Jealousy Jealousy

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Request for @lcontreras_2008


"So did you decide? Are you coming with?" Taylor looks over her shoulder at Joe where the other lad is sitting on Taylor's hotel bed going through his phone. They don't have a lot of time together this time around but the party is something Taylor really can't get out of going to, and she's sure they won't mind if he brings someone along- especially if it's Joe. The fans will definitely enjoy seeing them together for once.

"I mean should I? I'm not presenting, wouldn't it be weird for me to show up?" Joe's not really paying too much attention as Taylor attempts to do her hair in the bathroom, towel wrapped around her waist after her shower. It's the American Music Awards so of course they throw a nice little party especially with her being showcased. "Will I know anyone there?" Joe asks finally putting his phone down and giving Taylor his full attention.

"Yeah, Zayn will be there for sure, Ed, maybe Harry," Taylor laughs a bit at Joe's blue glare even though Taylor and Harry are on pretty pleasant speaking terms, "Shawn will be there, Selena..." but she's cut off by Joe's rough question.

"Mendes?" Joe asks but he's got that look, it's the same look he gets when Tom or Calvin comes up. Taylor's learned to ignore it.

"Yeah, Mendes, do I know any other Shawns?" Taylor asks giving Joe a look before focusing back on the mirror wondering if she should attempt to trim her eyebrows a bit- look more presentable.

"When's it start?" Joe's asking as he moves into the bathroom. Taylor doesn't even question why he's there- Joe always likes to be in her space. She grabs her phone as Joe moves all the way into the bathroom to press his front to Taylor's back, dropping his chin onto her shoulder. She smells good; looks better; and she really wishes that they had more time together, but they only have these couple days before Joe's jetting off to South America and then she's off to Switzerland for a music video shortly after.

"We have about two hours." As soon as she says that Joe's hand lands gently on her stomach right above the twist keeping her towel up.

"Do we now?" and his hand is inching lower bit by bit as his pink lips press a kiss right to the curve of her neck.

"Yeah," Taylor meets Joe's eyes in the mirror, dark and dilated as she lets Joe push the towel down to the floor and starts backing the two of them up out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Once there he spins Taylor around so they're chest to chest and he can lift his hands up to her shoulders, one thumb brushing across her collarbone..

"So we've got time?" Joe asks, leaning down pressing a kiss behind her ear, then another one a little lower, slowly moving down his neck as he shuffles them backwards until Taylor's knees bump into the bed.

"Hmm," Taylor's already a little lost, she gets that way whenever she's naked with Joe.

Joe lets out and almost dark chuckle -like he knows what he does to Taylor- as he bites gently into the skin at the base of her neck.

Joe's hands are almost harsh on her hips- like he's looking to press the color of his nail polish on to Taylor's skin by pressure alone and leave an imprint of his lips and teeth everywhere they touch.

And yeah they've got the time so Taylor decides to just let herself be distracted.

She pulls herself from bed an hour later- her body weighed down by orgasms and their very short nap. It's only after she's showered-again- partially dressed that she looks in the mirror.

"Jesus Christ Joe, I can't cover all these up." Their car will be here in ten minutes but all she can look at is the line of love bites on her collarbone and one that strayed a little too high on his neck.

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