Cheating Surprise

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I'm bored in class soo comment if you want so I'm not as bored 😩💗

"So after finishing this, we don't have any work for the rest of the day, right?" Taylor asks while brushing Meredith's fur. "Would you like to go out then? To the city?"

It's rare for Taylor to suggest that, they both know it'll cause a media storm the next day, but the weather is nice and they've been so caught up in work lately that their precious alone time has been limited. And with 'alone time' Taylor means 'alone with Joe'. As much as he loves to act tough, one might not expect it but he does have quite a romantic side too. If he wouldn't, she couldn't go out with him who in return needs a huge amount of regular lover's oaths to be happy. And that's all Taylor wants. Joe to be happy.

That's why she's surprised about Joe's reply.

"Naah, not really," the boy with red eyes who looks really tired recently answers with a yawn. "I'm not in the mood."

Joe not in the mood for shopping? Okay, something's definitely off here. If not only Joe's most recently developed habit to get up and leave the room at night, making sure that Taylor doesn't notice , but she does, then this is a reason for Taylor to worry.

She lays down the brush on the nearby stool and walks over to Joe who just put away the broom.

"Then we can stay here, and..." she starts and hugs Joe from behind, placing a short kiss on Joe's neck, right above the scarf before resting her chin on the other's shoulder. "...just spend some calm time together."
It's quite obvious how that 'calm time together' is meant to be understood.

Taylor doesn't often initiate making out. Not because she doesn't want to but simply because usually Joe is faster in doing that. The only problem is that... well, lately Joe doesn't initiate anything at all. Maybe he's just too tired from their work? But then again, that wouldn't stop him from at least cuddling a little, right? But-

"It's fiiine-" Joe says with a sigh and wriggles out of Taylor's embrace, walking over to grab the broom without looking at Taylor. "You can go if you want to. I'm going to take a nap after I'm done here."

A nap, hah? In the afternoon. And then get up in the middle of the night again.

Taylor wants to say something but it's more than obvious even to her, that Joe needs alone time, too. The only difference is that he wants alone time without Taylor. And that's a first.

"Right..." Taylor mumbles, sounding like a hit puppy. "Okay..."


"First we'll have ice cream, then crêpe, then-"

"You forgot the milkshake."

"Ah right, first ice cream, then milkshake, then crêpe, then- It's your turn Taylor."


"Ooiii Taylor, are you even listening???"


Taylor only snaps back to reality when Selena's flat hand slaps the back of her head. Not strong enough to actually hurt, but enough to make her realize she's still in town with some of her friends and not sleeping on her couch.

Selena lets out an annoyed sigh.

"We're playing 'I'm packing my bags' and it's your turn!" Patrick explains. "What would you pack in your bag? We already got ice cream, milkshake and crêpes."

"You can't even put any of that in a bag. Such a stupid game," Jack complains not for the first time.

"Shut up, it's the food edition!" Selena says.

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