I remember it All Too Well Pt.2

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✨THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K✨I never thought people would actually like and read my stories so it means a lot ;) also thanks to my wattpad bestie @oncers_reputation we can be dramatic together😂


 "I locked everything, we can go", Jack said as they all got into the car and drove to the hospital I was taken to.

''Here'', Jack pointed at the parking lot spot that was empty and Joe parked the car there.

"Joe, it going to be okay", Jack patted his shoulder, seeing how anxious and exhausted the boy was.
"I hope so",Joe sighed trying his best to stop the tears from completely overtsking his face. Selena hugged him sideways as a few star tears flowed down both of their faces. After 20 minutes they finally arrived and Joe jumped got out of the car.

"We will go and try to find Taylor's room", Gigi said with Selena by her side.
"Okay, we'll meet you there", Jack said and they both headed towards the entrance of the hospital.
"When we get see her...You should really confess all of the feelings you have for her, cause you're waiting for the right time, but time's not waiting for you", Jack spoke to Joe, as they both were walking towards the entrance.
"I was just afraid she wouldn't feel the same about me", Joe admitted, nervously chewing his inner cheeks.
"Oh come on! Even a blind man could have seen it", Jack scoffed.
"I must have been even more blind than the blind man himself", Joe shrugged.
"On that I have to agree", Jack stated, as they both walked into the hospital.

*Taylor's pov*

I felt someone talking and someone moving, grabbing and doing whatever the hell with my arm. I tried to groan, but couldn't. Though I did recognize the typical smell of the hospital. 'My favorite place' , I joked to myself.
Luckily after few tries I could finally open my eyes. When I was able to see everything, I noticed that Selena and Gigi were the ones abusing my arm. So, with all the strength I had I pulled my arm away. Cause Ouch. It really hurt.

"Taylor! You finally woke up!!", Vic boasted, "the doctor said you're quite a heavy sleeper", she added.
"I said my method would work. She woke up", Selena chimed in, "Hi Tay! Welcome back to the real world, original timeline and the place you will never escape us!!", she finished his sentence with a smile.
"Oh no, bring me back", I acted scared and closed my eyes.
"Taylor open your beautiful eyes!", Gigi tried to open my eyes with her fingers.
"Stop sticking your fingers into my eyes. Only god knows were they've been in", I groaned and she got her hands off my face.
"Right! You don't want to know that", she noted.
"I wannna know", Selena winked as she hit her on the head.
"you don't want to know either", Gigi warned her.
"If you keep acting like this I will ask the nurse to kick ya both out of here", I spoke, in a calm, yet threatening manner.
"Ok", they both said and sat down on the small sofa that was located just a little further away from the bed.
As they both started talking to each other about something I heard two familiar voices behind the door.
"You can take a few days off, we will do some other stuff. When you're back we can record everything-", I saw Jack and Joe walk into the room. Jack smiled, while Joe looked preoccupied.
"Hi there beautiful, how are you feeling?", Jack asked, while Joe was standing there by his side, not saying a word.
"I'm good. Got my insides vacuumed out. But yeah, I'm pretty good", I said and smiled.
"Glad to hear you're alright. This beauty right here wants to talk to you right?", he turned to Joe, who nodded, though he looked super unprepared to talk to me.

In a minute Joe and I were left alone. He walked up closer to me and intertwined his fingers with mine.
"I was really scared. You know. Thought I was gonna lose you", he admitted, I had no courage to look him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry Joe", I mumbled.
"I'm sorry for giving up on you way too early", he said as if it was his fault.
"None of this was your fault. Ever", I finally found some courage to look into his beautiful dark brown eyes.
"Do you still mean the things you said to me like two hours ago?", Joe inquired, I already knew what he was talking about.
"Yes Joe. Every. Single. Word.", I said and grasped tighter onto his arm to get myself into a seated position. He quickly helped me out and I turned to him, ignoring the discomfort in my stomach and abdomen area.
"I love you. I love you all, Gigi, Selena, Jack. But I love them as a family, friends or siblings. And you. I love you like a shining sun that brightens my entire life", I confessed my feelings to him, who stood there in front of me, looking at me like I was a ray of sun on a cloudy, stormy day.
Joe then, placed his big and soft hands on the sides of my face and left a soft kiss on my forehead,
"I love you too. With all of my heart, body and soul", Joe admitted, "Might love you more than the cats", he added.
"Oooii... that dangerous...", I frowned.
"But it's true. I can survive a day or two without playing Benji. But spending a day or two without you feels like losing a biggest and most important part of me", he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine.
We stayed like this for about 30 minutes or so... But our beautiful moment was interrupted by Jack and Gigi bursting through doors.

"Dinner is here!", Jack exclaimed, with a bowl of oatmeal in his hand.
"I'm not really hungry", I mumbled as buried my head into Joe's torso.
"The nurse said she will kick our asses individually if I don't bring this plate empty", Jack spoke and put the bowl into my hands.
"Eat it please. I'm scared of her", Joe begged me, as I sighed and taking a spoon from Gigi, I scooped the oatmeal.
I only played with the oatmeal, instead of eating it. I felt a lot pressure coming from three people watching me eat.
"Where's Selena?", I casually asked, trying to distract them.
"Peeing or pooping. EAT!", Gigi threatened me.
But I still only played with the food. So Gigi took the bowl and spoon from me and after scooping some oatmeal she held the spoon in front of my face.
"Open your mouth", she instructed. I didn't open it so Jack approached me and opened my mouth with his hands.
"Here goes the oatmeal!", Gigi stuffed the food into my mouth as Jack closed my mouth,
"YUMMY.. CHEW IT!",Jack smiled and I chewed, threatened by them.
I looked up to Joe, with eyes begging for help, but he only shrugged, so I had no other choice, but eat the food. They continued feeding me and Joe stood there, like a security guard.
"What did I miss?", Selena finally showed up.
"Nothing much, just feeding the baby",Jack answered.
"What baby?", Selena asked, confused.
"Taylor", Gigi revealed me, sitting all grumpy, not liking the plain oatmeal with some banana slices.
"Yuckyy. I wouldn't want to eat it either", Selena frowned as she sat down on the sofa, looking at Joe.
"Aren't you supposed to feed Taylor? Aren't you her boyfriend?", she asked him.
"Ermm.. W-wwe.. haven't really discussed it...yet", Joe smiled, all uncomfortable.
"Ahh... young love", Selena sighed, putting her legs on the sofa and spreading all over it.
"Shut urpphh", I mumbled, with my mouth full of oatmeal.
"EAT!!", Jack said as I quickly ate the last bits of my dinner.
"Thank youu!", Gigi hummed and placed the empty bowl on a cupboard, that was just a little further from the door.7

Later the nurse came to check my vitals, and was happy to see the empty bowl. She also informed my friends that visiting hours were from 11 a.m to 9 p.m and told us not to be loud as it was already 6p.m.

I had private room, luckily since I'd been to this hospital before they knew to keep me hidden from prying eyes, and not give out any information to paparazzi. I was also blessed with a tv in my room. Great right?
We all decided to watch a movie, so Gigi hoped into my bed, as she was smaller than the boys. Joe was seated on a the armchair like thing next to my bed, by my side and jack with Selena sat on the couch. We chose to watch High school musical , because it was in recommendations.

When we finished the movie, they said goodbye to me and said they'd wait for Joe in the parking lot.

"I'll come to see you in the morning?", Joe spoke, softly. He sounded tired, he needed sleep.
"Of course, go get some rest, I'll be waiting for you", I replied and held his hand.
"And sleeping?", he added.
"and sleeping. Could you please bring me something sweet, like a chocolate or so... They don't give them here", I asked him, with puppy eyes.
"Maybe they don't do that for a reason? Hmmm?",he wondered.
"Please!", I put on my best puppy dog eyes I wanted them, very much.
"Okay", he gave me a tired smiled and kissed my hand.
"Be safe", I said as he kissed me on my cheek.
"Always am", he chuckled, "good night", and with that he left...


Just a cute little ending :)

I have no Taylor loving friends to tell this too, but I ordered some of her phone cases a while ago and they finally arrived im so happy!!😊

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