Hurtful Rumors Pt.2

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Thanks for all the massages and comments guys! I just decided to post it earlier since more people wanted to see it than i thought 🥰😊❤️

The photo above is the magazine I based this on 🤮 the media sucks I can't believe they still make magazines like this 🙄🤚🏼


"Taylor what's going on?" Joe asked gently. She grabbed the glass pan in front of her tightening her grip and avoided his gaze. Doing anything to ignore it. "What do you mean? Why would you think something is going on? I'll be fine" She return his question with her own.

"You're not being yourself. I can see when something is wrong. What Tree said... do you want to talk about it?" He asked calmly.

She tried to straighten herself up, putting her shoulders back and lifting her head up. She did these actions despite the immense struggle she had going on inside.

Clearing her throat she looked at him. "Joe, I'm just fine." Her breath was shakier than she would've liked.

He reached out a hand and placed it gently on her shoulder, adding to the already crushing weight. She continued to look at him, into those eyes full of compassion and something she couldn't quite decipher.

She stood there in silence for a few seconds. Her heart was getting heavier the longer she looked into those eyes.

Her shoulders succumb to the weight and her head hung once again, her actions causing the glass pan to fall and shatter on the floor. Joe immediately acted on her movements and reached out to grab her. He quickly maneuvered her around the glass on the floor and away from it.

"No. Wait I have to clean it! I need to help. I need to" She pleaded not knowing if she was talking about the mess that was on the floor or in the tabloids.

She wasn't crying, she were just so tired. Too tired.

She hated the last time this lie had circulated, and she hated it even more this time for not being able to control her own thoughts.

Her heart was like a stone sinking further and further down. All she could think about was how love was an impossible feat for her. Sure people think that no one would ever leave her, but she knew if they knew her and her past they would run like a scared child. He would run.

She knew that Joe could never love her with what she's done and because of all the internal struggles she dealt with. Who could stay?

She barely even noticed Joe picking her up and settling her in his arms. "Sweetheart?" Joe tried to speak to her. Her eyes just closed as she blocked him out not wanting to cry.

He looked down at her as he walked towards her room, not caring about the mess that was left behind. She needed him now and he wasn't going to let her go.

She bit her tongue to hold back cries that willed to escape. She had sworn not to cry in front of Joe, she had already done enough damage today as it is. She felt Joe hold her tighter and sighed knowing that if she fought it would be no use.

She soon heard a door creaking open and she entered her room. Joe closed it behind them, making his way to set her on the bed. When he gently let her down she turned over on her side and curled up. He quickly flicked on the small lamp on her bedside table. He sat next to her and rested a hand on her arm.

"Please talk to me." She heard the desperation in his voice as he spoke. "You're worrying me." He spoke again.

Her eyes slowly opened and his hurt voice tugged on her heart. She opened her mouth slightly to speak. Not knowing what to say she just let herself go.

"You say that no one in their right mind could ever leave me..." her voice was soft. Joe listened intently. "Of course... I'd never lie to you." He said but she spoke up quickly.

"It's not true Joe. I mean, who in all their sanity could ever stay with me. I'm a fucking mess inside and out. I have issues no one should have to endure while being with me. If they saw me. Really saw me then they would run for their lives. Who could ever stay Joe? Who?" She ended up letting herself cry. Her voice broke and wavered. "Because I- because I know damn well-" she cried "that no one should ever have to. I can't even control my own thoughts from what Tree said. I hate my body all over again." She sobbed again, hiding her face into the tear-stained pillow.

Joe's heart broke at her words never knowing how horribly she felt about herself. Seeing the woman he loved so broken, feeling like love would never be an option for her. He wanted to love her, he loved her. He needed to show her that.

He carefully laid down beside her gently tugging her body close to his. Her back was to his chest as she cried. "Joe, I can't do it anymore, I just can't. I've never had one 'I love you' that has ever stayed. As I said, they shouldn't have to." her voice shook rapidly. He just held her tighter.

"You deserve the world Taylor. You're going to find someone who will stay, maybe they're closer than you think. " he said into her hair. She squeezed her eyes shut. "What does that mean Joe?" she ask quietly. He took a deep breath and turned her around to face him. Her glassy eyes looked up at him through tear-soaked lashes. Joe lifted his hand and brushed her hair away from her face with a tiny nervous smile. "It means that I love you," he said softly. Her eyes went wide at his words not fully being able to comprehend what he said. "Don't play with me like that. Don't you dare do that to me." her jaw clenched as she practically growled at him. Tears came to stain her cheeks once more as she stared at him.

"I'm not playing with you. You know I'd never do that to you. I really do love you. I love you even if you can't believe that." he said to her wiping a tear from her cheek. She felt paralyzed at that moment, not knowing truly what she was feeling. Whether it was fear, joy, excitement, dread. She didn't know. All she knew is that she felt too much.

Before she could even stop herself she began to speak.

"I don't know what's going on. I'm confused and scared, but I'm also so happy. I've loved you for so long but I don't even know if I could ever love you right. I don't know what to do Joe. I don't want you to leave, I don't want to lose you but I'm scared that if you really had to see me every day you would never want to stay. My secrets splashed on the news front page. I want you but I don't want to be so myself that it will drive you away. I'm so scared. " She cried to him, grabbing the hand that was resting between them both. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"You could never drive me away. I want to see you be yourself every day. I want to be there to see you. I don't want you to hide from me, you wouldn't want me to hide my past mistakes and problems from you right?" he asked gently. She shook her head. "No, of course not. I want you and that means everything. I want all of you not just what I see right now." She told him squeezing his hand. "You see love, that's exactly what I want. I want all of you. your past, your present, your future, those tearful nights, grumpy mornings, and sunny days. I want everything, and I want everything with you." he said while looking into her eyes. She looked at him through blurred vision and let out a small cry.

"I'm just so scared I won't be able to love you right. What if I mess up?" She question helplessly. "I know you can do it, I'm going to be here for you through it all. We'll learn to love together," he whispered to her in reassurance. She looked up at him and he leaned down gently to place a small kiss on her lips. It just a brush of his lips against hers but it was enough.

" We will bake, and play scrabble, watch friends, and chase the cats for the rest of our time. And neither of us will listen to the horrible lies the media puts out, because only we know each other no one else." He spoke passionately and lovingly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Just help me hold onto you, please," she said while holding his hand close to her heart.

"I'll always stay." he kissed her forehead one more time before pulling her into his chest and holding her there for as long as you both needed.

"Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay? You could stay."
Kind of based it off of The Archer
Hope it lived up to everyone's expectations 😂
Have a great day! :)

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