Favorite Workout

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Currently under review and working on getting certain parts okay'd 

Taylor is aching.

Sweat is covering her body, making every move and touch slick. Every fiber in her is alive and burning. The very core of her body is aching in a scorching bonfire.

Taylor can't hold on anymore. She can't. She wants to let go. She needs to let go.

"Joe..." Her voice is timid and weak and it causes a smirk– that smirk that she wants to kiss away– on Joe's face as she lifts her head up.

"Hm?" he asks, green eyes shining deviously. Taylor's arms and legs are quivering. She had determinedly tried to avoid this moment throughout the whole situation but Taylor is falling apart now. She can't hold it in anymore.

Taylor hates the stammer in her voice; it only makes Joe's grin grow even wider. "I-I can't-"

Joe's voice is of ease and confidence. "Then let go." Hia voice is low, husky... persuasive.

Taylor does as she is told for she genuinely cannot stand it anymore. Immediately, the feeling of euphoria and bliss floods through her body as her once tense body relaxes.

She lets out a soft groan of relief and she lies still on the floor, her body completely drained of energy. Her entire back is soaked with sweat, her neck is sore and her arms legs are completely immobile. She is unable to control her heavy breathing but she is grateful for the oxygen rushing into her lungs.

Joe laughs as he watches Taylor sprawled on the floor of their gym. "Drama queen," he teases.

Taylor doesn't bother turning her head towards him. "Shut up. Not all of us are strong enough to hold a plank for 3 minutes, okay?" She breathes, still exhausted from her 90 second plank. "I get it, you're all healthy and strong with your shiny abs."

Joe laughs. "You aren't too bad yourself, you know." he says, cheeks slightly pink from Taylor's blatant admiration. "You've got some nice abs too." Joe compliments, turning his head to the side to get a better view of Taylor's abdomen.

Taylor reaches an arm out and gently pushes Joe's head back into position. "It's cheating if you don't keep your form, you know."

Joe scoffs, "It's not a contest, Taylor. Besides, if it were, you've already lost."

Taylor rolls her eyes and refrains herself from kissing that smug look on Joe's face. Even though they were completely alone in the gym– aside from the workers at the front desk– it would've been risky to show more than platonic affection in the room.

"Well, I'll make it a challenge, then." Taylor turns over, lying on her front and puts her face near Joe's. "I challenge you to hold your plank for 5 minutes."

"That's hardly a challenge, babe." Joe laughs, tilting his head up to look at his beautiful girlfriend. "You know that I've done that before. It's a piece of cake."

"Well, prove it then." Taylor says competitively. Joe rolls her eyes but smiles. "What do I get if I win?" he asks indifferently.

"You'll find out later," Taylor says, her blue eyes glinting mischievously. Joe grins, "Challenge accepted," and places his head back into its proper position.

Taylor takes this moment to sit back and properly admire the British man's entire physique. The way his back shone with a thin sheen of sweat or how soft the tan skin on his neck looked or more importantly, the rigidness of Joe's biceps... he was a true work of art.

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