Birthday Boy **Smut**

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Taylor's P.O.V

I'd been to a club a few times, but many like this one. This one was much bigger with flashing lights, fancy walls and expensive furniture. Joe's birthday came to be a reason to go clubbing. I had no idea where he was I hadn't seen him all night so I was just hanging around some friends.

I'd already had a few drinks was I heard some loud voices singing happy birthday. I didn't think much to it until the name Joe was said in the middle. He hadn't responded to any pf my texts which was probably because of the horrible connection inside any club, but I was sure they sang his name.

"Do you just hear that?" I snap to the side and I know just by her hearing that must mean my ears aren't playing a cruel trick on me.

I nod. Immediately my mouth becomes dry and the moisture that left my mouth goes to my palms. I'm frozen still, but she reacts quicker, gripping hold of my wrist and dragging in the direction of the clapping. I was a bit scared since we hadn't seen eachother in a month because of work.

It had to be him. It couldn't be a coincidence that they were singing happy birthday to someone with the same name on Joe's birthday.

And it wasn't.

He was stood waving his arms, laughing and nudging Ed's shoulder. I tell Selena to wait till they're not huddled together as much so we aren't rude. Also I need a few moments to calm down and not look lso shocked that he actually showed up on time, so basically, not look like myself.

"I have to speak to Ed!" She screams, but It's barely audible over the laring music.

He is only with a few other guys so it seems to only be a small party so I don't feel as bad when I walk up to Joe as he begins to walk towards the bar.

"Hey baby! You came." I giggled wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Wouldn't miss it I couldn't wait to see you" He laughs back, probably at me shaking like a leaf, with that voice I love so much. " I didn't think you ahd showed up yet." He whispers into my ear as we hold eachother for a few second just taking in the other's warmth.

I'm smiling the entire time when he orders me a drink and invites me to hang out with him and our friends. I walk back, trembling in my heels. Joe introduces me to everyone that I don't alread know and I notice Selena dragging a scared Ed off to the dance floor.

As every drink enters mine and Joe's bloodstream, our dances go from average dance moves to overly outrageous dancing and exaggerated movements.

Ryan says something to Joe but the music is too loud for me to hear. He pulls me to the side and shouts in my right ear "We're going back to the hotel for a few beers and some movies, wanna come?"


Half an hour later and I'm blowing popcorn out of my mouth at Joe, which he return but with grapes, which hurts worse.

Then suddenly he's leaning in.

Well I'm too drunk to even think about the consequences of making out with him around people I don't completely know I really want to kiss him. I've been waiting for this day for the past three weeks and I don't even care about pictures or videos anymore because his lips just look so fucking good.

His soft lips mould with mine, and I get too greedy. I move over so I'm mounting his thighs and move my fingers to his thick wavy locks. I can taste the alcohol on his tongue but the rest is purely Joe

We're already breathless, and I feel Joe press against my thigh. Ryan and Ed exaggerate coughs from the other couch, but my tongue too far down Joe's throat to even think that the rest of our friends are in the room, and watching me play tonsil tennis.

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