"I'm Allergic!"

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Taylor and Joe are only on their 3rd date in this one :)


Joe stared lovingly at the girl sitting across him. Whoever saw him, they'd think he was a fool in love... and yeah, he was. He was crazy about Taylor and he couldn't hide it.

"Wow, Joe..." Taylor spoke and took Joe out of his silly thoughts to pay attention to her, who was taking a big bite out of a sandwich she had in her hands. "This sandwich is so good, I can't believe you know how to make this," Joe smiled brightly and nodded in agreement because yeah, he had made the sandwich they had just started eating and he felt giddy at Taylor's praises.

"I know, right! Never tasted so nice before. They taste better being here with you, T'." he commented and Taylor smiled a bit, hiding her embarrassment, making him cheer internally.

Earlier that day, Joe had decided it was a great day to go on a date with his girlfriend, the sky was clear and the breeze was blowing lightly, just perfect for his date, and after begging and begging endlessly, Taylor had reluctantly accepted to go on a date with him. He had hugged his her tightly, thanking her knowing how difficult it was for them to go out in public.

So there they were, having a nice picnic date, that even if Taylor wouldn't admit it, she was having a pleasant time talking with Joe and enjoying the view of the beautiful secluded part of one of the many parks in London.

"This is so nice, Joe. What do you put in them? I want to try cooking one of these to my family some day," Taylor asked as she took a second eager bite. Joe just smiled and happily answered the question.

"I think they have butter, tomatoes, olive oil, pineapple, ham, and –"

Joe couldn't finish his sentence because Taylor had opened her eyes comically as he listed the sandwich's ingredients. He stopped talking and could only stare at Taylor, expecting a reaction that would tell him what was wrong with what he had just said.

"Did you say pineapples?" Taylor asked in a worried tone, as she swallowed, seeming to be out of his shock. Joe nodded his head, still not getting what was wrong. Did she not like pineaples?

"Is something wrong, ?" he was starting to get concerned. Had he screwed up? So soon?

"Joe... I'm allergic to pineapples," Taylor said in a tiny voice and Joe immediately halted, now looking scared and about to panic big time.

Her hands began to shake as she looked around the park hoping to not see anyone near. 

"T'! Oh my..." he said but stopped when he saw her rushing to pick up the bag she had brought with her.

He didn't know how to act as he saw Taylor looking frantically for something inside the bag. Joe didn't need to be a doctor to know that maybe the thing Taylor was looking for was allergies medicine or something. He felt powerless and dumb for not knowing what to do. He wasn't good at reacting under stressing situations, that was clear.

He knew it was bad when Taylor closed the bag quickly and set it aside furiously.

"Are you ok, Tay?" the confident tone Joe always seemed to use was gone, being replaced by shaky voice. What had he done?

"I'm not feeling ok, Joe," Taylor murmured as she trembled a bit, as if she had the goosebumps, and Joe immediately jumped from his spot to go and aid his pale-looking girlfriend.

"What do you feel, ?" Joe asked, putting a shaky hand on the small of her back. The other going to Taylor's face, trying to feel is she had fever or if she was sweating. Don't blame him... he had no idea what to do in such situation!

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