Nervous Antics

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Joe pulls his car to a stop at the top of Taylor's driveway, and takes a second to check his hair in the rear view mirror before getting out. It's stupid, but he's a little nervous.

Taylor meets his at the front door, smile wide, but it does nothing to calm Joe.

He feels anxious and he knows he shouldn't, it's so pointless. He and Taylor have been together for a while, and it's time they take this step.

He's ready. They're both ready.

Taylor grabs his hand and leads his into the house. Joe drops his bag on the kitchen counter and then Taylor pulls his towards the living room and he hesitates, his hand clammy in Taylor's. Taylor looks back at his, eyebrows raised.

"I just....I really want this to go well," Joe says softly.

Taylor smiles and steps close to his to press a quick kiss to the corner of Joe's mouth. "It will, I think. And I mean, it's not that big of a deal."

That's not true, Joe thinks. This could make or break their relationship, if they let it. She takes a deep breath and nods, placing her trust in the singer.

She lets Taylor lead her into the living room, and pull her down on the couch. She sits and tries not to fidget while Taylor lights a candle on the table and puts on some music, and then Taylor joins her on the couch.

This is it. This is the big moment.

"Ready?" Taylor asks gently.

Joe finds her mouth dry with nerves and she's sure her voice will show it, so she merely nods.

This is such a big step, such an important one.

Joe doesn't want to mess it up.

Taylor giggles and leans forwards to give Joe another little kiss.

Then she thrusts Meredith into Joe's arms.

It is, without a doubt, the most nerve wracking moment he's ever experienced, worse than any audition. This fluffy little gray cat is Taylor's life, and Joe desperately wants her approval.

"Hi little baby," Joe coos softly. Meredith squirms a little bit but she doesn't jump away.

"Remember, she doesn't like most people," Taylor warns, but Joe shakes his head.

"She's going to love me," she assures Taylor, and then his nose tickles and he sneezes.

"Joe," Taylor sighs.

"No, it's okay!" Joe protests quickly. "I took some allergy stuff. It probably just takes a little longer to kick in."

He knew it could get problematic: Taylor loves cats and Joe's allergic, but he's not going to let some watery eyes ruin this important meeting.

"Well then take his fur away from your face until it works, dummy," Taylor protests, but Joe keeps cuddling the small cat.

Yes, his eyes are watering and yes, his throat's starting to feel scratchy, but the way Taylor is grinning at him, and grinning at Meredith makes it totally worth it.

"See? I think she likes me," Joe says proudly as Meredith delicately sniffs his finger tips and then rubs the top of his head against Joe's hand.

Then the cat jumps from his arms and Joe's face falls.

"Be patient, she's a little flighty," Taylor instructs him, squeezing his arm.

They both watch as Meredith jumps across the couch over Taylor, climbs onto the arm of the couch to bat at a lock of his straight blonde hair, and then scampers back to Joe. It's not quite an endorsement, he thinks, but it's not a snub yet either. And he'll wait all night if he needs to, until the cat gets used to him.

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