so lovely Taylor" he said In his deep sultry English accent.

She took her hand and moved slightly far away from him " Thank you Harry, I think I should go" She stood up and was about to leave but he grabbed her hand.

"Why don't you want me to love you?"

"I've already told you a million times, I'm not ready with that kind of thing."

"Really?" he uttered and scoffed "Or is it maybe because about him? Why don't you want to choose me? I'm the one who's here not him, just go out with me Tay."

She removed his hand from her and sat down beside him. She sighed, " Don't call me that, you lost that right a long time ago. I'm sorry Harry, I'm really not in the right state to talk about this now. I don't know if I like you or not and if going out with you is a right decision. But as soon as I've recovered and let go I promise to tell you and who knows you might get a chance or find another girl. But can we just not talk about this right now?" he sighed

" I'm sorry, I won't force you anymore, but I'll still be waiting" 

She kissed his cheeks " Thank you."

It's already 4:15 pm. she bid farewell to the peaceful dwelling she once called home. Subsequently picking up her bike and ride to a place where her heart was shattered in to pieces. She parked outside and breathed deeply.

She went inside to find her best friend..

She sat beside him and placed the flowers she got from Mrs. Smith's flower shop, next to him.

" Hi joe! it's nice to see you again!" She said and smiled; she cleared her throat. "It's February 21st today soo... Happy Birthday! I went to Mrs. Smiths and got you some flowers! Remember when we used to take flowers then and used them as designs for our paper boats and make them float in the river." She chuckled " My favorite part was when you first kissed me when Mrs. Smith asked us to look after the shop while she was away." She felt butterfly in her stomach just by reminiscing about it." You gave me a red rose then and said that you liked me but you said you changed your mind and said that you don't like me but you loved me, I was crying back then but then you wiped my tears and kissed me." She chuckled nervously " I won't forget that moment" she sighed and watched the sun slowly going down. " Remember when we fell from the tree near the cottage because the apple from it was so high and the trunk didn't bare both our weights" She laughed and cleared her throat. " Harry's asking me out but I refused. I don't want to hurt his feelings but at the same time I don't want to let you go" Tears began to form on her eyes " Everyone keeps telling me to move on and let go of the past... but" her voice cracked " b-but I can't" She started crying " It's been 2 and a half years, but I still can't accept the fact that you're gone because of me. If only I hadn't swum in the river that day, you wouldn't have died" She covered her face and wept.

" It's all my fault"

She broke down..

" I can't let you go. I won't but I need to" her tears flowed one after another like a never ending waterfalls.

" I'll never forget you. All the happiness and memories we have. All the times we cried together."

She wiped her tears.

" I'm sorry I never answered your question. But, yes I.. I love you too and I would love to grow old with you. I don't know if I should get mad or sad that you're the one who left first." I calmed myself down " I'm ready"

I wiped my face and cleared my throat.

"I'm letting you go Joe you will always have a special place in my heart...

I love you"

I rested my head on his tomb and watched the sunset.

I hope you're happy wherever you are.


Hey y'all hope you enjoyed! ♡♡♡

**Question** For my other story would you rather me not add k*rlie? Since its based in 1989 era I wasn't sure if to have her or Selena in the story. SOO SELENA OR K*RLIE?!?

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