Movie Night Confessions

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Some cute fluff in honor of the gorgeous pictures we got of them! Wish I was in Ireland Rn😩


Taylor perused her shelf of DVD's wondering which one Joe would choose tonight.  She loved their movie nights, because she got to spend them with her best friend, who she just happened to be in love with. It wasn't like Taylor really had a chance with him, anyway;, he was Joe Alwyn, for fuck's sake. A normal guy who didn't have to deal with peeking people or the medias scrutiny. He deserved to be with a gorgeous woman who was every bit as amazing as he was. Taylor was astonished that he would even bother with their movie nights after all he'd heard about her, but that was just Joe. She assumed that he was just coming back every week out of pity, even though he never made it seem that way. Taylor felt a wave of melancholy roll over her and had to shake it off quickly when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey Joe," Taylor said ushering him inside with a smile and a quick hug. The way he always acted like she was important to him sort of made me want to go crawl under a rock. Who was she kidding? She was just wasting his time. Shutting the door, she shoved that thought away as he broke out one of those bright smiles that she adored so much and crushed her to his chest in a bear hug. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the sudden hug attack.

"How's my little firecracker doing?" He asked as he picked her up and spun me in a circle. She squealed a little holding onto him with an iron grip and he laughed his famous laugh, finally allowing her to stand on her own two feet. She looked up into his beautiful, joyful, blue eyes and couldn't help but feel as if this was Heaven: his arms were still around her and his smile was still stuck on his face. She felt herself blush a little and turned her head a fraction to hide it.

"I'm fine. How did filming go? "She asked, leading him into the living room where they could relax. He chuckled and followed close at her heels.

"It went fine, darling, but how've you been? It's been so long since we saw each other last! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get away for the last few weeks," Joe said as they sat on the couch, and she shushed him with a wave of her hand.

"It's fine, Joe. There's no need for you to apologize! You've been really busy with filming and premiers and actor stuff. You've got to make a living somehow," She replied, and he shook his head looking sad almost.

"I know, I know, but I just feel so guilty about not being able to see you for our movie nights. I hated the thought of you sitting here alone, laughing at a joke that I wasn't able to share with you," Joe said reaching out and stroking her cheek. She felt her cheeks heating up again when his skin made contact with hers, and she tried to turn away enough to hide her face from his searching eyes. She registered the feeling of his hands framing her face and turning her head until she faced him again. "Hey, are you alright, darling?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine,"She said quietly, and she stood a little too quickly for it to be normal, and prayed he wouldn't notice how nervous she was. She walked over to the DVD shelf, ignoring Joe's confused expression, and looked at the little plastic cases. "S-So what are we watching tonight?"

She heard Joe stand up and walk over behind me before he wrapped his long arms around me. She froze, trying not to make her immobility noticeable, and he reached around her. Taylor felt his chin rest on top of her head, and she fought not to gasp. He skimmed the spines of the DVD cases gently with his fingertip before sighing and bringing his arm back to wrap around her once more.

"I don't really care, Taylor. As long as we watch whatever it is together, I'll be happy," he said, and she felt him press a kiss to the top of her head. Oh, God, what was happening? She couldn't be feeling what she felt for him, at least, not while his arms were around me, not when he could easily find out. So she shoved her thoughts away, grabbed a random DVD, and, breaking his lovely warm embrace, put it into the player.

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