Cancer Connections

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Once again I suck at coming up with titles so if you think of anything better let me know 😂


Taylor's friends are not perfect, or  neat or tidy... her friends are those with enough love in their hearts to fight for and defend what is right and good. So come with those frayed edges and scratches, because what counts is still holds a steady rhythm within.

Joe's friends on the other hand were dicks.

Okay, Okay maybe that was a bit harsh. But really, she had no idea where her sweet selfless man found such unruly rats. She wasn't one to quickly judge character, for she knew how it feels to have a bad day. But these people, she always had a bad feeling about. They'd never been rude to her directly, but she could tell there was something behind their eyes. Something dark, and not the mysterious kind.

After Joe had first introduced her to all his closest friends, there were a few she's never seen again. It wasn't something he talked about, but she knew it was because of her. A simple rude comment or "funny" joke rooted deeply in their misogyny and Joe had quickly learned it was best rip out the weeds before they infiltrate the rest of the garden.

There were a few they would hang out with quite often and they'd all grown quite close, she trusted them which was always a big step for someone like her.

Just like every other Saturday night that month she could hear the loud British voices from downstairs. "Pass me the chips," Joe hummed, reaching out to grab the bowl from his friend Michael before he ate them all. He was currently in the middle of a video game with his other friend Ryan, whom he's known since primary school. But they'd paused for a few minutes for snack purposes. His and Taylor's apartment was their preferred place to hang out, since she was pretty cool about it, and Michael and Ryan roomed with total douches. All Taylor asked was that they leave before midnight so she could get some sleep before recording, which seemed more than reasonable.

Joe always thought he'd hit pretty lucky to have a girlfriend like Tay, she was always willing to help out with anything, and she was good company. When coming to America, Joe had expected histimeto be something he resented, and whoever he ended up living with to be someone he'd fight with over the lack of space, but that wasn't the case. He truly loved Taylor, thought she was sweet and cute and a little dorky. She spent most of his free time collecting for charities and doing fundraisers instead of going to parties, after all.

Ryan reached out to grab some chips, but Joe moved the bowl, laughing as Ryan took a dive at him and protesting loudly as they both hit the floor.

Taylor's door cracked open, and the cute clumsy girl stepped out slowly, uncertainly. She was dressed in a pair of navy pajamas, adorned with cute little kittens she absolutely loved, her hair wrapped up in a little bun on the top of her head, stray hairs poking out. It didn't take a genius to realize they'd woken her up.

"What the hell kind of pajamas are those?" Ryan asked bluntly, looking at what Taylor was wearing and starting to laugh. "C'mon, chief, we're hardly in kindergarten anymore."

"Really Taylor how are you ever gonna get laid in those" Michael looked too and laughed along with Ryan, because really, they were ridiculous pajamas. Joe turned to smile at Tay, caught up in the laughter and smirking at his girlfriend.

"Yeah, Tay, what's with the whole cat thing anyway? You've got like ... cats on everything. It's kind of childish, you know? You're twenty five, how do you expect to wear kitty cat pajamas to bed."

He would never have said something like that if he'd been on his own, and both he and Taylor knew it. Joe had just been caught up in the moment and wanting to side with his friends, that he didn't care that he'd just said something really mean.

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