Potions and Transfiguration

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Remi's POV

Ginny and I headed to Transfiguration while Hermione went to Charms. "Hey Ginny, you didn't write about my heritage in that dairy, did you?" I ask her. As we continued on our way to class with me leading the way.

"Yes I did, sorry" Ginny says guilty.

"That's fine, besides practically everyone knows including the people I don't want to know. Know my heritage" I assure her with a smile. We entered the class and sat at the front as we waited for the class to begin.

"I forget, which families are you related to by marriage again?" she asks.

"Flint, Gaunt, Greengrass, Lestrange, Malfoy, Peverell, Potter and Weasley" I answer.

"Again how do you remember that?" she asks.

"Like I said it's written in a magical book and I read it at least once every year. To see if I have any new relatives. By blood or marriage" I explain as Professor McGonagall enters the class room. "So there's hardly any pureblood or halfblood, I'm not related too" I add.

"Silence class, now this year we'll be learning Transfiguration of small objects. But you also learn the theory and history behind transfiguration. This lesson I want you to read the first chapter and answer the questions on the board" McGonagall explains. Ginny and I open our books, but I write the questions down first leaving space for answers underneath. Before I started to read the chapter then answer the in a different coloured ink. Black for questions, blue for answers and then the teacher marks it in red ink.

"Remi what's the answer to question four?" Ginny asks part way through the class.

"Paragraph five on page seven wand movements" I tell her where to find the answer.

"Thanks Remi" Ginny smiles and goes to the right page. There were only ten questions, but there was 13 pages in the first chapter. Some pages have more then one answer to more then one question. So you need to read the pages carefully to find the answers to each question. I've read all my course books and some of my father's old books. But I haven't rememberize them like Hermione has.

"Ok everyone class ends in five minutes, please hand up a copy of your answers and I'll give you the results next lesson. However, if you haven't finished them copy the questions down and finish it for homework" McGonagall tells us. Ginny, Luna and I give her a copy of our work. We had this class with Ravenclaw and Colin didn't finish though.

"Remi, can you and Ginny help me answer the questions?" Colin asks as we head to Potions.

"Sure we will" I tell him and Ginny nods her head in agreement. We reach the dungeon where the potions classroom is and waited with some other students outside. I saw that we had this class with Slytherins and I groan in annoyance. It was bad enough a Slytherin and former deatheater was teaching this class, now I had to deal with the spawn of deatheaters.

I'm just glad Professor Snape is on our side and will be able to keep his house at bay. Professor Snape appeared and opened the door for us. "Slytherins sit in the front please and Gryffindors in the back" he tells us. "This lesson you'll read the first chapter of your course books and then fill in a work sheet. Which you'll then use Thursday to make a cure for boils" he explains after telling us the rules.

"Now just so you don't forget the rules, copy them down from the board. No one leaves until I see that they've written them down" he adds. He waved his wand at the black board and the rules appear there. I start writing them down first before reading the first chapter of the course book. He called the role as we began to work.

"Ah Miss Lupin our new princess" he states and looks at me while I glare at him.

"I do not like that title sir and would prefer it if you just called me Miss Lupin" I tell him.

"Of course, but only if you answer this question correctly" he tells me and I nod my head. "What potions are powdered moonstone used in?" he asks.

"The draught of peace and several love potions" I answer after thinking about it. I remember reading in the ingredient chapter, that had a list of all the ingredients in the book and want potions they are used in. I've always liked moonstones, they remind me of the moon and I actually have moonstone necklace. Which used to belong to my mother before the deatheaters killed her.

"Well done Miss Lupin" is all he said and I went back to copy down his rules. The rest of class was uneventful and Ginny went back to the dorm to write in her dairy. Meanwhile I took Colin on a tour of the school when an eagle owl landed on my shoulder. I recognized Charlie's hand writing on the letter and thanked the owl.

"Whose that from?" Colin asks.

"An old friend" I tell him smiling as I read the letter. Charlie was just congratulating me on being in Gryffindor and to watch out for the Slytherins. He also invited me to Romania for the summer holidays. He said we could also go visit Bill in Egypt if I wanted too. "Come on, let's go have lunch while I write a reply to my friend" I tell Colin.

"Sure, I want to get a picture of Harry Potter" he states holding up his camera.

"I'll introduce you" I tell him and he smiles broadly at me. We went to the great hall and I introduced him to Harry. Before going to sit down next to Ginny who'd stopped writing in her dairy. Colin soon joins us and Luna said hello as she passed us to her table. I just picked up a pp & j sandwich with a glass of milk. Then lead the other three (Luna, Ginny and Colin) to our next lesson charms.


Picture above of Remi's mother's moonstone necklace.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now