Joe's Insecurities

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K!! ILY all so much thanks for all the comments and continued support this is honestly one of the only things keeping me sane, so im really glad you guys are enjoying it as much as I am❣️🍄❣️


The first time, he thought, it was at a big event for something that Taylor had been nominated for. Her manager was forcing her to go to it and that meant Joe had to tag along too, because at least then there would be one thing that would put her at ease.

It was fancy and high class and everything that Joe wasn't. Contrary to what that old English playwright said: the apparel does not proclaim the man. Even though he was dressed in a suit and tie, he was still just Joe Alwyn, and nothing more or less than that. If anything, they just made him feel more out of place than he already was. He felt uncomfortable.

Of course, the same could be said for Taylor. Taylor was clearly out of ers comfort zone, though she was taking it much better than Joe and if you didn't know her as intimately as Joe did then you probably wouldn't have even been able to tell. The tall blonde looked better than ever in her more expensive than usual clothing that make her look like a goddess from another world. She was as gorgeous as ever and Joe couldn't have been prouder of her.

So when "Swift, Taylor!" was announced as the winner of "Best pop single" to the masses, Joe was standing and cheering and clapping the loudest out of everyone there. Taylor got to her feet with shaky breaths and walked to the stage, looking back at Joe for a second, only to see his grinning face, she felt much calmer. She took the stage with a smile and a pre-prepared speech and thanked everyone for the award she just won, receiving applause and flowers.

After the ceremony, Joe went to congratulate his girlfriend only to find that it was much more difficult that he was expecting. Taylor was surrounded by editors, actors and actresses, other singers, fans and appreciators of her work in all directions. Joe noticed how well Taylor fit into the spectacle before her and felt a pain in his chest.

He didn't belong there in that picture.

Joe made his way back to the hotel they were staying at and went to bed early that night.

He didn't belong next to Taylor.

Taylor had been working through a writing block when it next happened.

She hadn't gotten any sleep for god knows how long but Joe knew it was longer than it should have been. Taylor's room was full of torn out pages of sketchbooks and crumpled up pieces of unfinished artwork and the artist herself sat in her chair with her hands in her hair as she stared down at the blank papers.

Something her producer had said had struck her hard and she wasn't getting inspiration as freely as she usually did. Her first imaginination of the story had been rejecting, just as the second, and now she was stuck. Something to do with a lack of feeling and cohesive storyline. It seemed strange to Joe that such things were being commented on; Taylor was the songwriter was she not? Surely, she knew what was best for her characters?

Apparently not.

And now there Taylor was, completely stuck. Joe decided he had to do something, anything, to try and help his girlfriend out, and so he did the one thing he was could.

He went back to his mother's house and, got the old family cookbook, making Taylor a meal to show her his support in all she did. It was a simple meal and it was edible and made with love, so he was sure it would be better than whatever Taylor was (or wasn't) eating.

He took it to Taylor's house and up to the piano room. He stepped in, not bothering to knock because knowing Taylor she was probably too absorbed in trying to desperately find something to rhyme with to even answer. He brought in the food on a tray and tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder.

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