Hurtful Rumors Pt.1

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This is part 1. Comment or message me if you want a part 2.

I'll post part 2 once i get a couple messages for it or comments. I want to make sure its something you guys would enjoy.


It was Sunday night at the London residence as Taylor and Joe decided to bake some pie's for his mother's retirement party on Tuesday. They had to chill overnight so they relaxed having an enjoyable evening. Joe was at the cutting board thinly slicing the pears while Taylor cleared out the oven and got ready to wash the dishes that had accumulated. They had a playlist going in the speakers called "Funny Loving" that they added to anytime one of them heard a song that reminded them of the other. Suddenly the music stopped, and Taylor's ringtone was now being played overhead. "Incoming call from Tree Paine, to answer say yes to decline say no" Spoke Siri in monotone. Taylor paused for a moment and turned to Joe.

"Sorry, I should take this. She never calls at night unless its important." She said looking down slightly, disappointedly.

"its alright babe" He flashed her his gorgeous smile, also a bit bummed that their time was getting interrupted.


At this moment she wished Joe wasn't going to be able to hear their entire conversation.

Even though they've been dating for a few months now. There were still somethings he didn't know that Taylor made sure she kept hidden. And, while she felt her safest around him she didn't want her reputation and all the drama that came with it to distance them.

Nervously she waited for the ring tone to transition into Trees' voice.

"Hello" Spoke the voice loudly overhead.

"Hey tree, what's up" Taylor said trying to sound perky.

She busied herself stacking the pots they would need for the desserts, while Joe continued cleaning and cutting the fruits seemingly and luckily not noticing Taylor's entire change in demeanor.

" Have you been checking online recently?" Tree asked her voice catching the attention of the cats as they purred by Joe's legs.

"Not really. I've been busy cooking up some new recipes." She emphasized the last part hanging on to a smidge of hope that Tree would forget about what she'd really called about, and Just talk to Taylor about her baking. She knew it was a dumb plan as soon as she said it. Tree completely ignored it and continued on with her script.

" I just called to say its best for you to avoid any tabloids and social media for the time being. Instagram is pretty safe, but its better to just avoid everything altogether as you know."

Fuck, not again.

"Yeah. Got it. No looking myself up." Taylor blurted sharply.

Joe had started to pay attention to the conversation wary of Taylor's tone.

She just wanted this to be over.

" Can I help? I could put out a statement or post something to change whatever they're saying." She knew it was bad whatever Tree was hiding. She would normally just tell Taylor, but this time it was different.

"There nothing you can do about it right now. If the story continues to grow then we might have to respond but for now it's just a false narrative they are trying to push for drama." She explained calmly not wanting to get Taylor worked up.

That was impossible. Taylor was already sweating her mind going a million miles an hour trying to figure out what they could possibly be saying this time.

"If I cant change it I want to at least know what I'm being portrayed as. Please, I can't deal with not knowing." Taylor pleaded not caring what her voice sounded like at this point.

" Um... It's the magazines. I-I really shouldn't." Tree took a moment before beginning again.

"You're the face of all the magazines right now. They're saying you're pregnant fitting in Tom and Calvin as the potential fathers."

Taylor froze. No. No. No. Why are they saying this again?  Her mind wandered to her body image. She wished she'd never asked.

Joe had now completely given up on the pie as he put down the knives and was trying to processing the situation. Logically he knew there was no way she could be pregnant. But he didn't understand the news or why she had seemingly frozen in place. The mention of her Ex boyfriends didn't help the matter.

"Taylor. Seriously with your past and everything that has happened because of instances like these its important you distract yourself." Tree emphasized after hearing the silence that surrounded them all.

Taylor nodded not daring to open her mouth. She hated that Joe was hearing all of this.

He took a step towards her slowly piecing the information together. He was almost certain she couldn't be pregnant but for some reason the implication of it was severely impacting his girlfriend.

Trees' voice rang out once again "I'm sorry I've got to go, but don't listen to them. You know how the news is. It's just some paparazzi  pictures zoomed in. They'll take anything and blow it up just for a few clicks. I'm sure it'll blow over by Tuesday. Goodbye Taylor."

**Tone end call**

In the back of her mind Taylor knew Tree was right. But she couldn't help herself from thinking about the people who had clicked. The ones who thought she was actually pregnant. Who thought she was fat. Right? That must've been what everyone was thinking. Her logic was slipping. And slipping. Further as the moment passed. She held onto the counter in front to steady herself.


Let me know your thoughts.

Part 2 is the more dramatic part with the crying and break down and all that fun stuff. Who know's how he'll react to her "news".

If you have any requests for part 2 feel free to comment. I havent finished writing it so i can still add anything in (;

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