Skinny Dipping

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Nudge. Taylor could feel someone gently shove her shoulder, rousing her from her sleep. At first, Taylor tried to ignore it; perhaps Joe had rolled over in his sleep, and bumped into Taylor. He was a heavy enough sleeper, and it wouldn't have been the first time that Joe hit Taylor in his sleep. Plus, they were currently sharing a tent – which didn't give them too much extra space to begin with.

Another nudge occurred. Taylor made an irritated, throaty growl – the kind that explicitly translated to "back the hell off."

"Tay," Someone gently whispered – Joe gently whispered. "Tay, wake up."

Taylor rolled over in her sleeping bag, and tried to ignore Joe. Camping was supposed to be peaceful. They were supposed to be asleep, so what did he want?

"Tayyy," Joe tried again, this time a tad louder. When Taylor didn't respond, Joe made a slightly annoyed face before moving to his second method of waking Taylor up. Quietly, Joe lowered himself down so his face was close to the side of Taylor's. He then gently ran his tongue over Taylor's ear.

Taylor jolted. "Jesus, fuck, Joe!" She hissed, as she turned around to glare at her boyfriend. "Don't do that!"

Joe rolled his eyes. "I tried to nudge you awake. But that didn't work," He commented, before a somewhat amused gleam appeared in his eyes. "You left me no choice."

"Bullshit," Taylor muttered. "Seriously, what do you want? We're supposed to drive back in the morning, and I need to sleep if I'm going to have patience to deal with the Gigi and Zayn on the way back..."

In the darkness, Taylor could see Joe pause, as though he was suddenly hesitating on whatever it was he wanted to say. Within a moment, Joe looked back at Taylor and answered. "Babe, let's go swimming."

"What?" Taylor asked, for a second not certain if Joe was actually serious. "Joe, it's the middle of the night-"

"Yeah, but we've been out here all weekend and you know I've been looking forward to going swimming at least once."

"Look, it's not my fault Gigi forgot her swimsuit and everyone didn't want to exclude her. But we can't go swimming now," Taylor argued. "Come on – just go back to sleep already."

Despite the darkness, Taylor just knew Joe's face had fallen a bit at hearing this. She tried not to let herself feel too badly – it wasn't her fault swimming had fallen through. And going swimming now was just...ugh, it was too late, and Taylor knew they had to be up early to make the three hour drive back to the city.

Joe leaned over and pressed his cheek against Taylor's. "Taylor, please? We don't have to swim long or anything, and it's still really nice outside," Joe murmured, as nuzzled his face into Taylor's hair, before pressing his lips onto Taylor's neck. "I'll make it up to you – I promise."

Taylor shuddered a little at the intimate touch, and shrugged off Joe as she closed her eyes "Joe..." Taylor muttered, before exhaling. She opened her eyes, and caught sight of Joe's peering through the darkness. Large, pleading, puppy-like eyes.

Ugh. Taylor hated the puppy eyes. She sucked at saying no to the puppy eyes.

A defeated sigh escaped Taylor. "Whatever. If you want to swim, I'll go with you to make sure you don't drown. But I'm not getting in."

Joe scrunched up his nose. "You're no fun..."

"Fine. I'm going back to sleep."

"Wait, please come with me! I don't want to go by myself, and no one will be around since its dark. You don't have to worry about that" Joe pleaded, quickly changing her mind. He nudged Taylor again, and Taylor swatted him away.

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