Third Task: Maze

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Remi's POV

So it's been seventeen weeks since the final task and a lot has happened since then. Rita is still writing lies about Harry and Hermione. If I get my hands on her, I'm going to use her for a chew toy. Uncle Padfoot had returned to Hogwarts. I went to see him with the trio.

The following day. We went to see Dobby and Winky in the kitchens. I got some free cookies and milk. While the other three asked Winky about Barty Crouch. Afterwards we took some food to send to Uncle Padfoot.

The rest of had our exams. Which Harry was excused from, being champion and all. Harry found out the final task was a maze he had to find his way through to the center. Where the cup would be. He'd enter first with Cedric, then Viktor and Fleur. The first to the cup wins. In between studying for exams, Ron, Hermoine and I helped Harry prepare for the task.

You're probably wondering how Eddie and I are. Well we're just friends. Though his friends tease him constantly about it. As my dad and Uncle Padfoot teased me. But Eddie and I kissed. Neither of us felt sparks, so we agreed to stay friends and he's helped me study for exams. Which I passed them all.

Barty Crouch died and no one knows who killed him. He appeared when the champions were showed the maze. Harry and Viktor had been walking alone in the forest talking about Hermione when he appeared. Harry went to get Dumbledore. By the time he got back to where he'd left Viktor and Crouch. Viktor was stunned and Crouch was missing. Moody was sent to find Crouch and found him dead.

Anyway it's time for the third and final task. The Maze. Bill and Mrs Weasley had appeared to cheer Harry on. So I'm sitting with them, Ron and Hermione as we all gathered for the final task. Ludo is commentating as usual.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each - Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" he announces. The cheers and applause from our school sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky.

"In second place, with eighty points - Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause. "And in third place - Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!" and more applause. "Now they're task is simple, work their way through the maze in search of the Triwizard Cup. Which was placed in the center by Professor Moody" he states.

"Mr Potter and Mr Diggory will go in first, followed five minutes later by Viktor and then another five minutes later Miss Delacour will enter the maze" he explains. "Now teachers will be patrolling perimeter of the maze. Should a champion get into trouble they can't handle. They simply must shot red sparks into the air and they'll be brought out. Once a champion finds the cup, they shout blue sparks into the air. Signalling the end of the tournament" he tells us.

"So. . . on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" he tells them. He counts down from three, then blows the whistle. Harry and Cedric enter the maze. Five minutes later, the whistle sounds again and Viktor enters. Then Fleur enters five minutes later.

"So any bets?" Fred asks.

"George!" Mrs Weasley snaps.

"I'm not George, he is" Fred whines.

"Honestly, you call yourself our mother?" George asks.

"Sorry George, no betting Fred" she states.

"But mum" the twins whine and she gives them a firm look. "Fine" they groan. "Exploding snap?" they ask the group. Bill and Lee said they'd play. They play the Bavaria version of exploding snap. I prefer the classic version.

"So how have you been Remi dear?" Mrs Weasley asks me.

"I've been good, finished my exams and believe I passed everything" I tell her.

"What about this Eddie I've heard about?" she asks and the twins chuckle. I give them a pointed look.

"No matter what you've heard, we're just friends" I tell her. "He just took his OWLs" I state.

"So no boys have caught your eye?" she asks.

"I'm thirteen, nearly fourteen" I remind her.

"Ginny's had a crush on Harry since before she started school" George states. Mrs Weasley whacks him behind the head. "Ow, sorry mum" he mumbles. He gets back to his game.

"There you guys are" a familiar voice says.

"Oliver!" I cheer and hug him.

"Hey Remi" he says with a bright smile.

"Glad you could make it man" Fred says.

"Thought you were busy" George adds as Oliver greeted everyone.

"Then training was post-pone until the day after tomorrow. As Joscelind's sister gave birth a couple weeks early" he states. "I take it, all the champions are inside" he says as he sits beside me.

"Yep, just a waiting game now" Mrs Weasley states.

"It's boring" Ron says.

"You think we weren't bored while you all were in the lake?" I ask as Hermione reads.

"Ron, a game?" Ginny asks pulling out a Wizard Chess set. Ron agrees and they set up.

"I didn't know you were coming" I say to Oliver with a smile.

"Didn't know I was until an hour ago and I wanted it to be a surprise" he tells me.

"Well I am pleasantly surprised" I tell him.

"How did you like the ball?" he asks me.

"It was fun and Eddie was a complete gentleman" I tell him.

"Ah yes, I heard you'd be hanging out with him" he says.

"We're just friends, nothing romantic at all" I assure him. "What about you? I heard a rumor you were hooking up with one of the chasers" I say in a teasing tone.

"I've not hooked up with anyone" he says with a chuckle. As red sparks appear. "What's that mean?" he asks as two professors went to investigate.

"That a champion is in trouble and being brought out of the maze" Hermione states. Soon the professors appear with a stunned Fleur. "Is she alright?" Hermione asks.

"She looks stunned" I state.

"Can they do that?" Ginny asks and we shrug. Not five minutes later, more red sparks appears. And an unconscious Viktor is brought out of the maze. Us Hogwarts student chatter excitedly. Because no matter what, we've won the cup. The twins start to plan a party.

"So aside from the tournament, anything interesting happen this year?" Oliver asks me.

"Not really, no. Will nothing, you haven't already heard about" I state. We have to wait another half hour until two people appear in front of the maze with the cup. We all cheer as the band starts to play. But my inner wolf was telling me something was wrong.

Which was confirmed when someone from the front screamed in horror. Soon a wave of Cedric Diggory is dead went through the crowd. Mr and Mrs Diggory ran to his side. As Dumbledore pulled Harry away from him. After talking to him briefly, he went to talk to the ministry officials as Moody took Harry away.

"Somethings wrong, Moody wouldn't take Harry away at a time like this" I state.

"Lets go tell Dumbledore" Oliver tells me. We did so and Dumbledore left with McGonagall & Snape. Us students were then sent to our dorm rooms. I hugged Oliver goodbye before leaving with the others.


Picture above the maze and picture on the external link of the champions.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now