One Bed** Smut**

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Request for @taylorswiftsexual 🤎

There is a plot to it, and then smut at the end.


"Oh shit!" Taylor shouted as her boots felt the squish on her hotel room carpet.

Taylor was exhausted after a long day for signing and photos; this was the last thing she needed.

She heard a frantic knock at her door;and tiptoed to the door glancing through the peep hole. She saw Joe standing there looking worried, Taylor threw open the door.

"I heard you shout, you ok?" Taylor sighed as she gestured to the room behind her.

"Looks like a pipe blew or something most of the room is soaked. Including most of my clothes..." Taylor deflated, picking up a drenched shirt that was folded on err now waterlogged bed.

"Come on, come to my room. We'll call down to the lobby and get things sorted" Taylor let him lead her from the room, thankful for her best friend's clear thinking

The hotel was mortified, sending her clothes straight out to an all night dry cleaners. They said they would find her a new room as soon as possible, in the meantime Taylor stayed in Joe's room.

He flopped on the bed and Taylor curled in the couch watching an old movie she'd found on TV. Hearing a knock at the door, Joe stands to answer it, they see the hotel manager enter the room and Taylor get a sinking feeling.

"Miss Swift, I'm afraid that with the convention and the leak affecting several rooms. We are fully booked" Taylor sigh glancing over at Joe.

"We are however, more than willing to put you up in another hotel across town and of course arrange travel back and forth" Taylor groaned at the idea, that was a lot of travel and Taylor didn't want to be alone.

" she can just stay here?" Joe said, he pointed at the sofa Taylor was currently sitting on

"You sure J?" Taylor asked, silently pleased at herr best friend's suggestion. He nodded and it was agreed. The manager sent up bedding and pillows and had the pull out bed made up.

"Umm, Joe?  Can I borrow a shirt or something to sleep in?" Taylor bite her lip hesitantly, she think for a second she saw him gulp but she brushed it off when he handsed her a plaid shirt.

She excused herrself to change in the bathroom, Taylor's fingers dancing over the fabric of the shirt. She always loved this shirt on him; red plaid was definitely something that suited Joe.

She rid herself of her clothes leaving her only in her panties; she pulled the shirt overher head, Joe's scent filling her senses.

Taylor couldn't put a finger on the exact moment she realised that herr feelings for Joe weren't just that of a best friend, but she did know she was crazy about him. But that wasn't something she was going to share with anyone. Joe saw her as a friend and that was fine....really.

She glanced back in the mirror before she left the bathroom; the shirt barely covered Taylor's ass. She smirked to herrself, this was probably the only time she'd get to strut around in one of Joe's shirts she might as well enjoy it.

Taylor threw open the bathroom door and grabed her discarded clothes, entering the bedroom slowly. Joe standing to attention the second Taylor walked in, she smiled throwing herr clothes on the desk.

She caught Joe watching up in the mirror, his eyes grazing up Taylor's bare legs before resting on her ass. She feel a serge of confidence fly through her, feeling proud that she was getting that kind of reaction from him.

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