Sick Taylor

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This was a request I got so here you go!

If you have any requests just let me know in the coments or by message :)


Taylor woke up panting, struggling to catch her breath. She had just had the strangest dream about snakes, frogs, and all these different types of amphibians trying to make her their leader? The second she went to wipe her forehead, she knew what caused the strange dream. She was sick, gross, and ugly, the 'get away from me', type of sick.

She didn't get sick often, she did her best not to because of all the performances, and the way it affected her body. The worst thing about it was the hot flashes and never being able to maintain a solid body temperature. When she tried to cool off, she got shivers, but if she covered up, it felt like she was on fire.

She looked over her shoulder, Joe was still sound asleep despite her tossing and turning. She didn't want to get him sick too, so she tried getting up. The second she shifted her weight to her feet, she started to feel dizzy.

That was another thing she hated, the dizzy spells. She felt like out of every human on Earth, she had the worst dizzy spells. It always looked like something out of a video game: she were stuttering around, knocking into ledges to keep stable, and she swear her vision turned into some type filter with all the swirls and blurs.

She decided to stop at the bathroom first to try to clean off some of the sweat. The light nearly was enough to make she fall over and go back to bed by the brightness. She moaned and hovered over the sink. She looked terrible; her hair was in snarls, some snot peaking out of her nose, and her tank top was all wrinkled and riding up her back. This was not a good look..

She ran some cold water and put her whole head under it. At this point she might've well taken a shower, but she didn't think she had the strength to stand for that long.

She snapped her head up at the sound of a knock at the door. She banged her head against the faucet and groaned.

"Hey, babe, it's me, Joe. Can I come in?"

She tried to reply, but it came out as mumbles. She wanted to say no. She looked absolutely disgusting and she didn't want Joe to see she like this. She's been sick around him before, but never this badly. Joe assumed she said yes and lightly pushed the door open.

"Hey," He smiled at her and waved.

She shook her head, "Keep outside, I don't wanna get she sick. And shut the door please."

Joe took a step back, "Are she sure? I don't mind getting sick, it's an excuse to stay at home with you."

"No, please close the door, I look really gross and disgusting right now. It's better if you just stay in the bedroom, away from me."

"Now I'm definitely coming in," Joe walked in and stood behind her. "Sit down with me."

He put his hand behind her back and helped she sit on the ground. It felt better than she expected. She scooted over to the bathtub and leaned against it, looking away from Joe.

"How long have you been up cutie?" He asked.

"I don't look cute right now," She told him. "I am covered in sweat and water, have all of these liquids leaking from my nose, and so much sleep in my eyes that you would think it's infected."

Joe tried to put his arm around her, which she just pushed off.

"I meant what I said. Even when you're sick you're still the cutest person on Earth. You never answered my question."

You still didn't look at him, "I've been up for a couple minutes, not long. You should go back to bed."

"Mhm," Joe shook his head, "I'll go back to bed once you get some sickness drugs in you and we get you cleaned up." Joe stood up and bent down in front of you. There was nowhere to look but back at him, "There's my beautiful Taylor."

You sighed and just nodded to get him to stop pandering you. He moved her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, "Come on, let's get up."

She succumbed to his ways and put her arms up. He placed them over his shoulders and grabbed her by the waist. She really didn't want to get him sick, but she had no choice at this point. He placed her on the edge of the toilet and pulled her shirt down, "Do you want me to brush your hair?"

She shook her head, she already felt bad enough, brushing her hair would only add pain.

"Alrighty gorgeous, let's get you feeling better."

Joe picked her back up and put her back in bed. He grabbed a spare sheet from the closet and placed it over her. He came back a couple minutes later with some crackers, medicine, and a water bottle. She did her best to eat, but she was scared of throwing up. Joe stayed with her the rest of night, and somehow, he never got sick. She eventually fell asleep deep in his arms watching some friends episodes with her lover.

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