Comforting Doctors visit

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Request for @gqldskies

I have sooo many ghost readers so remember to like and comment if you enjoyed or if you have any requests : )

"Ms. Swift?"

Taylor shivered in her reclined seat, and Joe reached over to give her thigh a reassuring squeeze. then, he rubbed circles into Taylor's thigh with his thumb, perhaps trying to distract Taylor and her runaway thoughts.

's not working...

"...y-yes?" Taylor asked in a small voice. her chin quivered while tears beaded at the corners of her eyes. she sniffled fiercely to force them away.

She had to get her blood drawn before tour started to make sure she didn't have any medical problems and it was always nerve wracking for her, not to mention her intense fear of needles.

"how're you today?" the male nurse asked. he had some ointment in his hand, and Taylor cringed. She knew what he was gonna do with that 'cause that was why he was here and—

oh god, oh god, it's happening! he's gonna, gonna—

"mm, i'm good just a little nerv— " Taylor's vision started to swim with more than just tears, so she closed her eyes. Luckily the nurse had to go out to grab some more supplies.

Once the door closed some tears fell down her cheeks, and she let out a small cry. it felt like all her emotions were sitting on her chest, and she suddenly couldn't catch her breath.

no! i can't slip now! Don't be rude

"'s okay, baby," she heard Joe whisper. then, she felt a light brush of something against her cheek. "breathe, baby. in 'n out, in 'n out."

Taylor listened to Joe's gentle commands, and her chest didn't feel so constricted anymore. She felt much lighter, like she was floating now instead of drowning in her panic.

Joe whispered, "yeah, that's it. you're doing great, love. It's okay."

Taylor's eyes fluttered open at the praise, her cheeks darkening. something touched her cheek again, and Taylor looked to her right, where Joe had been. Taylor was surprised to see the nurse in his place, but she quickly found Joe, who was giving Taylor one of his soft smiles.

Joe's still here, so it'll be okay. I'll be okay.

"so you're a little nervous, hm?" the nurse asked. he smiled, and it gave Taylor a little relief. the nurse's smile felt comforting, but having Joe's strong, comforting presence near her made Taylor feel better. like she didn't need to burst into tears anymore.

Everyone knew how worked up she'd get over these checkups mostly since the only other time she'd come was for her mom's cancer checkups.

Taylor sniffled. "y-yeah, um— jus' a l'il..."

Joe gave her arm a squeeze, and Taylor realized it was a lot easier with Joe here. Taylor wasn't being such a burden to the poor hospital staff who had to deal with someone so difficult. She wasn't sobbing or having her usual panic attack, so it wouldn't be as difficult.

Taylor felt something stroke her forehead and her arm, and she noticed Joe was looking at her out of concern, his soft smile still on his face.

Joe asked, "thinkin' about somethin' else?"

Taylor hummed, staring into Joe's  eyes. "nope."

He kept her attention, allowing the nurse to tie the tourniquet around her arm without incident.

Taylor giggled at his face staring at hers.

after a beat of silence, Taylor finally mumbled, "is it o-over yet." and when Joe asked her to repeat herself, she said it a bit louder. "i-is it over yet."and when Taylor suddenly yelped, jumping a little 'cause something cold had swiped across the crease of her elbow, that guilt morphed into hurt and embarrassment 'cause she realized it wasn't even the needle—

Taylor frowned.

Taylor could feel tears gathering in her eyes. they threatened to spill over when the nurse told her to form a fist, and the nurse started tapping her arm

"you'll feel a little stick, okay? since i'm using the smallest needle," the nurse said unhelpfully, and Taylor had to swallow down her sob. "one, two—"



Taylor felt the 'little stick' and closed her eyes. "hurry please," she chanted through ther fresh wave of tears. "Ow!"

"almost done, love. you've filled up one tube," Joe said, " and now you're fillin' up the next one. almost done, love. almost done."

Taylor just wanted to cry, wanted to leave this place and never come back, but she had to do this it was her randomest fear which sucked because of how many times shes had to come face it.

"It's all done," Joe said, appearing at Taylor's side in place of the nurse. "'s all done. there's nothin' else for you to be worried about," Joe reassured. he made sure the cotton ball and wrapping stayed in place when Taylor hugged him tightly holding her in his arms.

"you're okay," Joe said. he acknowledged the leaving nurse and pulled Taylor to his chest. "need you to breathe for me. in...out. in...out. in...out." Joe began to pet Taylor's hair and pressed a kiss on top of her head. then, he whispered some words in Taylor's ear. He nuzzled the hair near Taylor's ear and left a kiss there. " I know you don't like hospitals, baby, so we'll get outta here as soon as we can, okay? you just gotta hold out a little longer."

Taylor managed to nod from her spot in Joe's warm embrace and choked out, " Okay, sorry you have to deal with this."

" We all have our fears Tay and I'd rather be with you instead of letting you cry alone."

"I love you Taylor said tiredly.

Joe smiled. "'Just gotta sign some papers and we'll head home since you've had enough excitement for one day."

He held her hand tightly as they walked down the long hallway leading them one step closer to home.

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