Shower Relaxation**Smut**

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I was kind of just experimenting with this one soo enjoy!


He always knew how to lift her spirits, whether she wanted them lifted or not. Sh had dressed for the work party, already exhausted from possibly the worst week in her professional life. To have to then go out and 'socialise' with everyone in her circle seemed like some kind of ironic torture. She had a black cocktail dress on, her hair pinned up, and she had just strapped on the red pumps when Joe walked into the house they had bought together the year before.

"What," he said in a high pitch tone. "Babe! You're killin' me."

She smiled and shook her head. He held a hand out and helped her stand. She was in the kitchen and he rearranged their bodies into a position ready for waltzing. Then, he started to pull her around the table in a dance that was probably meant to be the waltz, but certainly was not. Taylor was amused but tired.

"Joe!" She said slowly. He stopped and looked down at her. "I am so tired. Please give me a reason to not have to go to this stupid party,"

"Aw, love. I'm sorry. Isn't it super important though? Good for the career, innit?" he asked, pulling her into his arms and holding up her weight. She closed her eyes and felt like she could fall asleep right then and there. She made a sound that meant yes. "You know I'd love for you to stay here all night but, come on, I'll drive you,"

"No, it's alright," she told him. Taylor stood straight and put her bag over her shoulder.

"Nah, love, don't want you driving like this. I'll drop you, and just call me when you're done,"

"Joe, you don't want to have to wait around all night to come and get me," she said while he was already on his way out of the room, twirling his keys on his index finger. Joe was nothing if not persistent and stubborn. The conversation was over, and she happy in the front seat of Van's car.

As expected, the party was boring and her feet hurt and she spent most of the time eating the canapes. After the first few people left, she took her opportunity and messaged Joe. When he rolled up out front twenty minutes later and she tumbled into the front seat, it was the greatest moment of relief she'd ever experienced. Joe pulled her shoes off and curled her legs up on the seat with her. Felling the winter chill, and Joe put his jacket from the back seat over her when he was stopped at a red light. As he did, she grabbed his hand and put it on her thigh. For the rest of the drive he rubbed her leg gently while she slept.

When the car engine's familiar rumble stopped, she woke up. Joe was opening her door before she even moved. "Come on, arms up," he said gently, as he scooped her up and carried her inside. "Need you to unlock the door," and he jingled the keys so she knew where to reach for. It took her a moment in her sleepy haze, but you did it. He walked through the dark house and put her straight on the bed. He disappeared for a few minutes before returning with one of her makeup wipes. As he cleaned the foundation off her skin, she giggled. "Look, every time you sleep in it, you wake up complaining ," he explained. God, she loved him. He pulled her dress over her head awkwardly, eliciting more giggles, then helped her into an old tshirt. He pulled the blanket up over her and tucked her in. He kissed her on the forehead before disappearing again.


Taylor woke up still feeling tired; it was hard to open her eyes. She turned around in bed to find Joe wide awake. He was writing in one of the many journals he left scattered around the house. He closed the book and snuggled back under the covers soaking up her warmth.

"How you feelin'?" he asked, thankfully whispering. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and her nuzzled into his hand.

"Still tired,"

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