Nightime Loving

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Timeline: They havent started dating yet but both really like eachother.

Pretend Gigi is Joe's best friend
Taylor had agreed to watch an older film with Joe and Gigi, but she very quickly came to the harsh realization that she was someone who really needed the color that was in films.

"I don't know how you guys do it, this black and white is killing me. At least put on some Charlie Chaplain," she complained gesturing to the television and Gigi couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatics.

"Just give it a minute," Joe told her, and she figured she might as well. She didn't make it far into the film, however, because she fell asleep.

"Look, I'm just going to say it, you guys are cute," Gigi admitted and Joe went from looking at Taylor asleep on his arm to Gigi with a glare.

She couldn't help herself from giving all types of suggestive eyebrow wiggles, and small comments every now and then.

"Shut up." Joe said, trying to hide his smirking face.

Gigi put her hands up defensively, going back to the movie, and she smiled some. The movie eventually ended, and the Gigi got up leaving, she patted Joe on the shoulder sympathetically as she walked out. She knew Joe well enough to know that he had never cared as much for a girl as he did Taylor. Even in the short amount of time they'd known each other.

Joe looked to her sleeping figure and repositioned himself slowly and gently before closing his own eyes. The both of them had slept peacefully for a few hours before she began to stir.

She opened her eyes, and blinked a few times before realizing she was tucked into Joe. She lifted her head off of his chest but stopped noticing his arm around her waist. If she weren't still half asleep her stomach probably would have been doing flips at the contact. Instead, it just put a small smile on her face.

She picked up his hand trying to move carefully so she didn't wake him up, but he stirred some before opening his eyes. She gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Apologizing softly, and he shrugged running a hand over his face.

"It's fine," he mumbled, his hand making its way through his hair. She finished standing up, grabbing her phone off the table and checking the time. "What time is it?"

        "Three in the morning."

        "Well, a few hours of sleep are better than none," he said with a false smile, and she looked to him sympathetically.

        "Joe, do you like hot chocolate," she asked, and he shrugged.

        "I'm not sure, honestly."

        "Great, then now is a perfect time to try it, come on." He looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and she nodded her head in the direction of the door.

        He stood up following her. She got to the kitchen, starting to make the hot chocolates, but she decided it wasn't going to just be basic hot chocolate. She was going to pull out all the stops and make it pretty. Mostly to keep Joe busy and give him something to do.

       While she was waiting on your milk to finish getting warm, she ate some of the whip cream straight from the can, and Joe chuckled some.

        "Don't knock it 'till she try it," she said mouthful of whip cream as she held the can out to him. He copied what she had done, but clearly wasn't expecting it to be as much as it was causing, her to laugh.

       "When I said try it, I didn't mean half the can, Joe."

       "It's not my fault. You could've warned me," he mumbled back before finally getting all the whip cream down.

       "Well, I just assumed you knew how to swallow," she responded chuckling as she began mixing the coco powder and the milk. After she poured it into the cup she looked to Joe. "Top me off, Barnes."

        "Top you off?"7

         "Yeah, put some of that whip cream on top of these bad boys."

          He snorted, but did it anyway and she added candy canes to each of them along with chocolate shavings. She went on the search for some straws and eventually found some grinning, glancing back to Joe.

         "Blue or purple?"

         "Blue, I guess."

         "Great, then I'll get purple."

         She put the straws in the drinks and both took a sip. Joe seemed to enjoy the hot chocolate more than she expected.

         "You know what would make this better," he asked, and she shook your head, "If they were alcoholic."

         She laughed and sat down. Joe followed and the both of them sat talking about nothing in particular or sitting in silence for short period of time every now and then.

         "Hey, Joe," she asked at one point and he raised his eyebrows glancing at her, but their faces were so close together that her question fell flat and she quickly fished for a new one. "Do you know you have beautiful eyes?"

        "I think I'm supposed to ask you that."

        "Only if you were trying to flirt with me, and it wouldn't be a question it would be a statement."

        "In that case, you have beautiful eyes," he whispered and the space in between them seemed to get smaller and smaller until their lips met his.

        The kiss was slow, soft, and gentle. When she pulled away her eyes opened slowly and she looked to Joe with a small smile.

       "If I find out this is a dream, I'm going to be really mad, and upset."

       "Do you typically dream about me and hot chocolate," he asked as he softly ran his hand over her cheek.

       "More or less. So, maybe another kiss to make sure it's real," she offered, and he smiled the smallest smile before kissing him again.

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