Christmas's Together

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"Joe" he hears a soft whisper, a warm hand reaches to touch his arm, their skin was smooth. Her voice mixed with his mother's for a moment, possibly from a dream he'd been woken from that he had already forgotten. "Wake up" her voice was cheerful, he squinted an eye open to see Taylor with a bright smile on her face. He needed a moment to match her happiness, she had been sitting, waiting on their bed with her legs crossed

Joe grunts, he moved to her and plopped his head in her lap then yanked the covers over himself. "I thought you were my mother for a second" he mumbles, still half asleep, she stiffens at his comment.

He peers up at and squints at the light she gazed at him "oh?" she gives him a confused look, Joe could tell she was unable to know how to react to that comment.

A small smile comes across his lips, he leans into her hand "I think you woke me in the middle of a dream. Only fitting considering today" he nuzzles in her hand giving it a kiss before he sat up.

Joe sat up, he rubbed at his eyes then reached over for a sip of water. He could see Taylor clearly, Her hair pulled back, wearing her traditional red robe. Joe reached out cupping her cheek, then planting a kiss on her cheek "Merry Christmas" he exclaims.

"Merry Christmas" she replied and leaned in for another kiss, she loved celebrating ever since she was a child. Joe hadn't ever celebrated Christmas like he did once they started dating. It was a whole other level of happiness.

Joe reaches and placed a hand on her hip "you look beautiful" he said then leans in for another kiss.

Taylor pulls back "you know my rule" she backs up and got off the bed with color in her cheeks.

Joe had a pout on his "no distracting you till breakfast and presents" he grunts then followed her.

She smirks, they make their way into the kitchen, reached into the fridge Taylor grabbed orange juice and champagne. Mimosas and waffles were on Christmas morning, she'd already chopped up the strawberries and made the whipped cream. He changed it up, adding bacon into the mix of Christmas breakfast knowing how much Taylor enjoyed it. Taylor could only sleep to a certain point on Christmas morning, she was anticipating it.

They took their time, Joe always made her waffle with chocolate chips, she sat on kitchen island and waited for him to finish. Joe had his mother's old recipe that she would make for him on sundays, it had always put him in a good mood. It was Taylors idea to make it a tradition, especially since she found them irresistible. She dipped strawberries in the whip cream then popped it in her mouth when he wasn't paying attention. Occasionally she would get up, refill his mimosa and give him a kiss on the cheek.

She took out some silverware while Joe finished the food, he was arranging the food for its presentation. He grinned when he placed her food in front of her, Joe had made her waffle into a smiley face with the toppings and bacon strips. She appreciated his rawness, the purity of this situation, Joe smiling with his messy hair in his college shorts and a tee shirt. His scruff coming through just enough to tickle her nose when they kiss softly.

In her red robe that cut past her thigh, with a fuzzy liner that Joe had bought her years back, Taylor looked jaw dropping. "You look beautiful darling." He said in his deep British accent.
She just giggled and picked up another strawberry.

Taylor refreshed their glasses before they began to eat, he was on to her, she was trying to get him drunk and it was working. Either she has a plan or it's all in his head, when it came to Taylor either was possible.

When they finished, Taylor and Joe collectively cleaned up the kitchen, every few moments they would bumped into each other. After they were done, they opened their presents to one another, a few gifts were just gag gifts. Taylor had gotten Joe bright pink gardening gloves for his on going project in their backyard and a child sized shovel. Joe got Taylor a shirt that said "bed hog" written on the front of it. She opened her mouth to defend herself but Taylor couldn't help it break out into giggles.

Taylor got up to grab a little red bag.
"Okay Okay now time for my actual gift" she said as she placed the bag in his lap.
"I know how upset you were that you weren't going to be able to go so I pulled some strings. I hope you like it!" She said excitedly. Joe slowly opened the bag to find two broadway tickets to Beetlejuice a show he had been dying to see. His face now had the brightest grin on it as he stood up and engulfed Taylor in a hug.
"Thank you so much baby! This is amazing."

"... Um. I have something for you." He rushed his words and took a step back.

Taylor's almost didn't hear him. The radio was blaring some old Christmas music, and Joe's sentence almost gets lost under the loud whistling of an upcoming winter storm.

She just sat there patiently confuzed on his sudden change in demeanor.
Joe grabbed a rectangular shaped gift wrapped in red wrapping paper with cats all over it. " I-i always love the songs you write for me, so I thought maybe I could sing you one I wrote." He smiled at the ground and waited for a reaction.

After a few seconds of silence he quickly added " It probably sucks, and yours are so much better I don't even have to do it if you hate the idea bu-"

Taylor quickly grabbed his hand and cupped his check so that he would look her in the eye.
" I will absolutely love whatever you wrote because it comes from you. Don't sell yourself short your amazing baby." And she gave him a quick kiss to get away with any nervousness.

Joe slowly picked up one of the many guitars scattered around every room and sat on the floor in front of her beginning to strum.

**When you came to me
With your bad dreams and your fears
It was easy to see you'd been crying
Seems like everywhere you turn
Catastrophe it reigns

I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever

When you kissed my lips
With my mouth so full of questions
My worried mind that you quiet
Place your hands on my face

I could hold you in my arms
Oh I could hold on forever**

Joe looked up at her to see the look of adoration that had formed on her face.
"I love you and I hope I didn't just make a fool out of myself."

Taylor knelt down next to him and engulfed him in a hug whispering in his ear. "Thank you that was the sweetest thing. I love you so much baby."

After a few minutes of simply holding each other, the two cleaned up their wrappings and moved into their bedroom finally back in bed.

"If Ed gets us a puppy I might kill him" Joe's train of thought rambled off, he climbed in bed next to Taylor. Ed had joked that he was going to get them a brand new puppy, One guaranteed to destroy their house.

She reaches for his and rubbed at the scruff on his cheek "I'd beat you to it" Taylor smirks, she tugs on his head. Taylor reeled him in for a kiss, she takes his hand and places it on the knot of her robe. Instead, He removes his hand from the knot and reached to the band in her hair, he pulled it out then dropped the band. Her hair falls loose, it fanned out between the two of their faces, Joe smiled against her lips. He reached and combed her hair through his fingers, Joe kissed her deeper this time.

Joe shifted, he hovered slightly over her, he breaks from her lips to kiss her cheek, then her jaw eventually he reached her neck. He heard her sigh when he reached for the knot in her robe, he untied it and touched the soft material. She had been wearing silk, he ran a hand down her hip to her leg curious to see where the hem stopped. Still as he placed feverish kisses on Taylor neck, she yanks his head up to look at her.

Their eyes meet "you are so beautiful" he said before leaning in for another kiss spending the rest of their Christmas enjoying each others company and warmth.

Happy holidays to everyone!!! 🎄🎄
Leave any requests and I'll get to them as soon as possible ❤️

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