She looks up grinning like a devil

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The phone blares out Taylor's universal ringtone of "Bad blood" as Taylor and Joe are watching a rerun of "Friends". She'sbeen laughing uproariously at Joe's antics and "Smelly Cat" as she devours the takeout, reveling in each other's company. Absentmindedly picking up the phone, she says a simple "Hello?" as she laughs lightly at the comedy on the screen.

Her body language changes as the voice on the other end delivers the news, and Joe notices, immediately muting the television. Turning his body to hers, he tucks one leg under the other, putting his left foot onto the couch and giving her his full attention. He carelessly sets down the half-eaten takeout box of curry, scrutinizing her face as she process the news.

On her part, she cannot believe what she is hearing across the cellular towers. It's overwhelming and shocking and completely unexpected. Her mind is whirling in a million directions, and she's not sure is she can breathe correctly. Briefly, her eyes make contact with Joe's, and he raises his eyebrows in a questioning manner, but she can't even begin to share this with him. It's too....just too....SHIT. She can't even think of how this news is excessive because it's overwhelming on so many levels, so she allows herr eyes to skitter away from Joe's intense gaze, settling them on a painting on the wall and then on the bookshelf, and then back to Joe, but this time your eyes settle on his hands which are resting on his bent knee.

Those hands, with those fingers that are long and elegant, showing off his varied collection of rings. Those hands, that can draw the most intense moans from your lips as he uses them to magically wring another orgasm from you. Those hands, with their ability to write music and to massage your tired neck. Those hands, with those fingers which run through his long locks, touching the bottom right side curls at the end of that long thread of movement from his crown. Those hands, which are restlessly resting there, waiting impatiently but with supreme restraint, displaying a calm that you know he's not feeling.

Finally the call ends and she drops the phone too shocked to even set it down.

"Whats wrong love" Joe asked with a worried look on his face, but trying his best to hide it.

After a few moments of silence, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it to show her that he was there.

It wasn't that the news was a sad story that would ruin her life. No she was just angry. Furious actually.

"Babe, you can tell me whatever's going on." He tried again.

"It's nothing Joe. I'm fine." She shot back.

"Obviously you're not babe whatever they said upset you." Joe said as calmly as possible continuing to hold onto her hand.

"I don't want to talk about it okay" She said gritting her teeth together.

"Then what do you want to do, we can watch some more friends." He said innocently.

"No. I just want to get my mind off of it, and I know just the way you can help." She looked up grinning

Still not taking the hint he said sweetly " Yeah sure! Anything to make you feel better as long as I can help you."

Taylor sighed realizing she's have to take over, men were clueless sometimes.

Taylor kisses him, because the alternative is sobbing. It starts slow and sweet, but then Joe is licking into her mouth, and something about it feels urgent and Taylor presses down. Shifting them so that she's lying on top of him. Joe smirks a little, and then they're kissing again, hot and dirty, because that's the way it ends up being with them everytime. Joe tastes the same as he always does sweet and familiar, and it isn't long before Joe is groaning filling up against Taylor.

He ruts his hips up experimentally towards Taylor, he almoast groans. Their clothes disappear, almost immediately as they slide eachother's tops off. That shok of skin on skin contact for the first time is as fresh as it was the first time.

"C'mon, wanna fuck you." Taylor says, and the sound of her voice is almost too much for Joe to deal with, so he kisses her instead, trying to muffle his groans in Taylor's mouth.

They fucked.


The end.


HEHEHE What an amazing ending.🤣🤣

I'll do some lovey dovey and dramatic stuff for the next chapter!💖

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