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"Joeee." Taylor says melodically as she sits up in bed. Joe doesn't even stir in his sleep making Taylor huff.

"Hey." Taylor says louder before reaching out and poking Joe's cheek, Joe turns away but he still doesn't wake up.

"Joe Joe Joe Joe-" Taylor starts to repeatedly poke Joe's face and neck.

"Stop!" Joe whines before pulling the blanket up farther so he was cocooned with the duvet.

"But babe..." Taylor pouts before jerking the blanket away and poking Joe's side.

"Taylor please..." Joe says in a frustrated tone of voice, "...let me sleep."

"I want cuddles... and kisses!" Taylor tries to look as cute as possible but Joe wouldn't even look at her so she went back to pouting.

"No." Joe says and Taylor almost felt offended.

"Well fine then." Taylor sasses before crossing her arms and glaring at the halfway asleep Joe.

Taylor just wanted Joe to hold her what was so wrong with that?

Taylor bravely reaches out before attacking Joe's sides, tickling him with a vengeance.

"Taylor!" Joe shrieks as he tries to swat Taylor's hands away from his bare sides, "Stop it!" Taylor just giggles.

"This isn't funny Swift!" Joe gets a sudden wave of strength and he shoves Taylor backwards, however they were closer to the edge than Joe thought and Taylor fell backwards off of the bed.

Taylor hit the floor with a thud, a soft "Ow." emitting from her.

Joe peeked over the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"

Taylor blinks up at Joe with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry- stop looking at me like that!" Joe laughs before burying his face in the sheets.

"Help." Taylor reaches out to Joe.

Joe sighs before grabbing Taylor's hand, the second Taylor's grip tightens Joe mumbles a soft "Oh no...".

Taylor smirks before pulling Joe onto the ground, Joe lands on top of her but he instantly scrambles to get back on the bed.

"No!" Taylor laughs and reaches for Joe again.

"Let me go, this isn't funny Taylor!"

"Then why are you laughing?" Taylor giggles even harder, a hint of mischievousness made her giggle not so innocent.

"I just wanna sleep and you won't let me!"

"I want kisses and cuddles, just give in you know you can't resist me."

Joe burrows back under the blanket once he gets himself free from her cuddle addicted girlfriend.

"Hmph." Taylor huffs before crawling under the blanket next to Joe.

"Joe... pwease." Taylor pleads.

"What, are you two now? Can't even say please correctly I swear-"

"Love me dammit!" Taylor demands.

"I do love you Taylor." Joe says as he rolls over and meets Taylor's eyes. Taylor smiles at him, "just not on days that end with a 'y'."

Taylor gasps, faking offended. "Don't be freaking rude!" She pushes Joe's shoulder gently.

Joe just laughs as Taylor rolls her eyes.

"Joe." Taylor says softly and Joe sighs before looking at her lovingly.

"Yes, baby?" Joe asks, his voice was equally as soft, matching the love eyed look he was giving Taylor.

"Cuddles?" Taylor asks before giving Joe her best puppy eyes.

"Taylor that's not gonna work." Joe huffs out a laugh, his love eyed gaze was still holding strong.

Taylor juts out her bottom lip and she tilts her head down before looking at Joe through her eyelashes.

Joe knew he was about to break and give in. He took one look into those big blue doe eyes that he was in love with before sighing.

"Jesus Christ." Joe huffs before quickly pulling Taylor to his chest.

Taylor instantly melts into Joe and she tangles their legs together.

"I hate that you're so painfully adorable." Joe tries to sound grumpy but he really couldn't be mad.

"You love it, don't lie." Taylor nuzzles into the crook of Joe's neck.

"Yeah, yeah." Joe rolls his eyes.

Taylor moves back a little so she could meet Joe's eyes.

"What?" Joe asks, Taylor just leans in and kisses him softly.

Joe kisses her back gingerly as she wraps her arms around Taylor's back.

Taylor pulls away with a soft smile and a sigh of content before resting their foreheads together, "I love you."

"I love you too." Joe replies before kissing Taylor on the nose, her nose scrunches up cutely before she flops herself back down onto Joe's chest.

Taylor hums in content when Joe presses a soft kiss to her head and she reaches for Joe's hand before slotting their fingers together.

"You and your obsession with hand-holding, you're an actual living fluff Taylor." Joe says with an abundance of fondness in his voice.

"Shut up, Alwyn." Taylor mumbles into Joe's chest just as fondly.

Taylor squeezes Joe's hand and presses a kiss to his chest before nuzzling into his neck and pressing her warm body impossibly closer to Joe's, she falls asleep almost instantly after that.

Joe smiles at the sleepy Taylor before realizing that he was wide awake. He wishes he could be mad at Taylor for disrupting his sleep but when he looks at the adorable woman sleeping on his chest he knows that it's all worth it and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Jaylor / Taylor Swift One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now