Thunderstorm *Smut*

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Smut warning😏

Someone requested this soo here you go, there is a storyline to it.
If you know me in real life ✨no you don't ✨
And never mention this hehe 💀

P.S I've never witten smut before so if this sucks just ignore it💀💀


Lying on the couch, hands intertwined, head placed upon the pillow on Joe's lap, a blanket draped over her body, Taylor felt content. The feeling of Joe's free hand running through her hair made her sigh from pleasure. The action was distracting her from the commotion that was happening outside of her Nashville home.

Various sounds of crashing, lightning, and wind hitting the windows signaled a storm was coming. Storms, despite growing up in Nashville, still scared Taylor. However, knowing that her British man was going to experience it too slightly eased her worries. Joe's hands continued the motion through her hair before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead, which made Taylor smile. The sound of lightning striking in the distance made her jump, sending chills down her spine. Sensing Taylor's fright and tension, Joe resumed stroking her hair and started singing to her, knowing it would calm her down. Before he could reach the second chorus of Betty another thunderous roar was heard followed by darkness, indicating the house had lost power.
Taylor shifted to an upright position, grabbing her phone on the table and turning the flashlight app on with Joe doing the same. Leaving her on the sofa, she watched him head in the direction of the kitchen. He returns with various candles and matches. She watched him place them in various spots in the room they currently occupied and placed two on the table close by. Her thoughts were interrupted when another sound came from the sky.

Approaching the window and drawing back the curtain Joe could see that the whole street had lost power. Sighing he made his way back to Taylor and sat on the left side of her. Placing his arm around her, he bought her close where her head landed on his shoulder. Kissing Taylor's hair, he looked down and saw how the candlelight reflected on her perfect skin. Using his left hand Joe bought her face to his and placed a loving kiss on her lipstick-covered lips. Sighing into the kiss Taylor almost forgot about the wild weather that frightened her,

"So. What are we going to do?" she asked after pulling away from the kiss. She saw his smile turn into a cheeky smirk.

"What are we going to do?" he said with a tinge of laughter in his voice, "What do people usually do in the dark? I can think of a few things."

Taylor smacked his chest playfully when she saw him wiggle his eyebrows at the last comment. She knew what he was alluding to. "Joe! This isn't the time for sex.," she said with a smile on her face, mentally laughing at his suggestion for sex. Taylor ran her hand through her short hair thinking of ways they could pass the time before the power returned. Bringing her legs to her chest and resting her chin on top, her blue eyes settled to her left on Joe's swallow tattoo that was peeping from his open shirt.

"We could a play cards or something?" she said, having no idea on what to do without power that didn't involve both her and Joe naked.

"We could write a song? Or play some on the guitar?" he suggested and saw her nodding in approval.

After what had felt like hours, the pair put down their instruments. Singing various songs including some of their own and completing one song together, their hands and arms began to ache. They took it as a sign to stop and move to another activity. Joe watched her retrieve a pack of Uno cards from the draw and followed her back to the sofa. Taylor sat down on the floor with her legs crossed near the edge of the table. Joe followed suit by sitting to her left side so he could rest his back against the couch.

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