First Task: Dragons

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Remi's POV

It's been twenty four days since the champions were chosen. A lot has happened since then. Harry sent a letter to Sirius while I sent one to my dad. Everyone aside from Hermione, the adults and I believe he entered himself into the competition. Even Ron thinks he did it, so now they are not talking.

I have been spending my free time with Eddie. We played soccer, he helped me with my potions homework, and we just enjoyed each others company. Harry doesn't seem to like me spending alone time with a fifth year. But he's fine with me hanging out with the twins, who are in their sixth year.

Anyway on the thirteenth Mr Ollivander came to examine all the champions wands. Making sure they were all in working order for the tournament. A news reporter and photographer also came to interview the champions.

It was Rita Skeeter. Her article was practically all about Harry. She wrote nothing but lies. Saying he was twelve instead of fourteen. Saying he still cries at night over his parents deaths. Also said he's dating Hermione.

Anyway on the eighteenth of November there was a full moon. Dad, Padfoot and I spent it in the forest of Dean. Where we played tag, play fought, hide and seek. It was a great Friday night. We stayed up and watched the sunset. Before going to an abandoned hunting cabin to sleep.

The following weekend I was  still tired from the full moon and all the homework I had to do. It didn't help that on Wednesday and Thursday night I went pranking with the twins. So I decided to skip my first official Hogsmeade visit and caught up on sleep. Before doing my weekend homework.

But it's now time for the first task. Which is dragons. I saw them in the forest last night when I decided to go for a run. Hermione had been helping Harry perfect accio. I don't know how that'll help him battle a dragon. But I know the dragon tamers are on standby if needed. So none of the champions would get hurt.

Hermione and I wished Harry good luck. Hermione reminding him to concentrate. Rita's photographer took a photo of Hermione hugging Harry. Then Hermione and I went to our seats to watch the first task.

Cedric was the first person up, going against the Swedish Short-snout. He transfigured a boulder into a dog to distract the mother dragon. So that he could get the golden egg the champions had to retrieve. It worked. But he still got burned by the dragon. The judges gave him scores out of ten each. Cedric then went to the medical tent to be treated by Madame Pomfrey.

Once the dragon tamers swapped the short-snout for the Welsh Green. Fleur entered the arena. She used her veela magic to make it fall asleep. She retrieved the egg when the dragon let out a stream of fire as it snored. Setting her skirt on fire. She bite her lip to keep herself from screaming and put out the fire with her wand. Before receiving her score and went to the medical tent.

The Welsh Green was swapped for a Chinese Fireball. A beautiful red dragon that lives in Chine and spits balls of fire. Viktor Krum faced it. He used a curse to blind a dragon. But it made the dragon panic and squish a few eggs. He lost points for that. But he did retrieve the golden egg.

The final dragon was a Hungarian Horn-tail. It's said to be the most dangerous of all dragon breeds. And Harry had to face it alone. He summoned his Firebolt. He used it to out maneuver the mother dragon and retrieved the golden egg. But as he flew away he got hit by the dragon's spiked tail.

However, he wasn't to serious. He tied with Viktor Krum with the points he got. Ron finally admitted to believing that Harry didn't put his name into the Goblet of Fire. So now the trio are all talking to each other again.

Anyway Harry and the other champions were told by Ludo Bagman. That the golden egg held the clue to the next task. Explaining what it was they had to do. Also that the next task would take place on February 24th. When Harry opened the egg all we heard were screeches. One of his dorm mates thought he'd have to face a banshee. But it didn't sound like a banshee cry to me.

A few days later the Yule Ball was announced. Those in fourth year and above would be allowed to attend. A younger student can only go if someone from fourth year and higher asked them. It's be held on Christmas night. So I decided to go spend the Christmas holidays with Dad and Sirius. But things don't always go to plan.


Picture above of the dragons and picture on the external link of the golden egg.

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