Grim Defeat

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Remi's POV

After sleeping in the great hall a new portrait to guard the common room until the Fat Lady's one is repaired. Sir Cadogan is the new portrait and he changes the password twice a day. Spends half his time challenging the guys to duels and the other half coming up with new ridiculous passwords.

I haven't had much luck with Buckbeak's case. Due to not being allowed to leave the school grounds. I'm not even allowed to go to the trail even though Hagrid will be there to look after me. I'm no longer grounded though, so I can send letters. As long as Hagrid remembers what Hermione and I give him. Then Buckbeak should get off, hopefully.

Also Snape took over dad's classes for a day. As it was the day after a full moon and dad was to tired to teach. Even though I wasn't tired, I was excused from lessons. I managed to prove my theory though on how Hermione was getting to all her classes. As I so her use her time turner. Anyway at lunch Harry told me how they were given an essay on identifying werewolves by Snape. Is he trying to get my dad fired and me expelled?

Anyway it's time for the first quidditch match of the season. Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Draco is still pretending his arm is injured so Gryffindor won't be facing Slytherin. Like they've been training for since school started. But I have faith in our team. It's also going to be raining during the match. Usually I love rain, but it's going to make it hard to watch the match.

The game started once the teams took to the air. Harry raising fast on his Nimbus. He and the others were soon completely soaked. I tried to keep track of Harry while listening to Lee's commentary. Gryffindor was fifty points ahead when Oliver called for a time out and took the team under a shelter to talk. Hermione disappeared and reappeared shortly after play resumed.

"Where were you?" I ask her confused.

"I put a water repelling charm on Harry's glasses, so that he could see better" she states. I nod my head and we go back to watching the match. While listening to the commentary again. I''m watching Harry again as he and Cedric spot the snitch. They fly into the clouds out of view as the others continue to play.

When it suddenly' gets colder then before. I look up and see dark figures in the clouds. I draw my wand and point it towards the sky saying "Expecto Patronum". My silvery wolf shots out of and towards the clouds illuminating the sky. To reveal not only Cedric had caught the snitch. But dementors but someone falling through the clouds.

"Harry!" Hermione screams and we look at his falling figure in horror. Dumbledore stands and slows Harry down. Then puts Harry on a stretcher sending him to the hospital wing, sending the dementors back to their posts and having several teachers go with the Gryffindor. team to look for Harry's broom. Hufflepuff were declared the winners, even Cedric tried to ask for a rematch. But he caught the snitch fair and square.

Anyway I gathered with the other two and Gryffindor team around Harry's bed after his broken broom was found. "Lucky the ground was so soft" Hermione states.

"And for Dumbledore's quick thinking" I add.

"He didn't even break his glasses" the twins state. Harry suddenly opens his eyes and see us all standing around him. Fred asks him how he felt. But Harry asked us what happened.

"You fell, like fifty feet" Kate states.

"We thought you were dead" Alicia adds.

"But the match, what happened? Are we doing a replay?" Harry asks us.

"Cedric caught the snitch, just after you fell" I tell him.

"He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square...even Wood admits it" George explains.

"Where is Oliver anyway?" I ask confused noticing he isn't here with us.

"Still in the showers, we think he's trying to drown himself" Fred states. I frown, shouldn't someone check on him then. I decide to do that after we finish here. We convinced Harry that no one blames him and that Gryffindor still has a chance to win the quidditch camp. But it all depends on points. We also showed him his broken broom and he took it better then expected. Though will need a new broom for Gryffindor's next match in the new year.

(Gryffindor change rooms)

After leaving the hospital wing I head down to the quidditch pitch. To the Gryffindor change room. Thinking Oliver would still be in the captain room changing I decided to wait in the meeting room. Only to see him there shirtless. "So sor rry" I stutter.

"It's fine" he mumbles putting a shirt on. "Remi, right?" he asks me and I nod my head. "What brings you here?" he asks me.

"I heard you might be drowning yourself in the shower, I wanted to make sure you were ok. As your team were preoccupied" I state.

"I'm fine, just never lost a game before with Harry playing" he tells me.

"You place to much pressure on Harry, it's a team that wins a match. Not a single person" I tell him. "You can't always relay on your seeker getting the snitch for your team to win. You must all work together to ensure victory" I state.

"You're very wise" he tells me with a smile. "Do you play quidditch?" he asks me.

"Not really, my uncles did and Charlie Weasley taught me how to play. But I haven't played much since starting school" I tell him. As I sit down across from him.

"What position did he teach you?" he asks me curious.

"Seeker, he always said I had great potential. But I won't ever be as good as Harry without a broom" I tell him shrugging.

"You know after what happened the last two years, we could use a back up seeker. Would you like to try out?" he asks me.

"Why would you ask me that? When you've never seen me play" I state confused.

"Charlie was the best seeker Gryffindor has seen before Harry appeared. If he taught you to be a seeker. Then you are probably just as good as Harry. With a little practice and a descent broom. You could become a great player" he states.

"If you really think I have what it takes, then I'd love to try out. How about the next Hogsmeade Weekend? We can do it in the morning, that way the team can still go to Hogsmeade" I tell him. He agrees and we leave the change room to be meet by the same black dog I was playing with in the forest.

"I didn't know there was a stray dog on school grounds" Oliver says surprised.

"He lives in the forest, I feed him occasionally" I tell him smiling as I pat the dog behind the ear.

"Does he have a name?" he asks while holding a hand out to the dog to smell.

"No, I never thought to give him one. Any ideas?" I ask while he pats the dog's neck.

"Dogs are suppose to have a good sense of smell, why not name him after that?" he suggests.

"What about Snuffles?" I ask him. The dog scrunched up his nose and sneezes. Making Oliver chuckle while I giggle.

"I think Snuffles is a great name for him" he states. "But it's cold out here, we should return to the castle" he tells me. I nod my head and we say goodbye to Snuffles before returning to the castle. Where we return to the common room and he immediately tells the team of my future try outs. And of his new plans on how to help them improve the points they get in matches. I smiled as I sat down beside Ginny and we do our homework.


Picture above of Ron holding Harry's broken broom and gif on the external link of Harry falling off of his broom.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now