Fear of Needles

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"It just stings for 3 seconds, love, and then it ends before you realize." Joe tries to reassure the other, squeezing her hand as they wait in the hospital's waiting room.

"I know, I know, it's just..." Taylor gulps at the thought of a needle, "Leading up to it, you know? Like right before it goes in." She stares down at the random receipt she found in her pocket that she's been folding obsessively between her fingers for the past half hour. It's just a tiny needle; skinning your knees on pavement would hurt more. Besides, Joe had reminded him, it could harm others if she didn't get vaccinated.

"You okay?" Joe asks, concerned when he notices Taylor begin to pale suddenly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing, 'm just light-headed."

"Hey," Joe whispers as he presses a light kiss on Taylor's temple for what feels like the hundredth time already, "I told you it'll be okay. I promise." The younger smiles and offers his pinky finger, making Taylor roll her eyes. Nevertheless, she links her own with Joe's, earning a satisfied giggle from the blonde.

Taylor spends the rest of her wait, nervously glancing at the clock every minute. Joe doesn't let go of her hand, despite how sweaty Taylor's hand is becoming from her apprehensiveness. The mounting lead-up has her on edge so bad that Taylor almost flinches when the doctor calls out her name.

"You're going to be alright, I'm gonna be with you the entire time." She hears Joe's voice somewhere in the background but she's too focused on trying not to lose her shit.

As much as Taylor wants to let Joe's words comfort and reassure her, she can't ignore the dread that's curling in her gut as she shuffles towards the doctor's office with Joe in tow.

It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's just a second and then it's over and it's all done, like getting your ears pierced, Taylor keeps repeating to herself because no matter what, she is going to remain calm.

It's going to be okay, just like Joe says, it's going to be al-shit, shit, shit.

Taylor tries hard to not glance at the needles, lying capped in a small basket with a vaccination vial but its the only thing her eyes will focus on. Suddenly her breathing has picked up; harsh, ragged breaths that dry the back of her throat up as her mind starts racing. Her original plan to not freak out extinguishes, replaced with thoughts about how she definitely has not got this.

"How are you, Taylor-? Please, take a seat." The doctor says while waving a hand towards the two chairs next to her desk that Taylor doesn't notice Joe gently pull her towards. The doctor turns her back to them for a moment, gathering some medical supplies from the cupboard above her desk.

"You're not doing too well are you?" She says sympathetically when she notices Taylor clutching onto the fabric of Joe's sleeve with white knuckles.

"I'm just going to disinfect first, okay? It's just a cotton bud."

Taylor nods but as macabre and dramatic it sounds (which are the only prevailing voices in her mind right now), Taylor feels like a lamb coming to the slaughter as the doctor pushes her sleeve up her arm.

It's enough to set her off , hyperventilating so much that she's sure the waiting room can hear her because suddenly she doesn't feel safe, he doesn't want this and its the only thing she can hear in his head.

"Can you take a couple of deep breaths, Taylor? I need you to relax a little bit." She looks to Joe, silently asking him to do something - anything - to distract Taylor.

"Taylor, darling," Joe repeats, taking both of Taylor's hands and kneeling in front of her, "Just look at me, just keep looking at me."

Taylor feels the first needle go into his arm, stinging only slightly but still nonetheless wanting it to be over as she keeps her eyes on Joe. She chokes out a sob, one that makes Joe's heart break because he hates seeing her like this, as rare as it is.

Before she knows it though, the doctor is sticking a bandaid over the tiny pin-prick of blood that begins to bud and the tears stop like a switch.

"There you go, you're all done." The doctor says, smiling as she fills in a form and hands it to Joe. "This is just for his personal records later. Make sure she doesn't move around too much for at least 10 minutes. Some dizziness, soreness or mild fever is expected, so it's nothing to worry about. But if it doesn't subside, come straight back."

"Thank you." He say and takes it from her hands before turning back to Taylor, "See? All done."

"Shut up." Taylor petulantly snaps, letting out an adorable sniffle at the same time that makes Joe smile. Despite reassuring Joe that she feels fine, that her little freak-out episode is over, Taylor doesn't let go of the younger's arm as they both get up to leave.

"Wait, I almost forgot." The doctor says, opening her drawer hastily and taking a small jar out before slamming it shut, "We usually give children candy afterwards, but I think I could make an exception."

She unscrews the lid before tilting the jar towards Taylor.


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