Party and Knife

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Remi's POV

I showered and changed into my party outfit before going to the common room. Before I can join the fun though I'm dragging off to the side by the stairs to the boys dorm rooms. I frown and look up to see Oliver. "Remi, I was wondering if we could talk" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"About?" I ask him.

"You kissing my cheek" he says blushing slight and I blush also.

"I was really happy we'd won, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you" I tell him sheepishly.

"No it's fine, I was just surprised" he tells me. I blush avoiding his eyes. He places a hand under my chin and raises my head. "Don't be embarrassed, it was nice" he tells me smiling. "Maybe we could hang out, outside of practice" he suggests.

"I'd like that, lets join the party" I tell him smiling. He smiles and we rejoin the party. I nice Hermione storm off to the girls dorm in tears. "I have to check on Hermione, I'll be back" I tell him. "Save me some butter beer" I add before leaving. I go to Hermione's room and see her crying into her pillow. "Was it Ron again?" I ask her.

"He was talking about Scabbers again" she mumbles wiping her tears away.

"He really needs to get over it, cats kill rats everyday and his rat was old. At least he went peacefully" I state. "He's been sick since the summer holidays and wasn't getting any better. At least if he is dead, he died painlessly" I tell her.

"You're right, though I'm still positive it wasn't Crookshanks" she states.

"So am I, but Ron is stubborn" I remind her. "I'm gonna go rejoin the party, will you be ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna call it a night" she tells me. I nod my head and hug her before returning to the party. The twins pull me onto a table to dance with them. I laugh as I dance. The Gryffindor party ended only when Professor McGonagall turned up in her tartan dressing gown and hair net at one in the morning, to insist that we all go to bed.

Ginny and I returned to our dorm together. We changed into a pjs and did our teeth before crawling into bed. I fell asleep and started to dream. I was dreaming about dad and my first full moon together here since he started teaching.

But suddenly we're woken by a horrible scream. Ginny and I rush downstairs into the common room to see what was wrong. We arrive to see most of the boys downstairs all in their pjs, including Oliver.

"Professor McGonagall told us to go to bed!" Percy yells at us. A few more of the girls had come down their staircase, pulling on dressing gowns and yawning. More boys appear also from their dorm rooms.

"Excellent, are we carrying on?" Fred says smiling.

"Everyone back upstairs!" Percy orders putting on his head boy badge.

"Perce -- Sirius Black! In our dormitory! With a knife! Woke me up!" Ron explains. The common room went very still.

"Nonsense! You had too much to eat, Ron -- had a nightmare" Percy tells him.

"Now, really, enough's enough!" McGonagall shouts as she slams the portrait door. As she entered the common room and stared furiously around. "I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, Remi I expected better of you both!" she exclaims. I bow my head, I don't like upsetting my godmother.

"I certainly didn't authorize this, Professor" Percy tells her.


"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley, how could he possibly have gotten through the portrait hole?" she demands.

"Ask Sir Cadogan" I suggest.

Glaring suspiciously at Ron, Professor McGonagall pushed the portrait back open and went outside. The whole common room listened with bated breath. "Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?" she asks him.

"Certainly, good lady" Sir Cadogan tells her happily. There was a stunned silence, both inside and outside the common room.

"You -- you did? But -- but the password!" McGonagall exclaims.

"He had 'em! Had the whole week's, my lady! Read 'em off a little piece of paper!" Sir Cadogan says proudly. Oh no, Neville you idiot.

Professor McGonagall pulled herself back through the portrait hole to face the stunned crowd. She was white as chalk. "Which person, which abysmally foolish person wrote down this week's passwords and left them lying around?" she demands. There was utter silence, broken by the smallest of terrified squeaks. Neville Longbottom, trembling from head to fluffy slippered toes, raised his hand slowly into the air.

"Professor McGonagall, I want to see my dad" I tell her quietly.

"Of course dear, come with Longbottom and me" she tells me. "The rest of you return to your dorms immediately. I'll have a guard posted at the portrait hole the rest of the night. Then the Fat Lady will return tomorrow" she tells them. They all go to bed as Neville and I follow her. She drops me off at my dad's office and leave with Neville.

I enter and go to his bedroom and enter quietly. I crawl under the cover beside him. "Remi, what's wrong?" he asks me tiredly.

"Uncle Padfoot broke into the common room, nearly stabbed Ron. He's gone now, but I just wanted to be with you" I explain. He pulls me close.

"You're safe now my pup, I won't let him hurt you ever" he promises me. "Go to sleep" he instructs. I snuggle into him and fall into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


Picture above of Remi's party outfit and on the external link of Minerva talking to Sir Cadogan.

Ps I won't be updating this story again until the new year.

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